import * as core from '@actions/core' import { execSync } from 'child_process' import { existsSync } from 'fs' import { VERSION_DEV } from './constants.js' // Keep in sync with const KNOWN_VISUAL_STUDIO_INSTALLATIONS = [ 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Enterprise', // 'windows-2022' and 'windows-latest' 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Enterprise', // 'windows-2019' 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Enterprise' // 'windows-2016' (deprecated and removed) ] if (process.env['VSINSTALLDIR']) { // if VSINSTALLDIR is set, make it the first known installation KNOWN_VISUAL_STUDIO_INSTALLATIONS.unshift(process.env['VSINSTALLDIR'].replace(/\\$/, '')) } const VCVARSALL_SUBPATH = 'VC\\Auxiliary\\Build\\vcvarsall.bat' function findVcvarsallPath(): string { for (const installation of KNOWN_VISUAL_STUDIO_INSTALLATIONS) { const candidate = `${installation}\\${VCVARSALL_SUBPATH}` if (existsSync(candidate)) { return candidate } } throw new Error('Failed to find vcvarsall.bat') } export function needsWindowsEnvironmentSetup( javaVersion: string, graalVMVersion: string, isGraalVMforJDK17OrLater: boolean ): boolean { if (javaVersion === VERSION_DEV || graalVMVersion === VERSION_DEV) { return false // no longer required in dev builds } else if (isGraalVMforJDK17OrLater) { return false // no longer required in GraalVM for JDK 17 and later. } return true } export function setUpWindowsEnvironment( javaVersion: string, graalVMVersion: string, isGraalVMforJDK17OrLater: boolean ): void { if (!needsWindowsEnvironmentSetup(javaVersion, graalVMVersion, isGraalVMforJDK17OrLater)) { return } core.startGroup('Updating Windows environment...') const vcvarsallPath = findVcvarsallPath() core.debug(`Calling "${vcvarsallPath}"...`) const [originalEnv, vcvarsallOutput, updatedEnv] = execSync(`set && cls && "${vcvarsallPath}" x64 && cls && set`, { shell: 'cmd' }) .toString() .split('\f') // form feed page break (printed by `cls`) core.debug(vcvarsallOutput) const originalEnvMap = new Map() for (const line of originalEnv.split('\r\n')) { if (line.includes('=')) { const [name, value] = line.split('=') originalEnvMap.set(name, value) } else if (line) { core.debug(`Skipping ${line} (does not include '=')...`) } } for (const line of updatedEnv.split('\r\n')) { if (line.includes('=')) { const [name, value] = line.split('=') const originalValue = originalEnvMap.get(name) if (value !== originalValue) { core.exportVariable(name, value) core.debug(`"${name}" set to "${value}"`) } } else if (line) { core.debug(`Skipping ${line} (does not include '=')...`) } } core.endGroup() }