import {setUpSBOMSupport, processSBOM, INPUT_NI_SBOM, NATIVE_IMAGE_OPTIONS_ENV} from '../src/features/sbom' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as glob from '@actions/glob' import {join} from 'path' import {tmpdir} from 'os' import {mkdtempSync, writeFileSync, rmSync} from 'fs' jest.mock('@actions/glob') // sbom.ts uses glob to find the SBOM file // This helper function mocks the glob module to return 'files' function mockGlobResult(files: string[]) { const mockCreate = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ glob: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(files) }) ;(glob.create as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(mockCreate) } describe('sbom feature', () => { let spyInfo: jest.SpyInstance> let spyWarning: jest.SpyInstance> let spyExportVariable: jest.SpyInstance> let workspace: string beforeEach(() => { workspace = mkdtempSync(join(tmpdir(), 'setup-graalvm-sbom-')) spyInfo = jest.spyOn(core, 'info').mockImplementation(() => null) spyWarning = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning').mockImplementation(() => null) spyExportVariable = jest.spyOn(core, 'exportVariable').mockImplementation(() => null) jest.spyOn(core, 'getInput').mockImplementation((name: string) => { if (name === INPUT_NI_SBOM) { return 'true' } return '' }) }) afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() rmSync(workspace, {recursive: true, force: true}) }) describe('setup', () => { it('should set the SBOM option flag when activated', () => { setUpSBOMSupport() expect(spyExportVariable).toHaveBeenCalledWith( NATIVE_IMAGE_OPTIONS_ENV, expect.stringContaining('--enable-sbom=export') ) expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Enabled SBOM generation for Native Image builds') }) it('should not set the SBOM option flag when not activated', () => { jest.spyOn(core, 'getInput').mockReturnValue('false') setUpSBOMSupport() expect(spyExportVariable).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spyInfo).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) describe('process', () => { const sampleSBOM = { bomFormat: "CycloneDX", specVersion: "1.5", version: 1, serialNumber: "urn:uuid:52c977f8-6d04-3c07-8826-597a036d61a6", components: [ { type: "library", group: "org.json", name: "json", version: "20211205", purl: "pkg:maven/org.json/json@20211205", "bom-ref": "pkg:maven/org.json/json@20211205", properties: [ { name: "syft:cpe23", value: "cpe:2.3:a:json:json:20211205:*:*:*:*:*:*:*" } ] }, { type: "library", group: "", name: "main-test-app", version: "1.0-SNAPSHOT", purl: "pkg:maven/", "bom-ref": "pkg:maven/" } ], dependencies: [ { ref: "pkg:maven/", dependsOn: ["pkg:maven/org.json/json@20211205"] }, { ref: "pkg:maven/org.json/json@20211205", dependsOn: [] } ] } it('should process SBOM file and display components', async () => { setUpSBOMSupport() spyInfo.mockClear() // Mock 'native-image' invocation by creating the SBOM file const sbomPath = join(workspace, 'test.sbom.json') writeFileSync(sbomPath, JSON.stringify(sampleSBOM, null, 2)) mockGlobResult([sbomPath]) await processSBOM() expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Found SBOM file: ' + sbomPath) expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('=== SBOM Content ===') expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Found 2 dependencies:') expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('- json@20211205') expect(spyInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('- main-test-app@1.0-SNAPSHOT') expect(spyWarning).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) it('should handle missing SBOM file', async () => { setUpSBOMSupport() spyInfo.mockClear() mockGlobResult([]) await processSBOM() expect(spyWarning).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'No SBOM file found. Make sure native-image build completed successfully.' ) }) }) })