'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var coreHttp = require('@azure/core-http'); var tslib = require('tslib'); var coreTracing = require('@azure/core-tracing'); var logger$1 = require('@azure/logger'); var abortController = require('@azure/abort-controller'); var os = require('os'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var stream = require('stream'); require('@azure/core-paging'); var coreLro = require('@azure/core-lro'); var events = require('events'); var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'); function _interopNamespace(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'default') { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return e[k]; } }); } }); } n["default"] = e; return Object.freeze(n); } var coreHttp__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(coreHttp); var os__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(os); var fs__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(fs); var util__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(util); /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ const BlobServiceProperties = { serializedName: "BlobServiceProperties", xmlName: "StorageServiceProperties", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobServiceProperties", modelProperties: { blobAnalyticsLogging: { serializedName: "Logging", xmlName: "Logging", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Logging" } }, hourMetrics: { serializedName: "HourMetrics", xmlName: "HourMetrics", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Metrics" } }, minuteMetrics: { serializedName: "MinuteMetrics", xmlName: "MinuteMetrics", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Metrics" } }, cors: { serializedName: "Cors", xmlName: "Cors", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "CorsRule", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "CorsRule" } } } }, defaultServiceVersion: { serializedName: "DefaultServiceVersion", xmlName: "DefaultServiceVersion", type: { name: "String" } }, deleteRetentionPolicy: { serializedName: "DeleteRetentionPolicy", xmlName: "DeleteRetentionPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RetentionPolicy" } }, staticWebsite: { serializedName: "StaticWebsite", xmlName: "StaticWebsite", type: { name: "Composite", className: "StaticWebsite" } } } } }; const Logging = { serializedName: "Logging", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Logging", modelProperties: { version: { serializedName: "Version", required: true, xmlName: "Version", type: { name: "String" } }, deleteProperty: { serializedName: "Delete", required: true, xmlName: "Delete", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, read: { serializedName: "Read", required: true, xmlName: "Read", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, write: { serializedName: "Write", required: true, xmlName: "Write", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, retentionPolicy: { serializedName: "RetentionPolicy", xmlName: "RetentionPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RetentionPolicy" } } } } }; const RetentionPolicy = { serializedName: "RetentionPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RetentionPolicy", modelProperties: { enabled: { serializedName: "Enabled", required: true, xmlName: "Enabled", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, days: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 1 }, serializedName: "Days", xmlName: "Days", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const Metrics = { serializedName: "Metrics", type: { name: "Composite", className: "Metrics", modelProperties: { version: { serializedName: "Version", xmlName: "Version", type: { name: "String" } }, enabled: { serializedName: "Enabled", required: true, xmlName: "Enabled", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, includeAPIs: { serializedName: "IncludeAPIs", xmlName: "IncludeAPIs", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, retentionPolicy: { serializedName: "RetentionPolicy", xmlName: "RetentionPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "RetentionPolicy" } } } } }; const CorsRule = { serializedName: "CorsRule", type: { name: "Composite", className: "CorsRule", modelProperties: { allowedOrigins: { serializedName: "AllowedOrigins", required: true, xmlName: "AllowedOrigins", type: { name: "String" } }, allowedMethods: { serializedName: "AllowedMethods", required: true, xmlName: "AllowedMethods", type: { name: "String" } }, allowedHeaders: { serializedName: "AllowedHeaders", required: true, xmlName: "AllowedHeaders", type: { name: "String" } }, exposedHeaders: { serializedName: "ExposedHeaders", required: true, xmlName: "ExposedHeaders", type: { name: "String" } }, maxAgeInSeconds: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "MaxAgeInSeconds", required: true, xmlName: "MaxAgeInSeconds", type: { name: "Number" } } } } }; const StaticWebsite = { serializedName: "StaticWebsite", type: { name: "Composite", className: "StaticWebsite", modelProperties: { enabled: { serializedName: "Enabled", required: true, xmlName: "Enabled", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, indexDocument: { serializedName: "IndexDocument", xmlName: "IndexDocument", type: { name: "String" } }, errorDocument404Path: { serializedName: "ErrorDocument404Path", xmlName: "ErrorDocument404Path", type: { name: "String" } }, defaultIndexDocumentPath: { serializedName: "DefaultIndexDocumentPath", xmlName: "DefaultIndexDocumentPath", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const StorageError = { serializedName: "StorageError", type: { name: "Composite", className: "StorageError", modelProperties: { message: { serializedName: "Message", xmlName: "Message", type: { name: "String" } }, code: { serializedName: "Code", xmlName: "Code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobServiceStatistics = { serializedName: "BlobServiceStatistics", xmlName: "StorageServiceStats", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobServiceStatistics", modelProperties: { geoReplication: { serializedName: "GeoReplication", xmlName: "GeoReplication", type: { name: "Composite", className: "GeoReplication" } } } } }; const GeoReplication = { serializedName: "GeoReplication", type: { name: "Composite", className: "GeoReplication", modelProperties: { status: { serializedName: "Status", required: true, xmlName: "Status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["live", "bootstrap", "unavailable"] } }, lastSyncOn: { serializedName: "LastSyncTime", required: true, xmlName: "LastSyncTime", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const ListContainersSegmentResponse = { serializedName: "ListContainersSegmentResponse", xmlName: "EnumerationResults", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ListContainersSegmentResponse", modelProperties: { serviceEndpoint: { serializedName: "ServiceEndpoint", required: true, xmlName: "ServiceEndpoint", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prefix: { serializedName: "Prefix", xmlName: "Prefix", type: { name: "String" } }, marker: { serializedName: "Marker", xmlName: "Marker", type: { name: "String" } }, maxPageSize: { serializedName: "MaxResults", xmlName: "MaxResults", type: { name: "Number" } }, containerItems: { serializedName: "ContainerItems", required: true, xmlName: "Containers", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "Container", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerItem" } } } }, continuationToken: { serializedName: "NextMarker", xmlName: "NextMarker", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerItem = { serializedName: "ContainerItem", xmlName: "Container", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerItem", modelProperties: { name: { serializedName: "Name", required: true, xmlName: "Name", type: { name: "String" } }, deleted: { serializedName: "Deleted", xmlName: "Deleted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, version: { serializedName: "Version", xmlName: "Version", type: { name: "String" } }, properties: { serializedName: "Properties", xmlName: "Properties", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerProperties" } }, metadata: { serializedName: "Metadata", xmlName: "Metadata", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } } } } } }; const ContainerProperties = { serializedName: "ContainerProperties", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerProperties", modelProperties: { lastModified: { serializedName: "Last-Modified", required: true, xmlName: "Last-Modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, etag: { serializedName: "Etag", required: true, xmlName: "Etag", type: { name: "String" } }, leaseStatus: { serializedName: "LeaseStatus", xmlName: "LeaseStatus", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["locked", "unlocked"] } }, leaseState: { serializedName: "LeaseState", xmlName: "LeaseState", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "available", "leased", "expired", "breaking", "broken" ] } }, leaseDuration: { serializedName: "LeaseDuration", xmlName: "LeaseDuration", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["infinite", "fixed"] } }, publicAccess: { serializedName: "PublicAccess", xmlName: "PublicAccess", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["container", "blob"] } }, hasImmutabilityPolicy: { serializedName: "HasImmutabilityPolicy", xmlName: "HasImmutabilityPolicy", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, hasLegalHold: { serializedName: "HasLegalHold", xmlName: "HasLegalHold", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, defaultEncryptionScope: { serializedName: "DefaultEncryptionScope", xmlName: "DefaultEncryptionScope", type: { name: "String" } }, preventEncryptionScopeOverride: { serializedName: "DenyEncryptionScopeOverride", xmlName: "DenyEncryptionScopeOverride", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, deletedOn: { serializedName: "DeletedTime", xmlName: "DeletedTime", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, remainingRetentionDays: { serializedName: "RemainingRetentionDays", xmlName: "RemainingRetentionDays", type: { name: "Number" } }, isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled: { serializedName: "ImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled", xmlName: "ImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const KeyInfo = { serializedName: "KeyInfo", type: { name: "Composite", className: "KeyInfo", modelProperties: { startsOn: { serializedName: "Start", required: true, xmlName: "Start", type: { name: "String" } }, expiresOn: { serializedName: "Expiry", required: true, xmlName: "Expiry", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const UserDelegationKey = { serializedName: "UserDelegationKey", type: { name: "Composite", className: "UserDelegationKey", modelProperties: { signedObjectId: { serializedName: "SignedOid", required: true, xmlName: "SignedOid", type: { name: "String" } }, signedTenantId: { serializedName: "SignedTid", required: true, xmlName: "SignedTid", type: { name: "String" } }, signedStartsOn: { serializedName: "SignedStart", required: true, xmlName: "SignedStart", type: { name: "String" } }, signedExpiresOn: { serializedName: "SignedExpiry", required: true, xmlName: "SignedExpiry", type: { name: "String" } }, signedService: { serializedName: "SignedService", required: true, xmlName: "SignedService", type: { name: "String" } }, signedVersion: { serializedName: "SignedVersion", required: true, xmlName: "SignedVersion", type: { name: "String" } }, value: { serializedName: "Value", required: true, xmlName: "Value", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const FilterBlobSegment = { serializedName: "FilterBlobSegment", xmlName: "EnumerationResults", type: { name: "Composite", className: "FilterBlobSegment", modelProperties: { serviceEndpoint: { serializedName: "ServiceEndpoint", required: true, xmlName: "ServiceEndpoint", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, where: { serializedName: "Where", required: true, xmlName: "Where", type: { name: "String" } }, blobs: { serializedName: "Blobs", required: true, xmlName: "Blobs", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "Blob", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "FilterBlobItem" } } } }, continuationToken: { serializedName: "NextMarker", xmlName: "NextMarker", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const FilterBlobItem = { serializedName: "FilterBlobItem", xmlName: "Blob", type: { name: "Composite", className: "FilterBlobItem", modelProperties: { name: { serializedName: "Name", required: true, xmlName: "Name", type: { name: "String" } }, containerName: { serializedName: "ContainerName", required: true, xmlName: "ContainerName", type: { name: "String" } }, tags: { serializedName: "Tags", xmlName: "Tags", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobTags" } } } } }; const BlobTags = { serializedName: "BlobTags", xmlName: "Tags", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobTags", modelProperties: { blobTagSet: { serializedName: "BlobTagSet", required: true, xmlName: "TagSet", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "Tag", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobTag" } } } } } } }; const BlobTag = { serializedName: "BlobTag", xmlName: "Tag", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobTag", modelProperties: { key: { serializedName: "Key", required: true, xmlName: "Key", type: { name: "String" } }, value: { serializedName: "Value", required: true, xmlName: "Value", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const SignedIdentifier = { serializedName: "SignedIdentifier", xmlName: "SignedIdentifier", type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedIdentifier", modelProperties: { id: { serializedName: "Id", required: true, xmlName: "Id", type: { name: "String" } }, accessPolicy: { serializedName: "AccessPolicy", xmlName: "AccessPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AccessPolicy" } } } } }; const AccessPolicy = { serializedName: "AccessPolicy", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AccessPolicy", modelProperties: { startsOn: { serializedName: "Start", xmlName: "Start", type: { name: "String" } }, expiresOn: { serializedName: "Expiry", xmlName: "Expiry", type: { name: "String" } }, permissions: { serializedName: "Permission", xmlName: "Permission", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse = { serializedName: "ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse", xmlName: "EnumerationResults", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse", modelProperties: { serviceEndpoint: { serializedName: "ServiceEndpoint", required: true, xmlName: "ServiceEndpoint", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, containerName: { serializedName: "ContainerName", required: true, xmlName: "ContainerName", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prefix: { serializedName: "Prefix", xmlName: "Prefix", type: { name: "String" } }, marker: { serializedName: "Marker", xmlName: "Marker", type: { name: "String" } }, maxPageSize: { serializedName: "MaxResults", xmlName: "MaxResults", type: { name: "Number" } }, segment: { serializedName: "Segment", xmlName: "Blobs", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobFlatListSegment" } }, continuationToken: { serializedName: "NextMarker", xmlName: "NextMarker", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobFlatListSegment = { serializedName: "BlobFlatListSegment", xmlName: "Blobs", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobFlatListSegment", modelProperties: { blobItems: { serializedName: "BlobItems", required: true, xmlName: "BlobItems", xmlElementName: "Blob", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobItemInternal" } } } } } } }; const BlobItemInternal = { serializedName: "BlobItemInternal", xmlName: "Blob", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobItemInternal", modelProperties: { name: { serializedName: "Name", xmlName: "Name", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobName" } }, deleted: { serializedName: "Deleted", required: true, xmlName: "Deleted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, snapshot: { serializedName: "Snapshot", required: true, xmlName: "Snapshot", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "VersionId", xmlName: "VersionId", type: { name: "String" } }, isCurrentVersion: { serializedName: "IsCurrentVersion", xmlName: "IsCurrentVersion", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, properties: { serializedName: "Properties", xmlName: "Properties", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobPropertiesInternal" } }, metadata: { serializedName: "Metadata", xmlName: "Metadata", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, blobTags: { serializedName: "BlobTags", xmlName: "Tags", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobTags" } }, objectReplicationMetadata: { serializedName: "ObjectReplicationMetadata", xmlName: "OrMetadata", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } } }, hasVersionsOnly: { serializedName: "HasVersionsOnly", xmlName: "HasVersionsOnly", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const BlobName = { serializedName: "BlobName", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobName", modelProperties: { encoded: { serializedName: "Encoded", xmlName: "Encoded", xmlIsAttribute: true, 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"Content-Language", xmlName: "Content-Language", type: { name: "String" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "Content-MD5", xmlName: "Content-MD5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, contentDisposition: { serializedName: "Content-Disposition", xmlName: "Content-Disposition", type: { name: "String" } }, cacheControl: { serializedName: "Cache-Control", xmlName: "Cache-Control", type: { name: "String" } }, blobSequenceNumber: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", type: { name: "Number" } }, blobType: { serializedName: "BlobType", xmlName: "BlobType", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["BlockBlob", "PageBlob", "AppendBlob"] } }, leaseStatus: { serializedName: "LeaseStatus", xmlName: "LeaseStatus", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["locked", "unlocked"] } }, leaseState: { serializedName: "LeaseState", xmlName: "LeaseState", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "available", "leased", "expired", "breaking", "broken" ] } }, leaseDuration: { 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type: { name: "Boolean" } }, destinationSnapshot: { serializedName: "DestinationSnapshot", xmlName: "DestinationSnapshot", type: { name: "String" } }, deletedOn: { serializedName: "DeletedTime", xmlName: "DeletedTime", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, remainingRetentionDays: { serializedName: "RemainingRetentionDays", xmlName: "RemainingRetentionDays", type: { name: "Number" } }, accessTier: { serializedName: "AccessTier", xmlName: "AccessTier", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "P4", "P6", "P10", "P15", "P20", "P30", "P40", "P50", "P60", "P70", "P80", "Hot", "Cool", "Archive" ] } }, accessTierInferred: { serializedName: "AccessTierInferred", xmlName: "AccessTierInferred", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, archiveStatus: { serializedName: "ArchiveStatus", xmlName: "ArchiveStatus", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "rehydrate-pending-to-hot", "rehydrate-pending-to-cool" ] } }, customerProvidedKeySha256: { serializedName: "CustomerProvidedKeySha256", xmlName: "CustomerProvidedKeySha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "EncryptionScope", xmlName: "EncryptionScope", type: { name: "String" } }, accessTierChangedOn: { serializedName: "AccessTierChangeTime", xmlName: "AccessTierChangeTime", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, tagCount: { serializedName: "TagCount", xmlName: "TagCount", type: { name: "Number" } }, expiresOn: { serializedName: "Expiry-Time", xmlName: "Expiry-Time", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isSealed: { serializedName: "Sealed", xmlName: "Sealed", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, rehydratePriority: { serializedName: "RehydratePriority", xmlName: "RehydratePriority", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["High", "Standard"] } }, lastAccessedOn: { serializedName: "LastAccessTime", xmlName: "LastAccessTime", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn: { serializedName: "ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate", xmlName: "ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, immutabilityPolicyMode: { serializedName: "ImmutabilityPolicyMode", xmlName: "ImmutabilityPolicyMode", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["Mutable", "Unlocked", "Locked"] } }, legalHold: { serializedName: "LegalHold", xmlName: "LegalHold", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse = { serializedName: "ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse", xmlName: "EnumerationResults", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse", modelProperties: { serviceEndpoint: { serializedName: "ServiceEndpoint", required: true, xmlName: "ServiceEndpoint", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, containerName: { serializedName: "ContainerName", required: true, xmlName: "ContainerName", xmlIsAttribute: true, type: { name: "String" } }, prefix: { serializedName: "Prefix", xmlName: "Prefix", type: { name: "String" } }, marker: { serializedName: "Marker", xmlName: "Marker", type: { name: "String" } }, maxPageSize: { serializedName: "MaxResults", xmlName: "MaxResults", type: { name: "Number" } }, delimiter: { serializedName: "Delimiter", xmlName: "Delimiter", type: { name: "String" } }, segment: { serializedName: "Segment", xmlName: "Blobs", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobHierarchyListSegment" } }, continuationToken: { serializedName: "NextMarker", xmlName: "NextMarker", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobHierarchyListSegment = { serializedName: "BlobHierarchyListSegment", xmlName: "Blobs", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobHierarchyListSegment", modelProperties: { blobPrefixes: { serializedName: "BlobPrefixes", xmlName: "BlobPrefixes", xmlElementName: "BlobPrefix", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobPrefix" } } } }, blobItems: { serializedName: "BlobItems", required: true, xmlName: "BlobItems", xmlElementName: "Blob", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobItemInternal" } } } } } } }; const 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serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_renewLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, leaseId: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const 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version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_breakLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_changeLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, leaseId: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_changeLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_listBlobFlatSegmentHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders", modelProperties: { contentType: { serializedName: "content-type", xmlName: "content-type", type: { name: "String" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_listBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_listBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders", modelProperties: { contentType: { serializedName: "content-type", xmlName: "content-type", type: { name: "String" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_listBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_getAccountInfoHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders", modelProperties: { clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, skuName: { serializedName: "x-ms-sku-name", xmlName: "x-ms-sku-name", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "Standard_LRS", "Standard_GRS", "Standard_RAGRS", "Standard_ZRS", "Premium_LRS" ] } }, accountKind: { serializedName: "x-ms-account-kind", xmlName: "x-ms-account-kind", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "Storage", "BlobStorage", "StorageV2", "FileStorage", "BlockBlobStorage" ] } } } } }; const ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Container_getAccountInfoExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobDownloadHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_downloadHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobDownloadHeaders", modelProperties: { lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, metadata: { serializedName: "x-ms-meta", xmlName: "x-ms-meta", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } }, headerCollectionPrefix: "x-ms-meta-" }, objectReplicationPolicyId: { serializedName: "x-ms-or-policy-id", xmlName: "x-ms-or-policy-id", type: { name: "String" } }, objectReplicationRules: { serializedName: "x-ms-or", xmlName: "x-ms-or", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } }, headerCollectionPrefix: "x-ms-or-" }, contentLength: { serializedName: "content-length", xmlName: "content-length", type: { name: "Number" } }, contentType: { serializedName: "content-type", xmlName: "content-type", type: { name: "String" } }, contentRange: { serializedName: "content-range", xmlName: "content-range", type: { name: "String" } }, etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, contentEncoding: { serializedName: "content-encoding", xmlName: "content-encoding", type: { name: "String" } }, cacheControl: { serializedName: "cache-control", xmlName: "cache-control", type: { name: "String" } }, contentDisposition: { serializedName: "content-disposition", xmlName: "content-disposition", type: { name: "String" } }, contentLanguage: { serializedName: "content-language", xmlName: "content-language", type: { name: "String" } }, blobSequenceNumber: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", type: { name: "Number" } }, blobType: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-type", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-type", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["BlockBlob", "PageBlob", "AppendBlob"] } }, copyCompletedOn: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-completion-time", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-completion-time", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, copyStatusDescription: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-status-description", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-status-description", type: { name: "String" } }, copyId: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-id", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-id", type: { name: "String" } }, copyProgress: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-progress", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-progress", type: { name: "String" } }, copySource: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source", type: { name: "String" } }, copyStatus: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-status", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["pending", "success", "aborted", "failed"] } }, leaseDuration: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-duration", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-duration", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["infinite", "fixed"] } }, leaseState: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-state", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-state", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "available", "leased", "expired", "breaking", "broken" ] } }, leaseStatus: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-status", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["locked", "unlocked"] } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, isCurrentVersion: { serializedName: "x-ms-is-current-version", xmlName: "x-ms-is-current-version", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, acceptRanges: { serializedName: "accept-ranges", xmlName: "accept-ranges", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, blobCommittedBlockCount: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count", type: { name: "Number" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, blobContentMD5: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-md5", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, tagCount: { 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"ByteArray" } } } } }; const BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_downloadExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobGetPropertiesHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_getPropertiesHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobGetPropertiesHeaders", modelProperties: { lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, createdOn: { serializedName: "x-ms-creation-time", xmlName: "x-ms-creation-time", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, metadata: { serializedName: "x-ms-meta", xmlName: "x-ms-meta", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } }, headerCollectionPrefix: "x-ms-meta-" }, objectReplicationPolicyId: { serializedName: "x-ms-or-policy-id", xmlName: "x-ms-or-policy-id", type: { name: "String" } }, 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"x-ms-copy-status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["pending", "success", "aborted", "failed"] } }, isIncrementalCopy: { serializedName: "x-ms-incremental-copy", xmlName: "x-ms-incremental-copy", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, destinationSnapshot: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot", type: { name: "String" } }, leaseDuration: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-duration", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-duration", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["infinite", "fixed"] } }, leaseState: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-state", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-state", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "available", "leased", "expired", "breaking", "broken" ] } }, leaseStatus: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-status", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["locked", "unlocked"] } }, contentLength: { serializedName: "content-length", xmlName: "content-length", type: { name: "Number" } }, contentType: { serializedName: "content-type", xmlName: "content-type", type: { name: "String" } }, etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, contentEncoding: { serializedName: "content-encoding", xmlName: "content-encoding", type: { name: "String" } }, contentDisposition: { serializedName: "content-disposition", xmlName: "content-disposition", type: { name: "String" } }, contentLanguage: { serializedName: "content-language", xmlName: "content-language", type: { name: "String" } }, cacheControl: { serializedName: "cache-control", xmlName: "cache-control", type: { name: "String" } }, blobSequenceNumber: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", type: { name: "Number" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", 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{ serializedName: "x-ms-access-tier-inferred", xmlName: "x-ms-access-tier-inferred", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, archiveStatus: { serializedName: "x-ms-archive-status", xmlName: "x-ms-archive-status", type: { name: "String" } }, accessTierChangedOn: { serializedName: "x-ms-access-tier-change-time", xmlName: "x-ms-access-tier-change-time", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, isCurrentVersion: { serializedName: "x-ms-is-current-version", xmlName: "x-ms-is-current-version", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, tagCount: { serializedName: "x-ms-tag-count", xmlName: "x-ms-tag-count", type: { name: "Number" } }, expiresOn: { serializedName: "x-ms-expiry-time", xmlName: "x-ms-expiry-time", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isSealed: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sealed", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sealed", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, rehydratePriority: { serializedName: "x-ms-rehydrate-priority", 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"String" } } } } }; const BlobSetExpiryHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setExpiryHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetExpiryHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setExpiryExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setHttpHeadersHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, blobSequenceNumber: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", type: { name: "Number" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setImmutabilityPolicyHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders", modelProperties: { clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: { serializedName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date", xmlName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, immutabilityPolicyMode: { serializedName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-mode", xmlName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-mode", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["Mutable", "Unlocked", "Locked"] } } } } }; const BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_deleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders", modelProperties: { clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_deleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setLegalHoldHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders", modelProperties: { clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, legalHold: { serializedName: "x-ms-legal-hold", xmlName: "x-ms-legal-hold", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setLegalHoldExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetMetadataHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setMetadataHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetMetadataHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, 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name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_setMetadataExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_acquireLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, leaseId: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_acquireLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_releaseLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_releaseLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobRenewLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_renewLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobRenewLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, leaseId: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" 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xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, leaseId: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_changeLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobBreakLeaseHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_breakLeaseHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobBreakLeaseHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, leaseTime: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-time", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-time", type: { name: "Number" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } } } }; const BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_breakLeaseExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_createSnapshotHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders", modelProperties: { snapshot: { serializedName: "x-ms-snapshot", xmlName: "x-ms-snapshot", type: { name: "String" } }, etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_createSnapshotExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_startCopyFromURLHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, copyId: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-id", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-id", type: { name: "String" } }, copyStatus: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-status", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-status", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["pending", "success", "aborted", "failed"] } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_startCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobCopyFromURLHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_copyFromURLHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobCopyFromURLHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, copyId: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-id", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-id", type: { name: "String" } }, copyStatus: { defaultValue: "success", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-copy-status", type: { name: "String" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, xMsContentCrc64: { serializedName: "x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_copyFromURLExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const 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"BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders", modelProperties: { clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, skuName: { serializedName: "x-ms-sku-name", xmlName: "x-ms-sku-name", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "Standard_LRS", "Standard_GRS", "Standard_RAGRS", "Standard_ZRS", "Premium_LRS" ] } }, accountKind: { serializedName: "x-ms-account-kind", xmlName: "x-ms-account-kind", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "Storage", "BlobStorage", "StorageV2", "FileStorage", "BlockBlobStorage" ] } } } } }; const BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "Blob_getAccountInfoExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: 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"x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, blobAppendOffset: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-append-offset", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-append-offset", type: { name: "String" } }, blobCommittedBlockCount: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count", type: { name: "Number" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "AppendBlob_appendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const AppendBlobSealHeaders = { serializedName: "AppendBlob_sealHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AppendBlobSealHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isSealed: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sealed", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sealed", type: { name: "Boolean" } } } } }; const AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "AppendBlob_sealExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobUploadHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_uploadHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobUploadHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_uploadExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_putBlobFromUrlHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_putBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_stageBlockHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders", modelProperties: { contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, xMsContentCrc64: { serializedName: "x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_stageBlockExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_stageBlockFromURLHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders", modelProperties: { contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, xMsContentCrc64: { serializedName: "x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_stageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_commitBlockListHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders", modelProperties: { etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, contentMD5: { serializedName: "content-md5", xmlName: "content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, xMsContentCrc64: { serializedName: "x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, versionId: { serializedName: "x-ms-version-id", xmlName: "x-ms-version-id", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, isServerEncrypted: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", xmlName: "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", type: { name: "Boolean" } }, encryptionKeySha256: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } }, encryptionScope: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_commitBlockListExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_getBlockListHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders", modelProperties: { lastModified: { serializedName: "last-modified", xmlName: "last-modified", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, etag: { serializedName: "etag", xmlName: "etag", type: { name: "String" } }, contentType: { serializedName: "content-type", xmlName: "content-type", type: { name: "String" } }, blobContentLength: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-length", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-length", type: { name: "Number" } }, clientRequestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, requestId: { serializedName: "x-ms-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-request-id", type: { name: "String" } }, version: { serializedName: "x-ms-version", xmlName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } }, date: { serializedName: "date", xmlName: "date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } }, errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; const BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders = { serializedName: "BlockBlob_getBlockListExceptionHeaders", type: { name: "Composite", className: "BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders", modelProperties: { errorCode: { serializedName: "x-ms-error-code", xmlName: "x-ms-error-code", type: { name: "String" } } } } }; var Mappers = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, BlobServiceProperties: BlobServiceProperties, Logging: Logging, RetentionPolicy: RetentionPolicy, Metrics: Metrics, CorsRule: CorsRule, StaticWebsite: StaticWebsite, StorageError: StorageError, BlobServiceStatistics: BlobServiceStatistics, GeoReplication: GeoReplication, ListContainersSegmentResponse: ListContainersSegmentResponse, ContainerItem: ContainerItem, ContainerProperties: ContainerProperties, KeyInfo: KeyInfo, UserDelegationKey: UserDelegationKey, FilterBlobSegment: FilterBlobSegment, FilterBlobItem: FilterBlobItem, BlobTags: BlobTags, BlobTag: BlobTag, SignedIdentifier: SignedIdentifier, AccessPolicy: AccessPolicy, ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse: ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse, BlobFlatListSegment: BlobFlatListSegment, BlobItemInternal: BlobItemInternal, BlobName: BlobName, BlobPropertiesInternal: BlobPropertiesInternal, ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse: ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse, BlobHierarchyListSegment: BlobHierarchyListSegment, BlobPrefix: BlobPrefix, BlockLookupList: BlockLookupList, BlockList: BlockList, Block: Block, PageList: PageList, PageRange: PageRange, ClearRange: ClearRange, QueryRequest: QueryRequest, QuerySerialization: QuerySerialization, QueryFormat: QueryFormat, DelimitedTextConfiguration: DelimitedTextConfiguration, JsonTextConfiguration: JsonTextConfiguration, ArrowConfiguration: ArrowConfiguration, ArrowField: ArrowField, ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders: ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders, ServiceSetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: ServiceSetPropertiesExceptionHeaders, ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders: ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders, ServiceGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: ServiceGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders, ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders: ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders, ServiceGetStatisticsExceptionHeaders: ServiceGetStatisticsExceptionHeaders, ServiceListContainersSegmentHeaders: ServiceListContainersSegmentHeaders, ServiceListContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders: ServiceListContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders, ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyHeaders: ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyHeaders, ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders: ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders, ServiceGetAccountInfoHeaders: ServiceGetAccountInfoHeaders, ServiceGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: ServiceGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders, ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders: ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders, ServiceSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders: ServiceSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders, ServiceFilterBlobsHeaders: ServiceFilterBlobsHeaders, ServiceFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders: ServiceFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders, ContainerCreateHeaders: ContainerCreateHeaders, ContainerCreateExceptionHeaders: ContainerCreateExceptionHeaders, ContainerGetPropertiesHeaders: ContainerGetPropertiesHeaders, ContainerGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: ContainerGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders, ContainerDeleteHeaders: ContainerDeleteHeaders, ContainerDeleteExceptionHeaders: ContainerDeleteExceptionHeaders, ContainerSetMetadataHeaders: ContainerSetMetadataHeaders, ContainerSetMetadataExceptionHeaders: ContainerSetMetadataExceptionHeaders, ContainerGetAccessPolicyHeaders: ContainerGetAccessPolicyHeaders, ContainerGetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders: ContainerGetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders, ContainerSetAccessPolicyHeaders: ContainerSetAccessPolicyHeaders, ContainerSetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders: ContainerSetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders, ContainerRestoreHeaders: ContainerRestoreHeaders, ContainerRestoreExceptionHeaders: ContainerRestoreExceptionHeaders, ContainerRenameHeaders: ContainerRenameHeaders, ContainerRenameExceptionHeaders: ContainerRenameExceptionHeaders, ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders: ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders, ContainerSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders: ContainerSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders, ContainerFilterBlobsHeaders: ContainerFilterBlobsHeaders, ContainerFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders: ContainerFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders, ContainerAcquireLeaseHeaders: ContainerAcquireLeaseHeaders, ContainerAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders: ContainerAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders, ContainerReleaseLeaseHeaders: ContainerReleaseLeaseHeaders, ContainerReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders: ContainerReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders, ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders: ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders, ContainerRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders: ContainerRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders, ContainerBreakLeaseHeaders: ContainerBreakLeaseHeaders, ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders: ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders, ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders: ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders, ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders: ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders, ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders: ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders, ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders: ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders, ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders: ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders, ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders: ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders, ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders: ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders, ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders, BlobDownloadHeaders: BlobDownloadHeaders, BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders: BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders, BlobGetPropertiesHeaders: BlobGetPropertiesHeaders, BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders: BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders, BlobDeleteHeaders: BlobDeleteHeaders, BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders: BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders, BlobUndeleteHeaders: BlobUndeleteHeaders, BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders: BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders, BlobSetExpiryHeaders: BlobSetExpiryHeaders, BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders: BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders, BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders: BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders, BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders: BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders, BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders, BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders, BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders, BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders, BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders: BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders, BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders: BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders, BlobSetMetadataHeaders: BlobSetMetadataHeaders, BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders: BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders, BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders: BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders, BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders: BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders, BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders: BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders, BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders: BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders, BlobRenewLeaseHeaders: BlobRenewLeaseHeaders, BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders: BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders, BlobChangeLeaseHeaders: BlobChangeLeaseHeaders, BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders: BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders, BlobBreakLeaseHeaders: BlobBreakLeaseHeaders, BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders: BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders, BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders: BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders, BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders: BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders, BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders: BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders, BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders, BlobCopyFromURLHeaders: BlobCopyFromURLHeaders, BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders, BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders: BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders, BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders: BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders, BlobSetTierHeaders: BlobSetTierHeaders, BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders: BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders, BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders: BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders, BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders: BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders, BlobQueryHeaders: BlobQueryHeaders, BlobQueryExceptionHeaders: BlobQueryExceptionHeaders, BlobGetTagsHeaders: BlobGetTagsHeaders, BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders: BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders, BlobSetTagsHeaders: BlobSetTagsHeaders, BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders: BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders, PageBlobCreateHeaders: PageBlobCreateHeaders, PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders: PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders, PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders: PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders, PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders: PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders, PageBlobClearPagesHeaders: PageBlobClearPagesHeaders, PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders: PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders, PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders, PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders, PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders, PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders, PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders, PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders, PageBlobResizeHeaders: PageBlobResizeHeaders, PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders: PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders, PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders, PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders, PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders: PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders, PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders: PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders, AppendBlobCreateHeaders: AppendBlobCreateHeaders, AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders: AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders, AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders: AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders, AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders: AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders, AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders, AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders, AppendBlobSealHeaders: AppendBlobSealHeaders, AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders: AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobUploadHeaders: BlockBlobUploadHeaders, BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders: BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders, BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders: BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders, BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders, BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders: BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders, BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders, BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders: BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders, BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders: BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders }); /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ const contentType = { parameterPath: ["options", "contentType"], mapper: { defaultValue: "application/xml", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Content-Type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobServiceProperties = { parameterPath: "blobServiceProperties", mapper: BlobServiceProperties }; const accept = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/xml", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const url = { parameterPath: "url", mapper: { serializedName: "url", required: true, xmlName: "url", type: { name: "String" } }, skipEncoding: true }; const restype = { parameterPath: "restype", mapper: { defaultValue: "service", isConstant: true, serializedName: "restype", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "properties", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const timeoutInSeconds = { parameterPath: ["options", "timeoutInSeconds"], mapper: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 0 }, serializedName: "timeout", xmlName: "timeout", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const version = { parameterPath: "version", mapper: { defaultValue: "2021-10-04", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-version", type: { name: "String" } } }; const requestId = { parameterPath: ["options", "requestId"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-client-request-id", xmlName: "x-ms-client-request-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const accept1 = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/xml", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp1 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "stats", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp2 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "list", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const prefix = { parameterPath: ["options", "prefix"], mapper: { serializedName: "prefix", xmlName: "prefix", type: { name: "String" } } }; const marker = { parameterPath: ["options", "marker"], mapper: { serializedName: "marker", xmlName: "marker", type: { name: "String" } } }; const maxPageSize = { parameterPath: ["options", "maxPageSize"], mapper: { constraints: { InclusiveMinimum: 1 }, serializedName: "maxresults", xmlName: "maxresults", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const include = { parameterPath: ["options", "include"], mapper: { serializedName: "include", xmlName: "include", xmlElementName: "ListContainersIncludeType", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["metadata", "deleted", "system"] } } } }, collectionFormat: coreHttp.QueryCollectionFormat.Csv }; const keyInfo = { parameterPath: "keyInfo", mapper: KeyInfo }; const comp3 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "userdelegationkey", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const restype1 = { parameterPath: "restype", mapper: { defaultValue: "account", isConstant: true, serializedName: "restype", type: { name: "String" } } }; const body = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: { serializedName: "body", required: true, xmlName: "body", type: { name: "Stream" } } }; const comp4 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "batch", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const contentLength = { parameterPath: "contentLength", mapper: { serializedName: "Content-Length", required: true, xmlName: "Content-Length", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const multipartContentType = { parameterPath: "multipartContentType", mapper: { serializedName: "Content-Type", required: true, xmlName: "Content-Type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp5 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "blobs", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const where = { parameterPath: ["options", "where"], mapper: { serializedName: "where", xmlName: "where", type: { name: "String" } } }; const restype2 = { parameterPath: "restype", mapper: { defaultValue: "container", isConstant: true, serializedName: "restype", type: { name: "String" } } }; const metadata = { parameterPath: ["options", "metadata"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-meta", xmlName: "x-ms-meta", type: { name: "Dictionary", value: { type: { name: "String" } } }, headerCollectionPrefix: "x-ms-meta-" } }; const access = { parameterPath: ["options", "access"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-public-access", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-public-access", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["container", "blob"] } } }; const defaultEncryptionScope = { parameterPath: [ "options", "containerEncryptionScope", "defaultEncryptionScope" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-default-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-default-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } } }; const preventEncryptionScopeOverride = { parameterPath: [ "options", "containerEncryptionScope", "preventEncryptionScopeOverride" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override", xmlName: "x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const leaseId = { parameterPath: ["options", "leaseAccessConditions", "leaseId"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const ifModifiedSince = { parameterPath: ["options", "modifiedAccessConditions", "ifModifiedSince"], mapper: { serializedName: "If-Modified-Since", xmlName: "If-Modified-Since", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } }; const ifUnmodifiedSince = { parameterPath: ["options", "modifiedAccessConditions", "ifUnmodifiedSince"], mapper: { serializedName: "If-Unmodified-Since", xmlName: "If-Unmodified-Since", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } }; const comp6 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "metadata", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp7 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "acl", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const containerAcl = { parameterPath: ["options", "containerAcl"], mapper: { serializedName: "containerAcl", xmlName: "SignedIdentifiers", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "SignedIdentifier", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedIdentifier" } } } } }; const comp8 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "undelete", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const deletedContainerName = { parameterPath: ["options", "deletedContainerName"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-deleted-container-name", xmlName: "x-ms-deleted-container-name", type: { name: "String" } } }; const deletedContainerVersion = { parameterPath: ["options", "deletedContainerVersion"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-deleted-container-version", xmlName: "x-ms-deleted-container-version", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp9 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "rename", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceContainerName = { parameterPath: "sourceContainerName", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-container-name", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-source-container-name", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceLeaseId = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceLeaseId"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-source-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp10 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "lease", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const action = { parameterPath: "action", mapper: { defaultValue: "acquire", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-lease-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const duration = { parameterPath: ["options", "duration"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-duration", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-duration", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const proposedLeaseId = { parameterPath: ["options", "proposedLeaseId"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-proposed-lease-id", xmlName: "x-ms-proposed-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const action1 = { parameterPath: "action", mapper: { defaultValue: "release", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-lease-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const leaseId1 = { parameterPath: "leaseId", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-id", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const action2 = { parameterPath: "action", mapper: { defaultValue: "renew", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-lease-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const action3 = { parameterPath: "action", mapper: { defaultValue: "break", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-lease-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const breakPeriod = { parameterPath: ["options", "breakPeriod"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-lease-break-period", xmlName: "x-ms-lease-break-period", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const action4 = { parameterPath: "action", mapper: { defaultValue: "change", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-lease-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const proposedLeaseId1 = { parameterPath: "proposedLeaseId", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-proposed-lease-id", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-proposed-lease-id", type: { name: "String" } } }; const include1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "include"], mapper: { serializedName: "include", xmlName: "include", xmlElementName: "ListBlobsIncludeItem", type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "copy", "deleted", "metadata", "snapshots", "uncommittedblobs", "versions", "tags", "immutabilitypolicy", "legalhold", "deletedwithversions" ] } } } }, collectionFormat: coreHttp.QueryCollectionFormat.Csv }; const delimiter = { parameterPath: "delimiter", mapper: { serializedName: "delimiter", required: true, xmlName: "delimiter", type: { name: "String" } } }; const snapshot = { parameterPath: ["options", "snapshot"], mapper: { serializedName: "snapshot", xmlName: "snapshot", type: { name: "String" } } }; const versionId = { parameterPath: ["options", "versionId"], mapper: { serializedName: "versionid", xmlName: "versionid", type: { name: "String" } } }; const range = { parameterPath: ["options", "range"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-range", xmlName: "x-ms-range", type: { name: "String" } } }; const rangeGetContentMD5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "rangeGetContentMD5"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-range-get-content-md5", xmlName: "x-ms-range-get-content-md5", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const rangeGetContentCRC64 = { parameterPath: ["options", "rangeGetContentCRC64"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-range-get-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-range-get-content-crc64", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const encryptionKey = { parameterPath: ["options", "cpkInfo", "encryptionKey"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key", type: { name: "String" } } }; const encryptionKeySha256 = { parameterPath: ["options", "cpkInfo", "encryptionKeySha256"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", type: { name: "String" } } }; const encryptionAlgorithm = { parameterPath: ["options", "cpkInfo", "encryptionAlgorithm"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-algorithm", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-algorithm", type: { name: "String" } } }; const ifMatch = { parameterPath: ["options", "modifiedAccessConditions", "ifMatch"], mapper: { serializedName: "If-Match", xmlName: "If-Match", type: { name: "String" } } }; const ifNoneMatch = { parameterPath: ["options", "modifiedAccessConditions", "ifNoneMatch"], mapper: { serializedName: "If-None-Match", xmlName: "If-None-Match", type: { name: "String" } } }; const ifTags = { parameterPath: ["options", "modifiedAccessConditions", "ifTags"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-if-tags", xmlName: "x-ms-if-tags", type: { name: "String" } } }; const deleteSnapshots = { parameterPath: ["options", "deleteSnapshots"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-delete-snapshots", xmlName: "x-ms-delete-snapshots", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["include", "only"] } } }; const blobDeleteType = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobDeleteType"], mapper: { serializedName: "deletetype", xmlName: "deletetype", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp11 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "expiry", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const expiryOptions = { parameterPath: "expiryOptions", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-expiry-option", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-expiry-option", type: { name: "String" } } }; const expiresOn = { parameterPath: ["options", "expiresOn"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-expiry-time", xmlName: "x-ms-expiry-time", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobCacheControl = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobCacheControl"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-cache-control", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-cache-control", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobContentType = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobContentType"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-type", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobContentMD5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobContentMD5"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-md5", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } } }; const blobContentEncoding = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobContentEncoding"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobContentLanguage = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobContentLanguage"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-language", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-language", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobContentDisposition = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobHttpHeaders", "blobContentDisposition"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp12 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "immutabilityPolicies", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const immutabilityPolicyExpiry = { parameterPath: ["options", "immutabilityPolicyExpiry"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date", xmlName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-until-date", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } }; const immutabilityPolicyMode = { parameterPath: ["options", "immutabilityPolicyMode"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-mode", xmlName: "x-ms-immutability-policy-mode", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["Mutable", "Unlocked", "Locked"] } } }; const comp13 