This GitHub action sets up [Oracle GraalVM][graalvm-medium], GraalVM [Community Edition (CE)][repo], [Enterprise Edition (EE)][graalvm-ee], [Mandrel][mandrel], or [Liberica Native Image Kit][liberica] as well as [Native Image][native-image] and GraalVM components such as [Truffle languages][truffle-languages].
## Migrating from GraalVM 22.3 or Earlier to the New GraalVM for JDK 17 and Later
The [GraalVM for JDK 17 and JDK 20 release]( aligns the GraalVM version scheme with OpenJDK.
As a result, this action no longer requires the `version` option to select a specific GraalVM version.
At the same time, it introduces a new `distribution` option to select a specific GraalVM distribution (`graalvm`, `graalvm-community`, or `mandrel`).
Therefore, to migrate your workflow to use the latest GraalVM release, replace the `version` with the `distribution` option in the workflow `yml` config, for example:
# ...
- uses: graalvm/setup-graalvm@v1
java-version: '17'
version: '22.3.2' # Old 'version' option for the GraalVM version
# ...
can be replaced with:
# ...
- uses: graalvm/setup-graalvm@v1
java-version: '17.0.7' # for a specific JDK 17; or '17' for the latest JDK 17
distribution: 'graalvm' # New 'distribution' option
| `github-token` | `'${{ github.token }}'` | Token for communication with the GitHub API. Please set this to `${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}` (see [templates](#templates)) to allow the action to authenticate with the GitHub API, which helps reduce rate-limiting issues. |
| `set-java-home` | `'true'` | If set to `'true'`, instructs the action to set `$JAVA_HOME` to the path of the GraalVM installation. Overrides any previous action or command that sets `$JAVA_HOME`. |
| `cache` | `''` | Name of the build platform to cache dependencies. Turned off by default (`''`). It can also be `'maven'`, `'gradle'`, or `'sbt'` and works the same way as described in [actions/setup-java][setup-java-caching]. |
| `native-image-musl` | `'false'` | If set to `'true'`, sets up [musl] to build [static binaries][native-image-static] with GraalVM Native Image *(Linux only)*. [Example usage][native-image-musl-build] (be sure to replace `uses: ./` with `uses: graalvm/setup-graalvm@v1`). |
| `native-image-job-reports` *) | `'false'` | If set to `'true'`, post a job summary containing a Native Image build report. |
| `native-image-pr-reports` *) | `'false'` | If set to `'true'`, post a comment containing a Native Image build report on pull requests. Requires `write` permissions for the [`pull-requests` scope][gha-permissions]. |
| `native-image-pr-reports-update-existing` *) | `'false'` | Instead of posting another comment, update an existing PR comment with the latest Native Image build report. Requires `native-image-pr-reports` to be `true`. |
| `components` | `''` | Comma-separated list of GraalVM components (e.g., `native-image` or `ruby,nodejs`) that will be installed by the [GraalVM Updater][gu]. |
| `version` | `''` | `X.Y.Z` (e.g., `22.3.0`) for a specific [GraalVM release][releases] up to `22.3.2`<br>`mandrel-X.Y.Z.W` or `X.Y.Z.W-Final` (e.g., `mandrel-` or ``) for a specific [Mandrel release][mandrel-releases],<br>`mandrel-latest` or `latest` for the latest Mandrel stable release. |
| `gds-token` | `''` | Download token for the GraalVM Download Service. If a non-empty token is provided, the action will set up GraalVM Enterprise Edition (see [GraalVM EE template](#template-for-graalvm-enterprise-edition)). |