import * as c from '../constants' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fs from 'fs' import {join} from 'path' import {tmpdir} from 'os' import {createPRComment, isPREvent, toSemVer} from '../utils' import {gte} from 'semver' const BUILD_OUTPUT_JSON_PATH = join(tmpdir(), 'native-image-build-output.json') const BYTES_TO_KiB = 1024 const BYTES_TO_MiB = 1024 * 1024 const BYTES_TO_GiB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 const DOCS_BASE = '' const INPUT_NI_JOB_REPORTS = 'native-image-job-reports' const INPUT_NI_PR_REPORTS = 'native-image-pr-reports' const NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE = join( tmpdir(), '' ) const NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE_ENV = 'NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE' interface AnalysisResult { total: number reachable: number reflection: number jni: number } interface BuildOutput { general_info: { name: string graalvm_version: string java_version: string | null c_compiler: string | null garbage_collector: string } analysis_results: { classes: AnalysisResult fields: AnalysisResult methods: AnalysisResult } image_details: { total_bytes: number code_area: { bytes: number compilation_units: number } image_heap: { bytes: number resources: { count: number bytes: number } } debug_info?: { bytes: number } runtime_compiled_methods?: { count: number graph_encoding_bytes: number } } resource_usage: { cpu: { load: number total_cores: number } garbage_collection: { count: number total_secs: number } memory: { system_total: number peak_rss_bytes: number } } } export async function setUpNativeImageBuildReports( graalVMVersion: string ): Promise { const isRequired = areJobReportsEnabled() || arePRReportsEnabled() if (!isRequired) { return } const isSupported = graalVMVersion === c.VERSION_LATEST || graalVMVersion === c.VERSION_DEV || (!graalVMVersion.startsWith(c.MANDREL_NAMESPACE) && gte(toSemVer(graalVMVersion), '22.2.0')) if (!isSupported) { core.warning( `Build reports for PRs and job summaries are only available in GraalVM 22.2.0 or later. This build job uses GraalVM ${graalVMVersion}.` ) return } setNativeImageOption( `-H:BuildOutputJSONFile=${BUILD_OUTPUT_JSON_PATH.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')}` ) // Escape backslashes for Windows } export function generateReports(): void { if (areJobReportsEnabled() || arePRReportsEnabled()) { if (!fs.existsSync(BUILD_OUTPUT_JSON_PATH)) { core.warning( 'Unable to find build output data to create a report. Are you sure this build job has used GraalVM Native Image?' ) return } const buildOutput: BuildOutput = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(BUILD_OUTPUT_JSON_PATH, 'utf8') ) const report = createReport(buildOutput) if (areJobReportsEnabled()) { core.summary.addRaw(report) core.summary.write() } if (arePRReportsEnabled()) { createPRComment(report) } } } function areJobReportsEnabled(): boolean { return core.getInput(INPUT_NI_JOB_REPORTS) === 'true' } function arePRReportsEnabled(): boolean { return isPREvent() && core.getInput(INPUT_NI_PR_REPORTS) === 'true' } function getNativeImageOptionsFile(): string { let optionsFile = process.env[NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE_ENV] if (optionsFile === undefined) { optionsFile = NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE core.exportVariable(NATIVE_IMAGE_CONFIG_FILE_ENV, optionsFile) } return optionsFile } function setNativeImageOption(value: string): void { const optionsFile = getNativeImageOptionsFile() if (fs.existsSync(optionsFile)) { fs.appendFileSync(optionsFile, ` ${value}`) } else { fs.writeFileSync(optionsFile, `NativeImageArgs = ${value}`) } } function createReport(data: BuildOutput): string { const info = data.general_info const analysis = data.analysis_results const details = data.image_details const debugInfoBytes = details.debug_info ? details.debug_info.bytes : 0 const otherBytes = details.total_bytes - details.code_area.bytes - details.image_heap.bytes - debugInfoBytes let debugInfoLine = '' if (details.debug_info) { debugInfoLine = `\n| [Debug info](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-debug-info) | ${bytesToHuman( debugInfoBytes )} | ${toPercent(debugInfoBytes, details.total_bytes)} | |` } const resources = data.resource_usage return `## Generated \`${}\` using [Native Image]( from ${ info.graalvm_version }. #### Analysis Results | Category | Types | in % | Fields | in % | Methods | in % | |:---------|------:|-----:|-------:|-----:|--------:|-----:| | [Reachable](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-reachability) | ${ analysis.classes.reachable } | ${toPercent(analysis.classes.reachable,} | ${ analysis.fields.reachable } | ${toPercent(analysis.fields.reachable,} | ${ analysis.methods.reachable } | ${toPercent(analysis.methods.reachable,} | | [Reflection](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-reflection-registrations) | ${ analysis.classes.reflection } | ${toPercent(analysis.classes.reflection,} | ${ analysis.fields.reflection } | ${toPercent(analysis.fields.reflection,} | ${ analysis.methods.reflection } | ${toPercent(analysis.methods.reflection,} | | [JNI](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-jni-access-registrations) | ${ analysis.classes.jni } | ${toPercent(analysis.classes.jni,} | ${ analysis.fields.jni } | ${toPercent(analysis.fields.jni,} | ${ analysis.methods.jni } | ${toPercent(analysis.methods.jni,} | | [Loaded](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-reachability) | ${ } | 100.000% | ${} | 100.000% | ${ } | 100.000% | #### Image Details | Category | Size | in % | Details | |:---------|-----:|-----:|:--------| | [Code area](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-code-area)| ${bytesToHuman( details.code_area.bytes )} | ${toPercent(details.code_area.bytes, details.total_bytes)} | ${ details.code_area.compilation_units } compilation units | | [Image heap](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-image-heap) | ${bytesToHuman( details.image_heap.bytes )} | ${toPercent( details.image_heap.bytes, details.total_bytes )} | ${bytesToHuman(details.image_heap.resources.bytes)} for ${ details.image_heap.resources.count } resources |${debugInfoLine} | [Other data](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-other-data) | ${bytesToHuman( otherBytes )} | ${toPercent(otherBytes, details.total_bytes)} | | | Total | **${bytesToHuman(details.total_bytes)}** | 100.000% | | #### Resource Usage | Category | | |:---------|:------| | [GCs](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-garbage-collections) | ${resources.garbage_collection.total_secs.toFixed( 2 )}s in ${resources.garbage_collection.count} GCs | | [Peak RSS](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-peak-rss) | ${bytesToHuman( resources.memory.peak_rss_bytes )} | | [CPU load](${DOCS_BASE}#glossary-cpu-load) | ${resources.cpu.load.toFixed( 3 )} (${toPercent(resources.cpu.load, resources.cpu.total_cores)} of ${ resources.cpu.total_cores } CPU cores) | _Report generated by [setup-graalvm](` } function toPercent(part: number, total: number): string { return `${((part / total) * 100).toFixed(3)}%` } function bytesToHuman(bytes: number): string { if (bytes < BYTES_TO_KiB) { return `${bytes.toFixed(2)}B` } else if (bytes < BYTES_TO_MiB) { return `${(bytes / BYTES_TO_KiB).toFixed(2)}KB` } else if (bytes < BYTES_TO_GiB) { return `${(bytes / BYTES_TO_MiB).toFixed(2)}MB` } else { return `${(bytes / BYTES_TO_GiB).toFixed(2)}GB` } }