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "legalhold", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const legalHold = { parameterPath: "legalHold", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-legal-hold", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-legal-hold", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const encryptionScope = { parameterPath: ["options", "encryptionScope"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", xmlName: "x-ms-encryption-scope", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp14 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "snapshot", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const tier = { parameterPath: ["options", "tier"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-access-tier", xmlName: "x-ms-access-tier", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "P4", "P6", "P10", "P15", "P20", "P30", "P40", "P50", "P60", "P70", "P80", "Hot", "Cool", "Archive" ] } } }; const rehydratePriority = { parameterPath: ["options", "rehydratePriority"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-rehydrate-priority", xmlName: "x-ms-rehydrate-priority", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["High", "Standard"] } } }; const sourceIfModifiedSince = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sourceModifiedAccessConditions", "sourceIfModifiedSince" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-if-modified-since", xmlName: "x-ms-source-if-modified-since", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } }; const sourceIfUnmodifiedSince = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sourceModifiedAccessConditions", "sourceIfUnmodifiedSince" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", xmlName: "x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", type: { name: "DateTimeRfc1123" } } }; const sourceIfMatch = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceModifiedAccessConditions", "sourceIfMatch"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-if-match", xmlName: "x-ms-source-if-match", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceIfNoneMatch = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sourceModifiedAccessConditions", "sourceIfNoneMatch" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-if-none-match", xmlName: "x-ms-source-if-none-match", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceIfTags = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceModifiedAccessConditions", "sourceIfTags"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-if-tags", xmlName: "x-ms-source-if-tags", type: { name: "String" } } }; const copySource = { parameterPath: "copySource", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobTagsString = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobTagsString"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-tags", xmlName: "x-ms-tags", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sealBlob = { parameterPath: ["options", "sealBlob"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-seal-blob", xmlName: "x-ms-seal-blob", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const legalHold1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "legalHold"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-legal-hold", xmlName: "x-ms-legal-hold", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const xMsRequiresSync = { parameterPath: "xMsRequiresSync", mapper: { defaultValue: "true", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-requires-sync", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceContentMD5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceContentMD5"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-content-md5", xmlName: "x-ms-source-content-md5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } } }; const copySourceAuthorization = { parameterPath: ["options", "copySourceAuthorization"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source-authorization", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source-authorization", type: { name: "String" } } }; const copySourceTags = { parameterPath: ["options", "copySourceTags"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source-tag-option", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source-tag-option", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["REPLACE", "COPY"] } } }; const comp15 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "copy", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const copyActionAbortConstant = { parameterPath: "copyActionAbortConstant", mapper: { defaultValue: "abort", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-copy-action", type: { name: "String" } } }; const copyId = { parameterPath: "copyId", mapper: { serializedName: "copyid", required: true, xmlName: "copyid", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp16 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "tier", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const tier1 = { parameterPath: "tier", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-access-tier", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-access-tier", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: [ "P4", "P6", "P10", "P15", "P20", "P30", "P40", "P50", "P60", "P70", "P80", "Hot", "Cool", "Archive" ] } } }; const queryRequest = { parameterPath: ["options", "queryRequest"], mapper: QueryRequest }; const comp17 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "query", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp18 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "tags", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const tags = { parameterPath: ["options", "tags"], mapper: BlobTags }; const transactionalContentMD5 = { parameterPath: ["options", "transactionalContentMD5"], mapper: { serializedName: "Content-MD5", xmlName: "Content-MD5", type: { name: "ByteArray" } } }; const transactionalContentCrc64 = { parameterPath: ["options", "transactionalContentCrc64"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } } }; const blobType = { parameterPath: "blobType", mapper: { defaultValue: "PageBlob", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-blob-type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobContentLength = { parameterPath: "blobContentLength", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-content-length", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-blob-content-length", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const blobSequenceNumber = { parameterPath: ["options", "blobSequenceNumber"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const contentType1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "contentType"], mapper: { defaultValue: "application/octet-stream", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Content-Type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const body1 = { parameterPath: "body", mapper: { serializedName: "body", required: true, xmlName: "body", type: { name: "Stream" } } }; const accept2 = { parameterPath: "accept", mapper: { defaultValue: "application/xml", isConstant: true, serializedName: "Accept", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp19 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "page", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const pageWrite = { parameterPath: "pageWrite", mapper: { defaultValue: "update", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-page-write", type: { name: "String" } } }; const ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sequenceNumberAccessConditions", "ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", xmlName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const ifSequenceNumberLessThan = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sequenceNumberAccessConditions", "ifSequenceNumberLessThan" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", xmlName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const ifSequenceNumberEqualTo = { parameterPath: [ "options", "sequenceNumberAccessConditions", "ifSequenceNumberEqualTo" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", xmlName: "x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const pageWrite1 = { parameterPath: "pageWrite", mapper: { defaultValue: "clear", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-page-write", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceUrl = { parameterPath: "sourceUrl", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceRange = { parameterPath: "sourceRange", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-range", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-source-range", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sourceContentCrc64 = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceContentCrc64"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-content-crc64", xmlName: "x-ms-source-content-crc64", type: { name: "ByteArray" } } }; const range1 = { parameterPath: "range", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-range", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-range", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp20 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "pagelist", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const prevsnapshot = { parameterPath: ["options", "prevsnapshot"], mapper: { serializedName: "prevsnapshot", xmlName: "prevsnapshot", type: { name: "String" } } }; const prevSnapshotUrl = { parameterPath: ["options", "prevSnapshotUrl"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-previous-snapshot-url", xmlName: "x-ms-previous-snapshot-url", type: { name: "String" } } }; const sequenceNumberAction = { parameterPath: "sequenceNumberAction", mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-sequence-number-action", required: true, xmlName: "x-ms-sequence-number-action", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["max", "update", "increment"] } } }; const comp21 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "incrementalcopy", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobType1 = { parameterPath: "blobType", mapper: { defaultValue: "AppendBlob", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-blob-type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp22 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "appendblock", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const maxSize = { parameterPath: ["options", "appendPositionAccessConditions", "maxSize"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const appendPosition = { parameterPath: [ "options", "appendPositionAccessConditions", "appendPosition" ], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", xmlName: "x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", type: { name: "Number" } } }; const sourceRange1 = { parameterPath: ["options", "sourceRange"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-source-range", xmlName: "x-ms-source-range", type: { name: "String" } } }; const comp23 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "seal", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blobType2 = { parameterPath: "blobType", mapper: { defaultValue: "BlockBlob", isConstant: true, serializedName: "x-ms-blob-type", type: { name: "String" } } }; const copySourceBlobProperties = { parameterPath: ["options", "copySourceBlobProperties"], mapper: { serializedName: "x-ms-copy-source-blob-properties", xmlName: "x-ms-copy-source-blob-properties", type: { name: "Boolean" } } }; const comp24 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "block", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blockId = { parameterPath: "blockId", mapper: { serializedName: "blockid", required: true, xmlName: "blockid", type: { name: "String" } } }; const blocks = { parameterPath: "blocks", mapper: BlockLookupList }; const comp25 = { parameterPath: "comp", mapper: { defaultValue: "blocklist", isConstant: true, serializedName: "comp", type: { name: "String" } } }; const listType = { parameterPath: "listType", mapper: { defaultValue: "committed", serializedName: "blocklisttype", required: true, xmlName: "blocklisttype", type: { name: "Enum", allowedValues: ["committed", "uncommitted", "all"] } } }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a Service. */ class Service { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class Service class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * Sets properties for a storage account's Blob service endpoint, including properties for Storage * Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules * @param blobServiceProperties The StorageService properties. * @param options The options parameters. */ setProperties(blobServiceProperties, options) { const operationArguments = { blobServiceProperties, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setPropertiesOperationSpec); } /** * gets the properties of a storage account's Blob service, including properties for Storage Analytics * and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules. * @param options The options parameters. */ getProperties(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getPropertiesOperationSpec$2); } /** * Retrieves statistics related to replication for the Blob service. It is only available on the * secondary location endpoint when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the storage * account. * @param options The options parameters. */ getStatistics(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getStatisticsOperationSpec); } /** * The List Containers Segment operation returns a list of the containers under the specified account * @param options The options parameters. */ listContainersSegment(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, listContainersSegmentOperationSpec); } /** * Retrieves a user delegation key for the Blob service. This is only a valid operation when using * bearer token authentication. * @param keyInfo Key information * @param options The options parameters. */ getUserDelegationKey(keyInfo, options) { const operationArguments = { keyInfo, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getUserDelegationKeyOperationSpec); } /** * Returns the sku name and account kind * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountInfo(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getAccountInfoOperationSpec$2); } /** * The Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param multipartContentType Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch * boundary. Example header value: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_ * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ submitBatch(contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, submitBatchOperationSpec$1); } /** * The Filter Blobs operation enables callers to list blobs across all containers whose tags match a * given search expression. Filter blobs searches across all containers within a storage account but * can be scoped within the expression to a single container. * @param options The options parameters. */ filterBlobs(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, filterBlobsOperationSpec$1); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer$5 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const setPropertiesOperationSpec = { path: "/", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: ServiceSetPropertiesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceSetPropertiesExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: blobServiceProperties, queryParameters: [ restype, comp, timeoutInSeconds ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const getPropertiesOperationSpec$2 = { path: "/", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: BlobServiceProperties, headersMapper: ServiceGetPropertiesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ restype, comp, timeoutInSeconds ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const getStatisticsOperationSpec = { path: "/", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: BlobServiceStatistics, headersMapper: ServiceGetStatisticsHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceGetStatisticsExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ restype, timeoutInSeconds, comp1 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const listContainersSegmentOperationSpec = { path: "/", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ListContainersSegmentResponse, headersMapper: ServiceListContainersSegmentHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceListContainersSegmentExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp2, prefix, marker, maxPageSize, include ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const getUserDelegationKeyOperationSpec = { path: "/", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: UserDelegationKey, headersMapper: ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceGetUserDelegationKeyExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: keyInfo, queryParameters: [ restype, timeoutInSeconds, comp3 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const getAccountInfoOperationSpec$2 = { path: "/", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ServiceGetAccountInfoHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, restype1], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [version, accept1], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const submitBatchOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 202: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp4], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, contentLength, multipartContentType ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; const filterBlobsOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: FilterBlobSegment, headersMapper: ServiceFilterBlobsHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ServiceFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, marker, maxPageSize, comp5, where ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$5 }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a Container. */ class Container { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class Container class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with the same name already * exists, the operation fails * @param options The options parameters. */ create(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, createOperationSpec$2); } /** * returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container. The data * returned does not include the container's list of blobs * @param options The options parameters. */ getProperties(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getPropertiesOperationSpec$1); } /** * operation marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs contained within * it are later deleted during garbage collection * @param options The options parameters. */ delete(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, deleteOperationSpec$1); } /** * operation sets one or more user-defined name-value pairs for the specified container. * @param options The options parameters. */ setMetadata(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setMetadataOperationSpec$1); } /** * gets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether container data * may be accessed publicly. * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccessPolicy(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getAccessPolicyOperationSpec); } /** * sets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate whether blobs in a * container may be accessed publicly. * @param options The options parameters. */ setAccessPolicy(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setAccessPolicyOperationSpec); } /** * Restores a previously-deleted container. * @param options The options parameters. */ restore(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, restoreOperationSpec); } /** * Renames an existing container. * @param sourceContainerName Required. Specifies the name of the container to rename. * @param options The options parameters. */ rename(sourceContainerName, options) { const operationArguments = { sourceContainerName, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, renameOperationSpec); } /** * The Batch operation allows multiple API calls to be embedded into a single HTTP request. