This GitHub action sets up [GraalVM Community Edition][repo] and GraalVM components such as [Native Image][native-image] and [Truffle languages][truffle-languages].
| `version`<br>*(required)* | n/a | `X.Y.Z` (e.g., `21.3.0`) for a specific [GraalVM release][releases]<br>`latest` for [latest stable release][stable],<br>`dev` for [latest dev build][dev-build],<br>`mandrel-X.Y.Z` (e.g., `mandrel-`) for a specific [Mandrel release][mandrel-releases],<br>`mandrel-latest` for [latest Mandrel stable release][mandrel-stable]. |
| `java-version`<br>*(required)* | n/a | `'11'` or `'17'` for a specific Java version.<br>(`'8'` and `'16'` are supported for GraalVM 21.2 and earlier.) |
| `components` | `''` | Comma-spearated list of GraalVM components (e.g., `native-image` or `ruby,nodejs`) that will be installed by the [GraalVM Updater][gu]. |
| `github-token` | `''` | Token for communication with the GitHub API. Please set to `${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}` (see [templates](#templates)) to allow the action to authenticate with the GitHub API, which helps to reduce rate limiting issues. |
| `set-java-home` | `'true'` | If set to `'true'`, instructs the action to set `$JAVA_HOME` to the path of the GraalVM installation. |
| `native-image-musl` | `'false'` | If set to `'true'`, sets up [musl] for building [static images][native-image-static] with GraalVM Native Image *(Linux only)*. [Example usage][native-image-musl-build] (be sure to replace `uses: ./` with `uses: graalvm/setup-graalvm@v1`). |