let tempDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || ''; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import * as httpm from '@actions/http-client'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32'; if (!tempDirectory) { let baseLocation; if (IS_WINDOWS) { // On windows use the USERPROFILE env variable baseLocation = process.env['USERPROFILE'] || 'C:\\'; } else { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { baseLocation = '/Users'; } else { baseLocation = '/home'; } } tempDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'temp'); } export async function getJava( version: string, arch: string, jdkFile: string, javaPackage: string ): Promise<void> { let toolPath = tc.find(javaPackage, version); if (toolPath) { core.debug(`Tool found in cache ${toolPath}`); } else { let compressedFileExtension = ''; if (!jdkFile) { core.debug('Downloading Jdk from Azul'); let http: httpm.HttpClient = new httpm.HttpClient('setup-java'); let contents = await ( await http.get('https://static.azul.com/zulu/bin/') ).readBody(); let refs = contents.match(/<a href.*\">/gi) || []; const downloadInfo = getDownloadInfo(refs, version, javaPackage); jdkFile = await tc.downloadTool(downloadInfo.url); version = downloadInfo.version; compressedFileExtension = IS_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar.gz'; } else { core.debug('Retrieving Jdk from local path'); } compressedFileExtension = compressedFileExtension || getFileEnding(jdkFile); let tempDir: string = path.join( tempDirectory, 'temp_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000000000) ); const jdkDir = await unzipJavaDownload( jdkFile, compressedFileExtension, tempDir ); core.debug(`jdk extracted to ${jdkDir}`); toolPath = await tc.cacheDir( jdkDir, javaPackage, getCacheVersionString(version), arch ); } let extendedJavaHome = 'JAVA_HOME_' + version + '_' + arch; core.exportVariable('JAVA_HOME', toolPath); core.exportVariable(extendedJavaHome, toolPath); core.addPath(path.join(toolPath, 'bin')); } function getCacheVersionString(version: string) { const versionArray = version.split('.'); const major = versionArray[0]; const minor = versionArray.length > 1 ? versionArray[1] : '0'; const patch = versionArray.length > 2 ? versionArray[2] : '0'; return `${major}.${minor}.${patch}`; } function getFileEnding(file: string): string { let fileEnding = ''; if (file.endsWith('.tar')) { fileEnding = '.tar'; } else if (file.endsWith('.tar.gz')) { fileEnding = '.tar.gz'; } else if (file.endsWith('.zip')) { fileEnding = '.zip'; } else if (file.endsWith('.7z')) { fileEnding = '.7z'; } else { throw new Error(`${file} has an unsupported file extension`); } return fileEnding; } async function extractFiles( file: string, fileEnding: string, destinationFolder: string ): Promise<void> { const stats = fs.statSync(file); if (!stats) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract ${file} - it doesn't exist`); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { throw new Error(`Failed to extract ${file} - it is a directory`); } if ('.tar' === fileEnding || '.tar.gz' === fileEnding) { await tc.extractTar(file, destinationFolder); } else if ('.zip' === fileEnding) { await tc.extractZip(file, destinationFolder); } else { // fall through and use sevenZip await tc.extract7z(file, destinationFolder); } } // This method recursively finds all .pack files under fsPath and unpacks them with the unpack200 tool async function unpackJars(fsPath: string, javaBinPath: string) { if (fs.existsSync(fsPath)) { if (fs.lstatSync(fsPath).isDirectory()) { for (const file in fs.readdirSync(fsPath)) { const curPath = path.join(fsPath, file); await unpackJars(curPath, javaBinPath); } } else if (path.extname(fsPath).toLowerCase() === '.pack') { // Unpack the pack file synchonously const p = path.parse(fsPath); const toolName = IS_WINDOWS ? 'unpack200.exe' : 'unpack200'; const args = IS_WINDOWS ? '-r -v -l ""' : ''; const name = path.join(p.dir, p.name); await exec.exec(`"${path.join(javaBinPath, toolName)}"`, [ `${args} "${name}.pack" "${name}.jar"` ]); } } } async function unzipJavaDownload( repoRoot: string, fileEnding: string, destinationFolder: string, extension?: string ): Promise<string> { // Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist await io.mkdirP(destinationFolder); const jdkFile = path.normalize(repoRoot); const stats = fs.statSync(jdkFile); if (stats.isFile()) { await extractFiles(jdkFile, fileEnding, destinationFolder); const jdkDirectory = path.join( destinationFolder, fs.readdirSync(destinationFolder)[0] ); await unpackJars(jdkDirectory, path.join(jdkDirectory, 'bin')); return jdkDirectory; } else { throw new Error(`Jdk argument ${jdkFile} is not a file`); } } function getDownloadInfo( refs: string[], version: string, javaPackage: string ): {version: string; url: string} { version = normalizeVersion(version); let extension = ''; if (IS_WINDOWS) { extension = `-win_x64.zip`; } else { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { extension = `-macosx_x64.tar.gz`; } else { extension = `-linux_x64.tar.gz`; } } let pkgRegexp = new RegExp(''); let pkgTypeLength = 0; if (javaPackage === 'jdk') { pkgRegexp = /jdk.*-/gi; pkgTypeLength = 'jdk'.length; } else if (javaPackage == 'jre') { pkgRegexp = /jre.*-/gi; pkgTypeLength = 'jre'.length; } else if (javaPackage == 'jdk+fx') { pkgRegexp = /fx-jdk.*-/gi; pkgTypeLength = 'fx-jdk'.length; } else { throw new Error( `package argument ${javaPackage} is not in [jdk | jre | jdk+fx]` ); } // Maps version to url let versionMap = new Map(); // Filter by platform refs.forEach(ref => { if (!ref.endsWith(extension + '">')) { return; } // If we haven't returned, means we're looking at the correct platform let versions = ref.match(pkgRegexp) || []; if (versions.length > 1) { throw new Error( `Invalid ref received from https://static.azul.com/zulu/bin/: ${ref}` ); } if (versions.length == 0) { return; } const refVersion = versions[0].slice(pkgTypeLength, versions[0].length - 1); if (semver.satisfies(refVersion, version)) { versionMap.set( refVersion, 'https://static.azul.com/zulu/bin/' + ref.slice('<a href="'.length, ref.length - '">'.length) ); } }); // Choose the most recent satisfying version let curVersion = '0.0.0'; let curUrl = ''; for (const entry of versionMap.entries()) { const entryVersion = entry[0]; const entryUrl = entry[1]; if (semver.gt(entryVersion, curVersion)) { curUrl = entryUrl; curVersion = entryVersion; } } if (curUrl == '') { throw new Error( `No valid download found for version ${version} and package ${javaPackage}. Check https://static.azul.com/zulu/bin/ for a list of valid versions or download your own jdk file and add the jdkFile argument` ); } return {version: curVersion, url: curUrl}; } function normalizeVersion(version: string): string { if (version.slice(0, 2) === '1.') { // Trim leading 1. for versions like 1.8 version = version.slice(2); if (!version) { throw new Error('1. is not a valid version'); } } if (version.endsWith('-ea')) { // convert e.g. 14-ea to 14.0.0-ea if (version.indexOf('.') == -1) { version = version.slice(0, version.length - 3) + '.0.0-ea'; } // match anything in -ea.X (semver won't do .x matching on pre-release versions) if (version[0] >= '0' && version[0] <= '9') { version = '>=' + version; } } else if (version.split('.').length < 3) { // For non-ea versions, add trailing .x if it is missing if (version[version.length - 1] != 'x') { version = version + '.x'; } } return version; }