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param multipartContentType Required. The value of this header must be multipart/mixed with a batch * boundary. Example header value: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_ * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ submitBatch(contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, multipartContentType, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, submitBatchOperationSpec); } /** * The Filter Blobs operation enables callers to list blobs in a container whose tags match a given * search expression. Filter blobs searches within the given container. * @param options The options parameters. */ filterBlobs(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, filterBlobsOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can * be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite * @param options The options parameters. */ acquireLease(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, acquireLeaseOperationSpec$1); } /** * [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can * be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param options The options parameters. */ releaseLease(leaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, releaseLeaseOperationSpec$1); } /** * [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can * be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param options The options parameters. */ renewLease(leaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, renewLeaseOperationSpec$1); } /** * [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can * be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite * @param options The options parameters. */ breakLease(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, breakLeaseOperationSpec$1); } /** * [Update] establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can * be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param proposedLeaseId Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 * (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor * (String) for a list of valid GUID string formats. * @param options The options parameters. */ changeLease(leaseId, proposedLeaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, proposedLeaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, changeLeaseOperationSpec$1); } /** * [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container * @param options The options parameters. */ listBlobFlatSegment(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, listBlobFlatSegmentOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The List Blobs operation returns a list of the blobs under the specified container * @param delimiter When the request includes this parameter, the operation returns a BlobPrefix * element in the response body that acts as a placeholder for all blobs whose names begin with the * same substring up to the appearance of the delimiter character. The delimiter may be a single * character or a string. * @param options The options parameters. */ listBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter, options) { const operationArguments = { delimiter, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, listBlobHierarchySegmentOperationSpec); } /** * Returns the sku name and account kind * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountInfo(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getAccountInfoOperationSpec$1); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer$4 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const createOperationSpec$2 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: ContainerCreateHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerCreateExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, restype2], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, access, defaultEncryptionScope, preventEncryptionScopeOverride ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const getPropertiesOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerGetPropertiesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, restype2], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const deleteOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "DELETE", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: ContainerDeleteHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerDeleteExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, restype2], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const setMetadataOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerSetMetadataHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerSetMetadataExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp6 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const getAccessPolicyOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Sequence", element: { type: { name: "Composite", className: "SignedIdentifier" } } }, serializedName: "SignedIdentifiers", xmlName: "SignedIdentifiers", xmlIsWrapped: true, xmlElementName: "SignedIdentifier" }, headersMapper: ContainerGetAccessPolicyHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerGetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp7 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const setAccessPolicyOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerSetAccessPolicyHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerSetAccessPolicyExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: containerAcl, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp7 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, access, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const restoreOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: ContainerRestoreHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerRestoreExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp8 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, deletedContainerName, deletedContainerVersion ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const renameOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerRenameHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerRenameExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp9 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, sourceContainerName, sourceLeaseId ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const submitBatchOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 202: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerSubmitBatchExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp4, restype2 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, contentLength, multipartContentType ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const filterBlobsOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: FilterBlobSegment, headersMapper: ContainerFilterBlobsHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerFilterBlobsExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, marker, maxPageSize, comp5, where, restype2 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const acquireLeaseOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: ContainerAcquireLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp10 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action, duration, proposedLeaseId ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const releaseLeaseOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerReleaseLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp10 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action1, leaseId1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const renewLeaseOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerRenewLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp10 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, leaseId1, action2 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const breakLeaseOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: ContainerBreakLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp10 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action3, breakPeriod ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const changeLeaseOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerChangeLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, restype2, comp10 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, leaseId1, action4, proposedLeaseId1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const listBlobFlatSegmentOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ListBlobsFlatSegmentResponse, headersMapper: ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp2, prefix, marker, maxPageSize, restype2, include1 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const listBlobHierarchySegmentOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: ListBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse, headersMapper: ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp2, prefix, marker, maxPageSize, restype2, include1, delimiter ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; const getAccountInfoOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: ContainerGetAccountInfoHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: ContainerGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, restype1], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [version, accept1], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$4 }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a Blob. */ class Blob$1 { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class Blob class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * The Download operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and * properties. You can also call Download to read a snapshot. * @param options The options parameters. */ download(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, downloadOperationSpec); } /** * The Get Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system * properties for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob. * @param options The options parameters. */ getProperties(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getPropertiesOperationSpec); } /** * If the storage account's soft delete feature is disabled then, when a blob is deleted, it is * permanently removed from the storage account. If the storage account's soft delete feature is * enabled, then, when a blob is deleted, it is marked for deletion and becomes inaccessible * immediately. However, the blob service retains the blob or snapshot for the number of days specified * by the DeleteRetentionPolicy section of [Storage service properties] * (Set-Blob-Service-Properties.md). After the specified number of days has passed, the blob's data is * permanently removed from the storage account. Note that you continue to be charged for the * soft-deleted blob's storage until it is permanently removed. Use the List Blobs API and specify the * "include=deleted" query parameter to discover which blobs and snapshots have been soft deleted. You * can then use the Undelete Blob API to restore a soft-deleted blob. All other operations on a * soft-deleted blob or snapshot causes the service to return an HTTP status code of 404 * (ResourceNotFound). * @param options The options parameters. */ delete(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, deleteOperationSpec); } /** * Undelete a blob that was previously soft deleted * @param options The options parameters. */ undelete(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, undeleteOperationSpec); } /** * Sets the time a blob will expire and be deleted. * @param expiryOptions Required. Indicates mode of the expiry time * @param options The options parameters. */ setExpiry(expiryOptions, options) { const operationArguments = { expiryOptions, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setExpiryOperationSpec); } /** * The Set HTTP Headers operation sets system properties on the blob * @param options The options parameters. */ setHttpHeaders(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setHttpHeadersOperationSpec); } /** * The Set Immutability Policy operation sets the immutability policy on the blob * @param options The options parameters. */ setImmutabilityPolicy(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec); } /** * The Delete Immutability Policy operation deletes the immutability policy on the blob * @param options The options parameters. */ deleteImmutabilityPolicy(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, deleteImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec); } /** * The Set Legal Hold operation sets a legal hold on the blob. * @param legalHold Specified if a legal hold should be set on the blob. * @param options The options parameters. */ setLegalHold(legalHold, options) { const operationArguments = { legalHold, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setLegalHoldOperationSpec); } /** * The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more * name-value pairs * @param options The options parameters. */ setMetadata(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setMetadataOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete * operations * @param options The options parameters. */ acquireLease(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, acquireLeaseOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete * operations * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param options The options parameters. */ releaseLease(leaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, releaseLeaseOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete * operations * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param options The options parameters. */ renewLease(leaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, renewLeaseOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete * operations * @param leaseId Specifies the current lease ID on the resource. * @param proposedLeaseId Proposed lease ID, in a GUID string format. The Blob service returns 400 * (Invalid request) if the proposed lease ID is not in the correct format. See Guid Constructor * (String) for a list of valid GUID string formats. * @param options The options parameters. */ changeLease(leaseId, proposedLeaseId, options) { const operationArguments = { leaseId, proposedLeaseId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, changeLeaseOperationSpec); } /** * [Update] The Lease Blob operation establishes and manages a lock on a blob for write and delete * operations * @param options The options parameters. */ breakLease(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, breakLeaseOperationSpec); } /** * The Create Snapshot operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob * @param options The options parameters. */ createSnapshot(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, createSnapshotOperationSpec); } /** * The Start Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared * access signature. * @param options The options parameters. */ startCopyFromURL(copySource, options) { const operationArguments = { copySource, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, startCopyFromURLOperationSpec); } /** * The Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not return * a response until the copy is complete. * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared * access signature. * @param options The options parameters. */ copyFromURL(copySource, options) { const operationArguments = { copySource, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, copyFromURLOperationSpec); } /** * The Abort Copy From URL operation aborts a pending Copy From URL operation, and leaves a destination * blob with zero length and full metadata. * @param copyId The copy identifier provided in the x-ms-copy-id header of the original Copy Blob * operation. * @param options The options parameters. */ abortCopyFromURL(copyId, options) { const operationArguments = { copyId, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, abortCopyFromURLOperationSpec); } /** * The Set Tier operation sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page blob in a premium * storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally redundant storage only). A * premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, and bandwidth of the blob. A block * blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive storage type. This operation does not update the blob's * ETag. * @param tier Indicates the tier to be set on the blob. * @param options The options parameters. */ setTier(tier, options) { const operationArguments = { tier, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setTierOperationSpec); } /** * Returns the sku name and account kind * @param options The options parameters. */ getAccountInfo(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getAccountInfoOperationSpec); } /** * The Query operation enables users to select/project on blob data by providing simple query * expressions. * @param options The options parameters. */ query(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, queryOperationSpec); } /** * The Get Tags operation enables users to get the tags associated with a blob. * @param options The options parameters. */ getTags(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getTagsOperationSpec); } /** * The Set Tags operation enables users to set tags on a blob. * @param options The options parameters. */ setTags(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, setTagsOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer$3 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const downloadOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: BlobDownloadHeaders }, 206: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: BlobDownloadHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobDownloadExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, versionId ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, range, rangeGetContentMD5, rangeGetContentCRC64, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const getPropertiesOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "HEAD", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobGetPropertiesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobGetPropertiesExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, versionId ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const deleteOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "DELETE", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: BlobDeleteHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobDeleteExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, versionId, blobDeleteType ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, deleteSnapshots ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const undeleteOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobUndeleteHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobUndeleteExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp8], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setExpiryOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetExpiryHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetExpiryExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp11], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, expiryOptions, expiresOn ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setHttpHeadersOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetHttpHeadersHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetHttpHeadersExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp12], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifUnmodifiedSince, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const deleteImmutabilityPolicyOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "DELETE", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobDeleteImmutabilityPolicyExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp12], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setLegalHoldOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetLegalHoldHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetLegalHoldExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp13], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, legalHold ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setMetadataOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetMetadataHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetMetadataExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp6], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const acquireLeaseOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlobAcquireLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobAcquireLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp10], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action, duration, proposedLeaseId, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const releaseLeaseOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobReleaseLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobReleaseLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp10], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action1, leaseId1, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const renewLeaseOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobRenewLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobRenewLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp10], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, leaseId1, action2, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const changeLeaseOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobChangeLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobChangeLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp10], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, leaseId1, action4, proposedLeaseId1, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const breakLeaseOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: BlobBreakLeaseHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobBreakLeaseExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp10], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, action3, breakPeriod, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const createSnapshotOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlobCreateSnapshotHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobCreateSnapshotExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp14], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const startCopyFromURLOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: BlobStartCopyFromURLHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobStartCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, tier, rehydratePriority, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceIfTags, copySource, blobTagsString, sealBlob, legalHold1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const copyFromURLOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: BlobCopyFromURLHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, encryptionScope, tier, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, copySource, blobTagsString, legalHold1, xMsRequiresSync, sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization, copySourceTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const abortCopyFromURLOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 204: { headersMapper: BlobAbortCopyFromURLHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobAbortCopyFromURLExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp15, copyId ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, copyActionAbortConstant ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setTierOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobSetTierHeaders }, 202: { headersMapper: BlobSetTierHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetTierExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, versionId, comp16 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifTags, rehydratePriority, tier1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const getAccountInfoOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: BlobGetAccountInfoHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobGetAccountInfoExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, restype1], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [version, accept1], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const queryOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "POST", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: BlobQueryHeaders }, 206: { bodyMapper: { type: { name: "Stream" }, serializedName: "parsedResponse" }, headersMapper: BlobQueryHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobQueryExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: queryRequest, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, comp17 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const getTagsOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: BlobTags, headersMapper: BlobGetTagsHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobGetTagsExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, versionId, comp18 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; const setTagsOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 204: { headersMapper: BlobSetTagsHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlobSetTagsExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: tags, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, versionId, comp18 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, leaseId, ifTags, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64 ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer$3 }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a PageBlob. */ class PageBlob { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class PageBlob class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * The Create operation creates a new page blob. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param blobContentLength This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The * page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. * @param options The options parameters. */ create(contentLength, blobContentLength, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, blobContentLength, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, createOperationSpec$1); } /** * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ uploadPages(contentLength, body, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, uploadPagesOperationSpec); } /** * The Clear Pages operation clears a set of pages from a page blob * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param options The options parameters. */ clearPages(contentLength, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, clearPagesOperationSpec); } /** * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the contents are read from a * URL * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source. * @param sourceRange Bytes of source data in the specified range. The length of this range should * match the ContentLength header and x-ms-range/Range destination range header. