import * as c from './constants' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as httpClient from '@actions/http-client' import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache' import {Octokit} from '@octokit/core' import {join} from 'path' import {readdirSync} from 'fs' // Set up Octokit in the same way as @actions/github (see const baseUrl = process.env['GITHUB_API_URL'] || '' const GitHub = Octokit.defaults({ baseUrl, request: { agent: new httpClient.HttpClient().getAgent(baseUrl) } }) export async function getLatestRelease( repo: string ): Promise { const githubToken = core.getInput('github-token') const options = githubToken.length > 0 ? {auth: githubToken} : {} const octokit = new GitHub(options) return ( await octokit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/latest', { owner: c.GRAALVM_GH_USER, repo }) ).data } export async function downloadAndExtractJDK( downloadUrl: string ): Promise { const downloadPath = await tc.downloadTool(downloadUrl) if (downloadUrl.endsWith('.tar.gz')) { await tc.extractTar(downloadPath, c.GRAALVM_BASE) } else if (downloadUrl.endsWith('.zip')) { await tc.extractZip(downloadPath, c.GRAALVM_BASE) } else { throw new Error(`Unexpected filetype downloaded: ${downloadUrl}`) } return findJavaHomeInSubfolder(c.GRAALVM_BASE) } export function findJavaHomeInSubfolder(searchPath: string): string { const baseContents = readdirSync(searchPath) if (baseContents.length === 1) { return join(searchPath, baseContents[0], c.JDK_HOME_SUFFIX) } else { throw new Error( `Unexpected amount of directory items found: ${baseContents.length}` ) } }