# electron-vue-vite 🥳 Simpl boilerplate. `Electron` + `Vue3` + `Vite2` integration ## How and Why - `Vite` is the scaffold of the future ## Feature - HRM * `Main process` hot restart * `Preload script` hot reload * `Renderer process` hot module replacement -- power by Vite - Beautiful log * `[R]` means `Renderer process` * `[P]` means `Preload script` * `[M]` means `Main process` ## Command - npm run dev - npm run build ## Communication - All NodeJs、Electron API invoke passed `Preload script` ## Branchs - [ant-design-vue](https://github.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vue-vite/tree/ant-design-vue) * [x] Use tsx * [x] Integration ant-design-vue - [element-plus](https://github.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vue-vite/tree/element-plus) `登录窗口、element-ui 这个可能很适合你` 🚀 * [x] With multiple BrowserWindow * [x] Integration element-plus ## 微信讨论 --- ## License [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)