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param range The range of bytes to which the source range would be written. The range should be 512 * aligned and range-end is required. * @param options The options parameters. */ uploadPagesFromURL(sourceUrl, sourceRange, contentLength, range, options) { const operationArguments = { sourceUrl, sourceRange, contentLength, range, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, uploadPagesFromURLOperationSpec); } /** * The Get Page Ranges operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a * page blob * @param options The options parameters. */ getPageRanges(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getPageRangesOperationSpec); } /** * The Get Page Ranges Diff operation returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob that were * changed between target blob and previous snapshot. * @param options The options parameters. */ getPageRangesDiff(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getPageRangesDiffOperationSpec); } /** * Resize the Blob * @param blobContentLength This header specifies the maximum size for the page blob, up to 1 TB. The * page blob size must be aligned to a 512-byte boundary. * @param options The options parameters. */ resize(blobContentLength, options) { const operationArguments = { blobContentLength, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, resizeOperationSpec); } /** * Update the sequence number of the blob * @param sequenceNumberAction Required if the x-ms-blob-sequence-number header is set for the request. * This property applies to page blobs only. This property indicates how the service should modify the * blob's sequence number * @param options The options parameters. */ updateSequenceNumber(sequenceNumberAction, options) { const operationArguments = { sequenceNumberAction, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, updateSequenceNumberOperationSpec); } /** * The Copy Incremental operation copies a snapshot of the source page blob to a destination page blob. * The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously copied * snapshot are transferred to the destination. The copied snapshots are complete copies of the * original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. This API is supported since REST version * 2016-05-31. * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared * access signature. * @param options The options parameters. */ copyIncremental(copySource, options) { const operationArguments = { copySource, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, copyIncrementalOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer$2 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const serializer$2 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false); const createOperationSpec$1 = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: PageBlobCreateHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobCreateExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, encryptionScope, tier, blobTagsString, legalHold1, blobType, blobContentLength, blobSequenceNumber ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const uploadPagesOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: PageBlobUploadPagesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobUploadPagesExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body1, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp19], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, contentLength, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, range, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, contentType1, accept2, pageWrite, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo ], mediaType: "binary", serializer: serializer$2 }; const clearPagesOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: PageBlobClearPagesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobClearPagesExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp19], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, range, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo, pageWrite1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const uploadPagesFromURLOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobUploadPagesFromURLExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp19], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization, pageWrite, ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqualTo, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqualTo, sourceUrl, sourceRange, sourceContentCrc64, range1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const getPageRangesOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PageList, headersMapper: PageBlobGetPageRangesHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobGetPageRangesExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, marker, maxPageSize, snapshot, comp20 ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, range, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const getPageRangesDiffOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: PageList, headersMapper: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, marker, maxPageSize, snapshot, comp20, prevsnapshot ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, range, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, prevSnapshotUrl ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const resizeOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: PageBlobResizeHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobResizeExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, blobContentLength ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const updateSequenceNumberOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobUpdateSequenceNumberExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [comp, timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobSequenceNumber, sequenceNumberAction ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; const copyIncrementalOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 202: { headersMapper: PageBlobCopyIncrementalHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: PageBlobCopyIncrementalExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp21], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, copySource ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$2 }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a AppendBlob. */ class AppendBlob { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class AppendBlob class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * The Create Append Blob operation creates a new append blob. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param options The options parameters. */ create(contentLength, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, createOperationSpec); } /** * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob. The * Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob was created with x-ms-blob-type set to * AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-21 version or later. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ appendBlock(contentLength, body, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, appendBlockOperationSpec); } /** * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob where * the contents are read from a source url. The Append Block operation is permitted only if the blob * was created with x-ms-blob-type set to AppendBlob. Append Block is supported only on version * 2015-02-21 version or later. * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param options The options parameters. */ appendBlockFromUrl(sourceUrl, contentLength, options) { const operationArguments = { sourceUrl, contentLength, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, appendBlockFromUrlOperationSpec); } /** * The Seal operation seals the Append Blob to make it read-only. Seal is supported only on version * 2019-12-12 version or later. * @param options The options parameters. */ seal(options) { const operationArguments = { options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, sealOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer$1 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const serializer$1 = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false); const createOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: AppendBlobCreateHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: AppendBlobCreateExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, encryptionScope, blobTagsString, legalHold1, blobType1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$1 }; const appendBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: AppendBlobAppendBlockHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: AppendBlobAppendBlockExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body1, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp22], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, contentLength, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, contentType1, accept2, maxSize, appendPosition ], mediaType: "binary", serializer: serializer$1 }; const appendBlockFromUrlOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: AppendBlobAppendBlockFromUrlExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp22], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, encryptionScope, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization, transactionalContentMD5, sourceUrl, sourceContentCrc64, maxSize, appendPosition, sourceRange1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$1 }; const sealOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 200: { headersMapper: AppendBlobSealHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: AppendBlobSealExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp23], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, appendPosition ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer$1 }; /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ /** Class representing a BlockBlob. */ class BlockBlob { /** * Initialize a new instance of the class BlockBlob class. * @param client Reference to the service client */ constructor(client) { this.client = client; } /** * The Upload Block Blob operation updates the content of an existing block blob. Updating an existing * block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. Partial updates are not supported with Put * Blob; the content of the existing blob is overwritten with the content of the new blob. To perform a * partial update of the content of a block blob, use the Put Block List operation. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ upload(contentLength, body, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, uploadOperationSpec); } /** * The Put Blob from URL operation creates a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read * from a given URL. This API is supported beginning with the 2020-04-08 version. Partial updates are * not supported with Put Blob from URL; the content of an existing blob is overwritten with the * content of the new blob. To perform partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a source URL, * use the Put Block from URL API in conjunction with Put Block List. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param copySource Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. This value is a URL of up to * 2 KB in length that specifies a page blob snapshot. The value should be URL-encoded as it would * appear in a request URI. The source blob must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared * access signature. * @param options The options parameters. */ putBlobFromUrl(contentLength, copySource, options) { const operationArguments = { contentLength, copySource, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, putBlobFromUrlOperationSpec); } /** * The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob * @param blockId A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string * must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified * for the blockid parameter must be the same size for each block. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param body Initial data * @param options The options parameters. */ stageBlock(blockId, contentLength, body, options) { const operationArguments = { blockId, contentLength, body, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, stageBlockOperationSpec); } /** * The Stage Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob where the contents * are read from a URL. * @param blockId A valid Base64 string value that identifies the block. Prior to encoding, the string * must be less than or equal to 64 bytes in size. For a given blob, the length of the value specified * for the blockid parameter must be the same size for each block. * @param contentLength The length of the request. * @param sourceUrl Specify a URL to the copy source. * @param options The options parameters. */ stageBlockFromURL(blockId, contentLength, sourceUrl, options) { const operationArguments = { blockId, contentLength, sourceUrl, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, stageBlockFromURLOperationSpec); } /** * The Commit Block List operation writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the * blob. In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written to the * server in a prior Put Block operation. You can call Put Block List to update a blob by uploading * only those blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing blocks together. You can * do this by specifying whether to commit a block from the committed block list or from the * uncommitted block list, or to commit the most recently uploaded version of the block, whichever list * it may belong to. * @param blocks Blob Blocks. * @param options The options parameters. */ commitBlockList(blocks, options) { const operationArguments = { blocks, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, commitBlockListOperationSpec); } /** * The Get Block List operation retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block * blob * @param listType Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, the list of uncommitted * blocks, or both lists together. * @param options The options parameters. */ getBlockList(listType, options) { const operationArguments = { listType, options: coreHttp__namespace.operationOptionsToRequestOptionsBase(options || {}) }; return this.client.sendOperationRequest(operationArguments, getBlockListOperationSpec); } } // Operation Specifications const xmlSerializer = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ true); const serializer = new coreHttp__namespace.Serializer(Mappers, /* isXml */ false); const uploadOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlockBlobUploadHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobUploadExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body1, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, contentLength, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, encryptionScope, tier, blobTagsString, legalHold1, transactionalContentMD5, contentType1, accept2, blobType2 ], mediaType: "binary", serializer }; const putBlobFromUrlOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobPutBlobFromUrlExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition, encryptionScope, tier, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceIfTags, copySource, blobTagsString, sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization, copySourceTags, transactionalContentMD5, blobType2, copySourceBlobProperties ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer }; const stageBlockOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlockBlobStageBlockHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobStageBlockExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: body1, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp24, blockId ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, contentLength, leaseId, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64, contentType1, accept2 ], mediaType: "binary", serializer }; const stageBlockFromURLOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, comp24, blockId ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, contentLength, leaseId, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptionScope, sourceIfModifiedSince, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfMatch, sourceIfNoneMatch, sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization, sourceUrl, sourceContentCrc64, sourceRange1 ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer }; const commitBlockListOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "PUT", responses: { 201: { headersMapper: BlockBlobCommitBlockListHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobCommitBlockListExceptionHeaders } }, requestBody: blocks, queryParameters: [timeoutInSeconds, comp25], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ contentType, accept, version, requestId, metadata, leaseId, ifModifiedSince, ifUnmodifiedSince, encryptionKey, encryptionKeySha256, encryptionAlgorithm, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch, ifTags, blobCacheControl, blobContentType, blobContentMD5, blobContentEncoding, blobContentLanguage, blobContentDisposition, immutabilityPolicyExpiry, immutabilityPolicyMode, encryptionScope, tier, blobTagsString, legalHold1, transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64 ], isXML: true, contentType: "application/xml; charset=utf-8", mediaType: "xml", serializer: xmlSerializer }; const getBlockListOperationSpec = { path: "/{containerName}/{blob}", httpMethod: "GET", responses: { 200: { bodyMapper: BlockList, headersMapper: BlockBlobGetBlockListHeaders }, default: { bodyMapper: StorageError, headersMapper: BlockBlobGetBlockListExceptionHeaders } }, queryParameters: [ timeoutInSeconds, snapshot, comp25, listType ], urlParameters: [url], headerParameters: [ version, requestId, accept1, leaseId, ifTags ], isXML: true, serializer: xmlSerializer }; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * The `@azure/logger` configuration for this package. */ const logger = logger$1.createClientLogger("storage-blob"); // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. const SDK_VERSION = "12.12.0"; const SERVICE_VERSION = "2021-10-04"; const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES = 256 * 1024 * 1024; // 256MB const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES = 4000 * 1024 * 1024; // 4000MB const BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS = 50000; const DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // 8MB const DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MB const DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS = 5; const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 100 * 1000; // In ms /** * The OAuth scope to use with Azure Storage. */ const StorageOAuthScopes = "https://storage.azure.com/.default"; const URLConstants = { Parameters: { FORCE_BROWSER_NO_CACHE: "_", SIGNATURE: "sig", SNAPSHOT: "snapshot", VERSIONID: "versionid", TIMEOUT: "timeout", }, }; const HTTPURLConnection = { HTTP_ACCEPTED: 202, HTTP_CONFLICT: 409, HTTP_NOT_FOUND: 404, HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: 412, HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: 416, }; const HeaderConstants = { AUTHORIZATION: "Authorization", AUTHORIZATION_SCHEME: "Bearer", CONTENT_ENCODING: "Content-Encoding", CONTENT_ID: "Content-ID", CONTENT_LANGUAGE: "Content-Language", CONTENT_LENGTH: "Content-Length", CONTENT_MD5: "Content-Md5", CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING: "Content-Transfer-Encoding", CONTENT_TYPE: "Content-Type", COOKIE: "Cookie", DATE: "date", IF_MATCH: "if-match", IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: "if-modified-since", IF_NONE_MATCH: "if-none-match", IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE: "if-unmodified-since", PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE: "x-ms-", RANGE: "Range", USER_AGENT: "User-Agent", X_MS_CLIENT_REQUEST_ID: "x-ms-client-request-id", X_MS_COPY_SOURCE: "x-ms-copy-source", X_MS_DATE: "x-ms-date", X_MS_ERROR_CODE: "x-ms-error-code", X_MS_VERSION: "x-ms-version", }; const ETagNone = ""; const ETagAny = "*"; const SIZE_1_MB = 1 * 1024 * 1024; const BATCH_MAX_REQUEST = 256; const BATCH_MAX_PAYLOAD_IN_BYTES = 4 * SIZE_1_MB; const HTTP_LINE_ENDING = "\r\n"; const HTTP_VERSION_1_1 = "HTTP/1.1"; const EncryptionAlgorithmAES25 = "AES256"; const DevelopmentConnectionString = `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=;`; const StorageBlobLoggingAllowedHeaderNames = [ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Cache-Control", "Content-Length", "Content-Type", "Date", "Request-Id", "traceparent", "Transfer-Encoding", "User-Agent", "x-ms-client-request-id", "x-ms-date", "x-ms-error-code", "x-ms-request-id", "x-ms-return-client-request-id", "x-ms-version", "Accept-Ranges", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Encoding", "Content-Language", "Content-MD5", "Content-Range", "ETag", "Last-Modified", "Server", "Vary", "x-ms-content-crc64", "x-ms-copy-action", "x-ms-copy-completion-time", "x-ms-copy-id", "x-ms-copy-progress", "x-ms-copy-status", "x-ms-has-immutability-policy", "x-ms-has-legal-hold", "x-ms-lease-state", "x-ms-lease-status", "x-ms-range", "x-ms-request-server-encrypted", "x-ms-server-encrypted", "x-ms-snapshot", "x-ms-source-range", "If-Match", "If-Modified-Since", "If-None-Match", "If-Unmodified-Since", "x-ms-access-tier", "x-ms-access-tier-change-time", "x-ms-access-tier-inferred", "x-ms-account-kind", "x-ms-archive-status", "x-ms-blob-append-offset", "x-ms-blob-cache-control", "x-ms-blob-committed-block-count", "x-ms-blob-condition-appendpos", "x-ms-blob-condition-maxsize", "x-ms-blob-content-disposition", "x-ms-blob-content-encoding", "x-ms-blob-content-language", "x-ms-blob-content-length", "x-ms-blob-content-md5", "x-ms-blob-content-type", "x-ms-blob-public-access", "x-ms-blob-sequence-number", "x-ms-blob-type", "x-ms-copy-destination-snapshot", "x-ms-creation-time", "x-ms-default-encryption-scope", "x-ms-delete-snapshots", "x-ms-delete-type-permanent", "x-ms-deny-encryption-scope-override", "x-ms-encryption-algorithm", "x-ms-if-sequence-number-eq", "x-ms-if-sequence-number-le", "x-ms-if-sequence-number-lt", "x-ms-incremental-copy", "x-ms-lease-action", "x-ms-lease-break-period", "x-ms-lease-duration", "x-ms-lease-id", "x-ms-lease-time", "x-ms-page-write", "x-ms-proposed-lease-id", "x-ms-range-get-content-md5", "x-ms-rehydrate-priority", "x-ms-sequence-number-action", "x-ms-sku-name", "x-ms-source-content-md5", "x-ms-source-if-match", "x-ms-source-if-modified-since", "x-ms-source-if-none-match", "x-ms-source-if-unmodified-since", "x-ms-tag-count", "x-ms-encryption-key-sha256", "x-ms-if-tags", "x-ms-source-if-tags", ]; const StorageBlobLoggingAllowedQueryParameters = [ "comp", "maxresults", "rscc", "rscd", "rsce", "rscl", "rsct", "se", "si", "sip", "sp", "spr", "sr", "srt", "ss", "st", "sv", "include", "marker", "prefix", "copyid", "restype", "blockid", "blocklisttype", "delimiter", "prevsnapshot", "ske", "skoid", "sks", "skt", "sktid", "skv", "snapshot", ]; const BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryptionMsg = "BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryption"; const BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption = "BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption"; /// List of ports used for path style addressing. /// Path style addressing means that storage account is put in URI's Path segment in instead of in host. const PathStylePorts = [ "10000", "10001", "10002", "10003", "10004", "10100", "10101", "10102", "10103", "10104", "11000", "11001", "11002", "11003", "11004", "11100", "11101", "11102", "11103", "11104", ]; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Reserved URL characters must be properly escaped for Storage services like Blob or File. * * ## URL encode and escape strategy for JS SDKs * * When customers pass a URL string into XxxClient classes constructor, the URL string may already be URL encoded or not. * But before sending to Azure Storage server, the URL must be encoded. However, it's hard for a SDK to guess whether the URL * string has been encoded or not. We have 2 potential strategies, and chose strategy two for the XxxClient constructors. * * ### Strategy One: Assume the customer URL string is not encoded, and always encode URL string in SDK. * * This is what legacy V2 SDK does, simple and works for most of the cases. * - When customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b:", * SDK will encode it to "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A" and send to server. A blob named "b:" will be created. * - When customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A", * SDK will encode it to "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A" and send to server. A blob named "b%3A" will be created. * * But this strategy will make it not possible to create a blob with "?" in it's name. Because when customer URL string is * "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/blob?name", the "?name" will be treated as URL paramter instead of blob name. * If customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/blob%3Fname", a blob named "blob%3Fname" will be created. * V2 SDK doesn't have this issue because it doesn't allow customer pass in a full URL, it accepts a separate blob name and encodeURIComponent for it. * We cannot accept a SDK cannot create a blob name with "?". So we implement strategy two: * * ### Strategy Two: SDK doesn't assume the URL has been encoded or not. It will just escape the special characters. * * This is what V10 Blob Go SDK does. It accepts a URL type in Go, and call url.EscapedPath() to escape the special chars unescaped. * - When customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b:", * SDK will escape ":" like "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A" and send to server. A blob named "b:" will be created. * - When customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A", * There is no special characters, so send "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%3A" to server. A blob named "b:" will be created. * - When customer URL string is "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A", * There is no special characters, so send "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%253A" to server. A blob named "b%3A" will be created. * * This strategy gives us flexibility to create with any special characters. But "%" will be treated as a special characters, if the URL string * is not encoded, there shouldn't a "%" in the URL string, otherwise the URL is not a valid URL. * If customer needs to create a blob with "%" in it's blob name, use "%25" instead of "%". Just like above 3rd sample. * And following URL strings are invalid: * - "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%" * - "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%2" * - "http://account.blob.core.windows.net/con/b%G" * * Another special character is "?", use "%2F" to represent a blob name with "?" in a URL string. * * ### Strategy for containerName, blobName or other specific XXXName parameters in methods such as `containerClient.getBlobClient(blobName)` * * We will apply strategy one, and call encodeURIComponent for these parameters like blobName. Because what customers passes in is a plain name instead of a URL. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-containers--blobs--and-metadata * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-shares--directories--files--and-metadata * * @param url - */ function escapeURLPath(url) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); let path = urlParsed.getPath(); path = path || "/"; path = escape(path); urlParsed.setPath(path); return urlParsed.toString(); } function getProxyUriFromDevConnString(connectionString) { // Development Connection String // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-configure-connection-string#connect-to-the-emulator-account-using-the-well-known-account-name-and-key let proxyUri = ""; if (connectionString.search("DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=") !== -1) { // CONNECTION_STRING=UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=http://myProxyUri const matchCredentials = connectionString.split(";"); for (const element of matchCredentials) { if (element.trim().startsWith("DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=")) { proxyUri = element.trim().match("DevelopmentStorageProxyUri=(.*)")[1]; } } } return proxyUri; } function getValueInConnString(connectionString, argument) { const elements = connectionString.split(";"); for (const element of elements) { if (element.trim().startsWith(argument)) { return element.trim().match(argument + "=(.*)")[1]; } } return ""; } /** * Extracts the parts of an Azure Storage account connection string. * * @param connectionString - Connection string. * @returns String key value pairs of the storage account's url and credentials. */ function extractConnectionStringParts(connectionString) { let proxyUri = ""; if (connectionString.startsWith("UseDevelopmentStorage=true")) { // Development connection string proxyUri = getProxyUriFromDevConnString(connectionString); connectionString = DevelopmentConnectionString; } // Matching BlobEndpoint in the Account connection string let blobEndpoint = getValueInConnString(connectionString, "BlobEndpoint"); // Slicing off '/' at the end if exists // (The methods that use `extractConnectionStringParts` expect the url to not have `/` at the end) blobEndpoint = blobEndpoint.endsWith("/") ? blobEndpoint.slice(0, -1) : blobEndpoint; if (connectionString.search("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=") !== -1 && connectionString.search("AccountKey=") !== -1) { // Account connection string let defaultEndpointsProtocol = ""; let accountName = ""; let accountKey = Buffer.from("accountKey", "base64"); let endpointSuffix = ""; // Get account name and key accountName = getValueInConnString(connectionString, "AccountName"); accountKey = Buffer.from(getValueInConnString(connectionString, "AccountKey"), "base64"); if (!blobEndpoint) { // BlobEndpoint is not present in the Account connection string // Can be obtained from `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}` defaultEndpointsProtocol = getValueInConnString(connectionString, "DefaultEndpointsProtocol"); const protocol = defaultEndpointsProtocol.toLowerCase(); if (protocol !== "https" && protocol !== "http") { throw new Error("Invalid DefaultEndpointsProtocol in the provided Connection String. Expecting 'https' or 'http'"); } endpointSuffix = getValueInConnString(connectionString, "EndpointSuffix"); if (!endpointSuffix) { throw new Error("Invalid EndpointSuffix in the provided Connection String"); } blobEndpoint = `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}`; } if (!accountName) { throw new Error("Invalid AccountName in the provided Connection String"); } else if (accountKey.length === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid AccountKey in the provided Connection String"); } return { kind: "AccountConnString", url: blobEndpoint, accountName, accountKey, proxyUri, }; } else { // SAS connection string const accountSas = getValueInConnString(connectionString, "SharedAccessSignature"); const accountName = getAccountNameFromUrl(blobEndpoint); if (!blobEndpoint) { throw new Error("Invalid BlobEndpoint in the provided SAS Connection String"); } else if (!accountSas) { throw new Error("Invalid SharedAccessSignature in the provided SAS Connection String"); } return { kind: "SASConnString", url: blobEndpoint, accountName, accountSas }; } } /** * Internal escape method implemented Strategy Two mentioned in escapeURL() description. * * @param text - */ function escape(text) { return encodeURIComponent(text) .replace(/%2F/g, "/") // Don't escape for "/" .replace(/'/g, "%27") // Escape for "'" .replace(/\+/g, "%20") .replace(/%25/g, "%"); // Revert encoded "%" } /** * Append a string to URL path. Will remove duplicated "/" in front of the string * when URL path ends with a "/". * * @param url - Source URL string * @param name - String to be appended to URL * @returns An updated URL string */ function appendToURLPath(url, name) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); let path = urlParsed.getPath(); path = path ? (path.endsWith("/") ? `${path}${name}` : `${path}/${name}`) : name; urlParsed.setPath(path); return urlParsed.toString(); } /** * Set URL parameter name and value. If name exists in URL parameters, old value * will be replaced by name key. If not provide value, the parameter will be deleted. * * @param url - Source URL string * @param name - Parameter name * @param value - Parameter value * @returns An updated URL string */ function setURLParameter(url, name, value) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); urlParsed.setQueryParameter(name, value); return urlParsed.toString(); } /** * Get URL parameter by name. * * @param url - * @param name - */ function getURLParameter(url, name) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); return urlParsed.getQueryParameterValue(name); } /** * Set URL host. * * @param url - Source URL string * @param host - New host string * @returns An updated URL string */ function setURLHost(url, host) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); urlParsed.setHost(host); return urlParsed.toString(); } /** * Get URL path from an URL string. * * @param url - Source URL string */ function getURLPath(url) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); return urlParsed.getPath(); } /** * Get URL scheme from an URL string. * * @param url - Source URL string */ function getURLScheme(url) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); return urlParsed.getScheme(); } /** * Get URL path and query from an URL string. * * @param url - Source URL string */ function getURLPathAndQuery(url) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); const pathString = urlParsed.getPath(); if (!pathString) { throw new RangeError("Invalid url without valid path."); } let queryString = urlParsed.getQuery() || ""; queryString = queryString.trim(); if (queryString !== "") { queryString = queryString.startsWith("?") ? queryString : `?${queryString}`; // Ensure query string start with '?' } return `${pathString}${queryString}`; } /** * Get URL query key value pairs from an URL string. * * @param url - */ function getURLQueries(url) { let queryString = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url).getQuery(); if (!queryString) { return {}; } queryString = queryString.trim(); queryString = queryString.startsWith("?") ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString; let querySubStrings = queryString.split("&"); querySubStrings = querySubStrings.filter((value) => { const indexOfEqual = value.indexOf("="); const lastIndexOfEqual = value.lastIndexOf("="); return (indexOfEqual > 0 && indexOfEqual === lastIndexOfEqual && lastIndexOfEqual < value.length - 1); }); const queries = {}; for (const querySubString of querySubStrings) { const splitResults = querySubString.split("="); const key = splitResults[0]; const value = splitResults[1]; queries[key] = value; } return queries; } /** * Append a string to URL query. * * @param url - Source URL string. * @param queryParts - String to be appended to the URL query. * @returns An updated URL string. */ function appendToURLQuery(url, queryParts) { const urlParsed = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); let query = urlParsed.getQuery(); if (query) { query += "&" + queryParts; } else { query = queryParts; } urlParsed.setQuery(query); return urlParsed.toString(); } /** * Rounds a date off to seconds. * * @param date - * @param withMilliseconds - If true, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffffffZ will be returned; * If false, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ will be returned. * @returns Date string in ISO8061 format, with or without 7 milliseconds component */ function truncatedISO8061Date(date, withMilliseconds = true) { // Date.toISOString() will return like "2018-10-29T06:34:36.139Z" const dateString = date.toISOString(); return withMilliseconds ? dateString.substring(0, dateString.length - 1) + "0000" + "Z" : dateString.substring(0, dateString.length - 5) + "Z"; } /** * Base64 encode. * * @param content - */ function base64encode(content) { return !coreHttp.isNode ? btoa(content) : Buffer.from(content).toString("base64"); } /** * Generate a 64 bytes base64 block ID string. * * @param blockIndex - */ function generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix, blockIndex) { // To generate a 64 bytes base64 string, source string should be 48 const maxSourceStringLength = 48; // A blob can have a maximum of 100,000 uncommitted blocks at any given time const maxBlockIndexLength = 6; const maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength = maxSourceStringLength - maxBlockIndexLength; if (blockIDPrefix.length > maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength) { blockIDPrefix = blockIDPrefix.slice(0, maxAllowedBlockIDPrefixLength); } const res = blockIDPrefix + padStart(blockIndex.toString(), maxSourceStringLength - blockIDPrefix.length, "0"); return base64encode(res); } /** * Delay specified time interval. * * @param timeInMs - * @param aborter - * @param abortError - */ async function delay(timeInMs, aborter, abortError) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const */ let timeout; const abortHandler = () => { if (timeout !== undefined) { clearTimeout(timeout); } reject(abortError); }; const resolveHandler = () => { if (aborter !== undefined) { aborter.removeEventListener("abort", abortHandler); } resolve(); }; timeout = setTimeout(resolveHandler, timeInMs); if (aborter !== undefined) { aborter.addEventListener("abort", abortHandler); } }); } /** * String.prototype.padStart() * * @param currentString - * @param targetLength - * @param padString - */ function padStart(currentString, targetLength, padString = " ") { // @ts-expect-error: TS doesn't know this code needs to run downlevel sometimes if (String.prototype.padStart) { return currentString.padStart(targetLength, padString); } padString = padString || " "; if (currentString.length > targetLength) { return currentString; } else { targetLength = targetLength - currentString.length; if (targetLength > padString.length) { padString += padString.repeat(targetLength / padString.length); } return padString.slice(0, targetLength) + currentString; } } /** * If two strings are equal when compared case insensitive. * * @param str1 - * @param str2 - */ function iEqual(str1, str2) { return str1.toLocaleLowerCase() === str2.toLocaleLowerCase(); } /** * Extracts account name from the url * @param url - url to extract the account name from * @returns with the account name */ function getAccountNameFromUrl(url) { const parsedUrl = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(url); let accountName; try { if (parsedUrl.getHost().split(".")[1] === "blob") { // `${defaultEndpointsProtocol}://${accountName}.blob.${endpointSuffix}`; accountName = parsedUrl.getHost().split(".")[0]; } else if (isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl)) { // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts... Example - // Single word domain without a [dot] in the endpoint... Example - http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/ // .getPath() -> /devstoreaccount1/ accountName = parsedUrl.getPath().split("/")[1]; } else { // Custom domain case: "https://customdomain.com/containername/blob". accountName = ""; } return accountName; } catch (error) { throw new Error("Unable to extract accountName with provided information."); } } function isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl) { if (parsedUrl.getHost() === undefined) { return false; } const host = parsedUrl.getHost() + (parsedUrl.getPort() === undefined ? "" : ":" + parsedUrl.getPort()); // Case 1: Ipv6, use a broad regex to find out candidates whose host contains two ':'. // Case 2: localhost(:port), use broad regex to match port part. // Case 3: Ipv4, use broad regex which just check if host contains Ipv4. // For valid host please refer to https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hostname.7.html. return (/^.*:.*:.*$|^localhost(:[0-9]+)?$|^(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])(\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){3}(:[0-9]+)?$/.test(host) || (parsedUrl.getPort() !== undefined && PathStylePorts.includes(parsedUrl.getPort()))); } /** * Convert Tags to encoded string. * * @param tags - */ function toBlobTagsString(tags) { if (tags === undefined) { return undefined; } const tagPairs = []; for (const key in tags) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, key)) { const value = tags[key]; tagPairs.push(`${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`); } } return tagPairs.join("&"); } /** * Convert Tags type to BlobTags. * * @param tags - */ function toBlobTags(tags) { if (tags === undefined) { return undefined; } const res = { blobTagSet: [], }; for (const key in tags) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(tags, key)) { const value = tags[key]; res.blobTagSet.push({ key, value, }); } } return res; } /** * Covert BlobTags to Tags type. * * @param tags - */ function toTags(tags) { if (tags === undefined) { return undefined; } const res = {}; for (const blobTag of tags.blobTagSet) { res[blobTag.key] = blobTag.value; } return res; } /** * Convert BlobQueryTextConfiguration to QuerySerialization type. * * @param textConfiguration - */ function toQuerySerialization(textConfiguration) { if (textConfiguration === undefined) { return undefined; } switch (textConfiguration.kind) { case "csv": return { format: { type: "delimited", delimitedTextConfiguration: { columnSeparator: textConfiguration.columnSeparator || ",", fieldQuote: textConfiguration.fieldQuote || "", recordSeparator: textConfiguration.recordSeparator, escapeChar: textConfiguration.escapeCharacter || "", headersPresent: textConfiguration.hasHeaders || false, }, }, }; case "json": return { format: { type: "json", jsonTextConfiguration: { recordSeparator: textConfiguration.recordSeparator, }, }, }; case "arrow": return { format: { type: "arrow", arrowConfiguration: { schema: textConfiguration.schema, }, }, }; case "parquet": return { format: { type: "parquet", }, }; default: throw Error("Invalid BlobQueryTextConfiguration."); } } function parseObjectReplicationRecord(objectReplicationRecord) { if (!objectReplicationRecord) { return undefined; } if ("policy-id" in objectReplicationRecord) { // If the dictionary contains a key with policy id, we are not required to do any parsing since // the policy id should already be stored in the ObjectReplicationDestinationPolicyId. return undefined; } const orProperties = []; for (const key in objectReplicationRecord) { const ids = key.split("_"); const policyPrefix = "or-"; if (ids[0].startsWith(policyPrefix)) { ids[0] = ids[0].substring(policyPrefix.length); } const rule = { ruleId: ids[1], replicationStatus: objectReplicationRecord[key], }; const policyIndex = orProperties.findIndex((policy) => policy.policyId === ids[0]); if (policyIndex > -1) { orProperties[policyIndex].rules.push(rule); } else { orProperties.push({ policyId: ids[0], rules: [rule], }); } } return orProperties; } /** * Attach a TokenCredential to an object. * * @param thing - * @param credential - */ function attachCredential(thing, credential) { thing.credential = credential; return thing; } function httpAuthorizationToString(httpAuthorization) { return httpAuthorization ? httpAuthorization.scheme + " " + httpAuthorization.value : undefined; } function BlobNameToString(name) { if (name.encoded) { return decodeURIComponent(name.content); } else { return name.content; } } function ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobFlat(internalResponse) { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, internalResponse), { segment: { blobItems: internalResponse.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => { const blobItem = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blobItemInteral), { name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name) }); return blobItem; }), } }); } function ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobHierarchy(internalResponse) { var _a; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, internalResponse), { segment: { blobPrefixes: (_a = internalResponse.segment.blobPrefixes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map((blobPrefixInternal) => { const blobPrefix = { name: BlobNameToString(blobPrefixInternal.name), }; return blobPrefix; }), blobItems: internalResponse.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => { const blobItem = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blobItemInteral), { name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name) }); return blobItem; }), } }); } function decodeBase64String(value) { if (coreHttp.isNode) { return Buffer.from(value, "base64"); } else { const byteString = atob(value); const arr = new Uint8Array(byteString.length); for (let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) { arr[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i); } return arr; } } function ParseBoolean(content) { if (content === undefined) return undefined; if (content === "true") return true; if (content === "false") return false; return undefined; } function ParseBlobName(blobNameInXML) { if (blobNameInXML["$"] !== undefined && blobNameInXML["#"] !== undefined) { return { encoded: ParseBoolean(blobNameInXML["$"]["Encoded"]), content: blobNameInXML["#"], }; } else { return { encoded: false, content: blobNameInXML, }; } } function ParseBlobProperties(blobPropertiesInXML) { const blobProperties = blobPropertiesInXML; if (blobPropertiesInXML["Creation-Time"]) { blobProperties.createdOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["Creation-Time"]); delete blobProperties["Creation-Time"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Last-Modified"]) { blobProperties.lastModified = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["Last-Modified"]); delete blobProperties["Last-Modified"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Etag"]) { blobProperties.etag = blobPropertiesInXML["Etag"]; delete blobProperties["Etag"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Length"]) { blobProperties.contentLength = parseFloat(blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Length"]); delete blobProperties["Content-Length"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Type"]) { blobProperties.contentType = blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Type"]; delete blobProperties["Content-Type"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Encoding"]) { blobProperties.contentEncoding = blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Encoding"]; delete blobProperties["Content-Encoding"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Language"]) { blobProperties.contentLanguage = blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Language"]; delete blobProperties["Content-Language"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-MD5"]) { blobProperties.contentMD5 = decodeBase64String(blobPropertiesInXML["Content-MD5"]); delete blobProperties["Content-MD5"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Disposition"]) { blobProperties.contentDisposition = blobPropertiesInXML["Content-Disposition"]; delete blobProperties["Content-Disposition"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Cache-Control"]) { blobProperties.cacheControl = blobPropertiesInXML["Cache-Control"]; delete blobProperties["Cache-Control"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["x-ms-blob-sequence-number"]) { blobProperties.blobSequenceNumber = parseFloat(blobPropertiesInXML["x-ms-blob-sequence-number"]); delete blobProperties["x-ms-blob-sequence-number"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["BlobType"]) { blobProperties.blobType = blobPropertiesInXML["BlobType"]; delete blobProperties["BlobType"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseStatus"]) { blobProperties.leaseStatus = blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseStatus"]; delete blobProperties["LeaseStatus"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseState"]) { blobProperties.leaseState = blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseState"]; delete blobProperties["LeaseState"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseDuration"]) { blobProperties.leaseDuration = blobPropertiesInXML["LeaseDuration"]; delete blobProperties["LeaseDuration"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopyId"]) { blobProperties.copyId = blobPropertiesInXML["CopyId"]; delete blobProperties["CopyId"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopyStatus"]) { blobProperties.copyStatus = blobPropertiesInXML["CopyStatus"]; delete blobProperties["CopyStatus"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopySource"]) { blobProperties.copySource = blobPropertiesInXML["CopySource"]; delete blobProperties["CopySource"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopyProgress"]) { blobProperties.copyProgress = blobPropertiesInXML["CopyProgress"]; delete blobProperties["CopyProgress"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopyCompletionTime"]) { blobProperties.copyCompletedOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["CopyCompletionTime"]); delete blobProperties["CopyCompletionTime"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CopyStatusDescription"]) { blobProperties.copyStatusDescription = blobPropertiesInXML["CopyStatusDescription"]; delete blobProperties["CopyStatusDescription"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["ServerEncrypted"]) { blobProperties.serverEncrypted = ParseBoolean(blobPropertiesInXML["ServerEncrypted"]); delete blobProperties["ServerEncrypted"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["IncrementalCopy"]) { blobProperties.incrementalCopy = ParseBoolean(blobPropertiesInXML["IncrementalCopy"]); delete blobProperties["IncrementalCopy"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["DestinationSnapshot"]) { blobProperties.destinationSnapshot = blobPropertiesInXML["DestinationSnapshot"]; delete blobProperties["DestinationSnapshot"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["DeletedTime"]) { blobProperties.deletedOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["DeletedTime"]); delete blobProperties["DeletedTime"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["RemainingRetentionDays"]) { blobProperties.remainingRetentionDays = parseFloat(blobPropertiesInXML["RemainingRetentionDays"]); delete blobProperties["RemainingRetentionDays"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTier"]) { blobProperties.accessTier = blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTier"]; delete blobProperties["AccessTier"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTierInferred"]) { blobProperties.accessTierInferred = ParseBoolean(blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTierInferred"]); delete blobProperties["AccessTierInferred"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["ArchiveStatus"]) { blobProperties.archiveStatus = blobPropertiesInXML["ArchiveStatus"]; delete blobProperties["ArchiveStatus"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["CustomerProvidedKeySha256"]) { blobProperties.customerProvidedKeySha256 = blobPropertiesInXML["CustomerProvidedKeySha256"]; delete blobProperties["CustomerProvidedKeySha256"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["EncryptionScope"]) { blobProperties.encryptionScope = blobPropertiesInXML["EncryptionScope"]; delete blobProperties["EncryptionScope"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTierChangeTime"]) { blobProperties.accessTierChangedOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["AccessTierChangeTime"]); delete blobProperties["AccessTierChangeTime"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["TagCount"]) { blobProperties.tagCount = parseFloat(blobPropertiesInXML["TagCount"]); delete blobProperties["TagCount"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Expiry-Time"]) { blobProperties.expiresOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["Expiry-Time"]); delete blobProperties["Expiry-Time"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["Sealed"]) { blobProperties.isSealed = ParseBoolean(blobPropertiesInXML["Sealed"]); delete blobProperties["Sealed"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["RehydratePriority"]) { blobProperties.rehydratePriority = blobPropertiesInXML["RehydratePriority"]; delete blobProperties["RehydratePriority"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["LastAccessTime"]) { blobProperties.lastAccessedOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["LastAccessTime"]); delete blobProperties["LastAccessTime"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate"]) { blobProperties.immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn = new Date(blobPropertiesInXML["ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate"]); delete blobProperties["ImmutabilityPolicyUntilDate"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["ImmutabilityPolicyMode"]) { blobProperties.immutabilityPolicyMode = blobPropertiesInXML["ImmutabilityPolicyMode"]; delete blobProperties["ImmutabilityPolicyMode"]; } if (blobPropertiesInXML["LegalHold"]) { blobProperties.legalHold = ParseBoolean(blobPropertiesInXML["LegalHold"]); delete blobProperties["LegalHold"]; } return blobProperties; } function ParseBlobItem(blobInXML) { const blobItem = blobInXML; blobItem.properties = ParseBlobProperties(blobInXML["Properties"]); delete blobItem["Properties"]; blobItem.name = ParseBlobName(blobInXML["Name"]); delete blobItem["Name"]; blobItem.deleted = ParseBoolean(blobInXML["Deleted"]); delete blobItem["Deleted"]; if (blobInXML["Snapshot"]) { blobItem.snapshot = blobInXML["Snapshot"]; delete blobItem["Snapshot"]; } if (blobInXML["VersionId"]) { blobItem.versionId = blobInXML["VersionId"]; delete blobItem["VersionId"]; } if (blobInXML["IsCurrentVersion"]) { blobItem.isCurrentVersion = ParseBoolean(blobInXML["IsCurrentVersion"]); delete blobItem["IsCurrentVersion"]; } if (blobInXML["Metadata"]) { blobItem.metadata = blobInXML["Metadata"]; delete blobItem["Metadata"]; } if (blobInXML["Tags"]) { blobItem.blobTags = ParseBlobTags(blobInXML["Tags"]); delete blobItem["Tags"]; } if (blobInXML["OrMetadata"]) { blobItem.objectReplicationMetadata = blobInXML["OrMetadata"]; delete blobItem["OrMetadata"]; } if (blobInXML["HasVersionsOnly"]) { blobItem.hasVersionsOnly = ParseBoolean(blobInXML["HasVersionsOnly"]); delete blobItem["HasVersionsOnly"]; } return blobItem; } function ParseBlobPrefix(blobPrefixInXML) { return { name: ParseBlobName(blobPrefixInXML["Name"]), }; } function ParseBlobTag(blobTagInXML) { return { key: blobTagInXML["Key"], value: blobTagInXML["Value"], }; } function ParseBlobTags(blobTagsInXML) { if (blobTagsInXML === undefined || blobTagsInXML["TagSet"] === undefined || blobTagsInXML["TagSet"]["Tag"] === undefined) { return undefined; } const blobTagSet = []; if (blobTagsInXML["TagSet"]["Tag"] instanceof Array) { blobTagsInXML["TagSet"]["Tag"].forEach((blobTagInXML) => { blobTagSet.push(ParseBlobTag(blobTagInXML)); }); } else { blobTagSet.push(ParseBlobTag(blobTagsInXML["TagSet"]["Tag"])); } return { blobTagSet: blobTagSet }; } function ProcessBlobItems(blobArrayInXML) { const blobItems = []; if (blobArrayInXML instanceof Array) { blobArrayInXML.forEach((blobInXML) => { blobItems.push(ParseBlobItem(blobInXML)); }); } else { blobItems.push(ParseBlobItem(blobArrayInXML)); } return blobItems; } function ProcessBlobPrefixes(blobPrefixesInXML) { const blobPrefixes = []; if (blobPrefixesInXML instanceof Array) { blobPrefixesInXML.forEach((blobPrefixInXML) => { blobPrefixes.push(ParseBlobPrefix(blobPrefixInXML)); }); } else { blobPrefixes.push(ParseBlobPrefix(blobPrefixesInXML)); } return blobPrefixes; } function* ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(getPageRangesSegment) { let pageRange = []; let clearRange = []; if (getPageRangesSegment.pageRange) pageRange = getPageRangesSegment.pageRange; if (getPageRangesSegment.clearRange) clearRange = getPageRangesSegment.clearRange; let pageRangeIndex = 0; let clearRangeIndex = 0; while (pageRangeIndex < pageRange.length && clearRangeIndex < clearRange.length) { if (pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start < clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start) { yield { start: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start, end: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].end, isClear: false, }; ++pageRangeIndex; } else { yield { start: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start, end: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].end, isClear: true, }; ++clearRangeIndex; } } for (; pageRangeIndex < pageRange.length; ++pageRangeIndex) { yield { start: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].start, end: pageRange[pageRangeIndex].end, isClear: false, }; } for (; clearRangeIndex < clearRange.length; ++clearRangeIndex) { yield { start: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].start, end: clearRange[clearRangeIndex].end, isClear: true, }; } } /** * Escape the blobName but keep path separator ('/'). */ function EscapePath(blobName) { const split = blobName.split("/"); for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { split[i] = encodeURIComponent(split[i]); } return split.join("/"); } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * StorageBrowserPolicy will handle differences between Node.js and browser runtime, including: * * 1. Browsers cache GET/HEAD requests by adding conditional headers such as 'IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'. * StorageBrowserPolicy is a policy used to add a timestamp query to GET/HEAD request URL * thus avoid the browser cache. * * 2. Remove cookie header for security * * 3. Remove content-length header to avoid browsers warning */ class StorageBrowserPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { /** * Creates an instance of StorageBrowserPolicy. * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ // The base class has a protected constructor. Adding a public one to enable constructing of this class. /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor*/ constructor(nextPolicy, options) { super(nextPolicy, options); } /** * Sends out request. * * @param request - */ async sendRequest(request) { if (coreHttp.isNode) { return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request); } if (request.method.toUpperCase() === "GET" || request.method.toUpperCase() === "HEAD") { request.url = setURLParameter(request.url, URLConstants.Parameters.FORCE_BROWSER_NO_CACHE, new Date().getTime().toString()); } request.headers.remove(HeaderConstants.COOKIE); // According to XHR standards, content-length should be fully controlled by browsers request.headers.remove(HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH); return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * StorageBrowserPolicyFactory is a factory class helping generating StorageBrowserPolicy objects. */ class StorageBrowserPolicyFactory { /** * Creates a StorageBrowserPolicyFactory object. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ create(nextPolicy, options) { return new StorageBrowserPolicy(nextPolicy, options); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * RetryPolicy types. */ exports.StorageRetryPolicyType = void 0; (function (StorageRetryPolicyType) { /** * Exponential retry. Retry time delay grows exponentially. */ StorageRetryPolicyType[StorageRetryPolicyType["EXPONENTIAL"] = 0] = "EXPONENTIAL"; /** * Linear retry. Retry time delay grows linearly. */ StorageRetryPolicyType[StorageRetryPolicyType["FIXED"] = 1] = "FIXED"; })(exports.StorageRetryPolicyType || (exports.StorageRetryPolicyType = {})); // Default values of StorageRetryOptions const DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS = { maxRetryDelayInMs: 120 * 1000, maxTries: 4, retryDelayInMs: 4 * 1000, retryPolicyType: exports.StorageRetryPolicyType.EXPONENTIAL, secondaryHost: "", tryTimeoutInMs: undefined, // Use server side default timeout strategy }; const RETRY_ABORT_ERROR = new abortController.AbortError("The operation was aborted."); /** * Retry policy with exponential retry and linear retry implemented. */ class StorageRetryPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { /** * Creates an instance of RetryPolicy. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - * @param retryOptions - */ constructor(nextPolicy, options, retryOptions = DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS) { super(nextPolicy, options); // Initialize retry options this.retryOptions = { retryPolicyType: retryOptions.retryPolicyType ? retryOptions.retryPolicyType : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.retryPolicyType, maxTries: retryOptions.maxTries && retryOptions.maxTries >= 1 ? Math.floor(retryOptions.maxTries) : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.maxTries, tryTimeoutInMs: retryOptions.tryTimeoutInMs && retryOptions.tryTimeoutInMs >= 0 ? retryOptions.tryTimeoutInMs : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.tryTimeoutInMs, retryDelayInMs: retryOptions.retryDelayInMs && retryOptions.retryDelayInMs >= 0 ? Math.min(retryOptions.retryDelayInMs, retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs ? retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.maxRetryDelayInMs) : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.retryDelayInMs, maxRetryDelayInMs: retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs && retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs >= 0 ? retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.maxRetryDelayInMs, secondaryHost: retryOptions.secondaryHost ? retryOptions.secondaryHost : DEFAULT_RETRY_OPTIONS.secondaryHost, }; } /** * Sends request. * * @param request - */ async sendRequest(request) { return this.attemptSendRequest(request, false, 1); } /** * Decide and perform next retry. Won't mutate request parameter. * * @param request - * @param secondaryHas404 - If attempt was against the secondary & it returned a StatusNotFound (404), then * the resource was not found. This may be due to replication delay. So, in this * case, we'll never try the secondary again for this operation. * @param attempt - How many retries has been attempted to performed, starting from 1, which includes * the attempt will be performed by this method call. */ async attemptSendRequest(request, secondaryHas404, attempt) { const newRequest = request.clone(); const isPrimaryRetry = secondaryHas404 || !this.retryOptions.secondaryHost || !(request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD" || request.method === "OPTIONS") || attempt % 2 === 1; if (!isPrimaryRetry) { newRequest.url = setURLHost(newRequest.url, this.retryOptions.secondaryHost); } // Set the server-side timeout query parameter "timeout=[seconds]" if (this.retryOptions.tryTimeoutInMs) { newRequest.url = setURLParameter(newRequest.url, URLConstants.Parameters.TIMEOUT, Math.floor(this.retryOptions.tryTimeoutInMs / 1000).toString()); } let response; try { logger.info(`RetryPolicy: =====> Try=${attempt} ${isPrimaryRetry ? "Primary" : "Secondary"}`); response = await this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(newRequest); if (!this.shouldRetry(isPrimaryRetry, attempt, response)) { return response; } secondaryHas404 = secondaryHas404 || (!isPrimaryRetry && response.status === 404); } catch (err) { logger.error(`RetryPolicy: Caught error, message: ${err.message}, code: ${err.code}`); if (!this.shouldRetry(isPrimaryRetry, attempt, response, err)) { throw err; } } await this.delay(isPrimaryRetry, attempt, request.abortSignal); return this.attemptSendRequest(request, secondaryHas404, ++attempt); } /** * Decide whether to retry according to last HTTP response and retry counters. * * @param isPrimaryRetry - * @param attempt - * @param response - * @param err - */ shouldRetry(isPrimaryRetry, attempt, response, err) { if (attempt >= this.retryOptions.maxTries) { logger.info(`RetryPolicy: Attempt(s) ${attempt} >= maxTries ${this.retryOptions .maxTries}, no further try.`); return false; } // Handle network failures, you may need to customize the list when you implement // your own http client const retriableErrors = [ "ETIMEDOUT", "ESOCKETTIMEDOUT", "ECONNREFUSED", "ECONNRESET", "ENOENT", "ENOTFOUND", "TIMEOUT", "EPIPE", "REQUEST_SEND_ERROR", // For default xhr based http client provided in ms-rest-js ]; if (err) { for (const retriableError of retriableErrors) { if (err.name.toUpperCase().includes(retriableError) || err.message.toUpperCase().includes(retriableError) || (err.code && err.code.toString().toUpperCase() === retriableError)) { logger.info(`RetryPolicy: Network error ${retriableError} found, will retry.`); return true; } } } // If attempt was against the secondary & it returned a StatusNotFound (404), then // the resource was not found. This may be due to replication delay. So, in this // case, we'll never try the secondary again for this operation. if (response || err) { const statusCode = response ? response.status : err ? err.statusCode : 0; if (!isPrimaryRetry && statusCode === 404) { logger.info(`RetryPolicy: Secondary access with 404, will retry.`); return true; } // Server internal error or server timeout if (statusCode === 503 || statusCode === 500) { logger.info(`RetryPolicy: Will retry for status code ${statusCode}.`); return true; } } if ((err === null || err === void 0 ? void 0 : err.code) === "PARSE_ERROR" && (err === null || err === void 0 ? void 0 : err.message.startsWith(`Error "Error: Unclosed root tag`))) { logger.info("RetryPolicy: Incomplete XML response likely due to service timeout, will retry."); return true; } return false; } /** * Delay a calculated time between retries. * * @param isPrimaryRetry - * @param attempt - * @param abortSignal - */ async delay(isPrimaryRetry, attempt, abortSignal) { let delayTimeInMs = 0; if (isPrimaryRetry) { switch (this.retryOptions.retryPolicyType) { case exports.StorageRetryPolicyType.EXPONENTIAL: delayTimeInMs = Math.min((Math.pow(2, attempt - 1) - 1) * this.retryOptions.retryDelayInMs, this.retryOptions.maxRetryDelayInMs); break; case exports.StorageRetryPolicyType.FIXED: delayTimeInMs = this.retryOptions.retryDelayInMs; break; } } else { delayTimeInMs = Math.random() * 1000; } logger.info(`RetryPolicy: Delay for ${delayTimeInMs}ms`); return delay(delayTimeInMs, abortSignal, RETRY_ABORT_ERROR); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * StorageRetryPolicyFactory is a factory class helping generating {@link StorageRetryPolicy} objects. */ class StorageRetryPolicyFactory { /** * Creates an instance of StorageRetryPolicyFactory. * @param retryOptions - */ constructor(retryOptions) { this.retryOptions = retryOptions; } /** * Creates a StorageRetryPolicy object. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ create(nextPolicy, options) { return new StorageRetryPolicy(nextPolicy, options, this.retryOptions); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Credential policy used to sign HTTP(S) requests before sending. This is an * abstract class. */ class CredentialPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { /** * Sends out request. * * @param request - */ sendRequest(request) { return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(this.signRequest(request)); } /** * Child classes must implement this method with request signing. This method * will be executed in {@link sendRequest}. * * @param request - */ signRequest(request) { // Child classes must override this method with request signing. This method // will be executed in sendRequest(). return request; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with HTTP(S) requests that read public resources * or for use with Shared Access Signatures (SAS). */ class AnonymousCredentialPolicy extends CredentialPolicy { /** * Creates an instance of AnonymousCredentialPolicy. * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ // The base class has a protected constructor. Adding a public one to enable constructing of this class. /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor*/ constructor(nextPolicy, options) { super(nextPolicy, options); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * Credential is an abstract class for Azure Storage HTTP requests signing. This * class will host an credentialPolicyCreator factory which generates CredentialPolicy. */ class Credential { /** * Creates a RequestPolicy object. * * @param _nextPolicy - * @param _options - */ create(_nextPolicy, _options) { throw new Error("Method should be implemented in children classes."); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * AnonymousCredential provides a credentialPolicyCreator member used to create * AnonymousCredentialPolicy objects. AnonymousCredentialPolicy is used with * HTTP(S) requests that read public resources or for use with Shared Access * Signatures (SAS). */ class AnonymousCredential extends Credential { /** * Creates an {@link AnonymousCredentialPolicy} object. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ create(nextPolicy, options) { return new AnonymousCredentialPolicy(nextPolicy, options); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * TelemetryPolicy is a policy used to tag user-agent header for every requests. */ class TelemetryPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { /** * Creates an instance of TelemetryPolicy. * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - * @param telemetry - */ constructor(nextPolicy, options, telemetry) { super(nextPolicy, options); this.telemetry = telemetry; } /** * Sends out request. * * @param request - */ async sendRequest(request) { if (coreHttp.isNode) { if (!request.headers) { request.headers = new coreHttp.HttpHeaders(); } if (!request.headers.get(HeaderConstants.USER_AGENT)) { request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.USER_AGENT, this.telemetry); } } return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * TelemetryPolicyFactory is a factory class helping generating {@link TelemetryPolicy} objects. */ class TelemetryPolicyFactory { /** * Creates an instance of TelemetryPolicyFactory. * @param telemetry - */ constructor(telemetry) { const userAgentInfo = []; if (coreHttp.isNode) { if (telemetry) { const telemetryString = telemetry.userAgentPrefix || ""; if (telemetryString.length > 0 && userAgentInfo.indexOf(telemetryString) === -1) { userAgentInfo.push(telemetryString); } } // e.g. azsdk-js-storageblob/10.0.0 const libInfo = `azsdk-js-storageblob/${SDK_VERSION}`; if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(libInfo) === -1) { userAgentInfo.push(libInfo); } // e.g. (NODE-VERSION 4.9.1; Windows_NT 10.0.16299) let runtimeInfo = `(NODE-VERSION ${process.version})`; if (os__namespace) { runtimeInfo = `(NODE-VERSION ${process.version}; ${os__namespace.type()} ${os__namespace.release()})`; } if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(runtimeInfo) === -1) { userAgentInfo.push(runtimeInfo); } } this.telemetryString = userAgentInfo.join(" "); } /** * Creates a TelemetryPolicy object. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ create(nextPolicy, options) { return new TelemetryPolicy(nextPolicy, options, this.telemetryString); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. const _defaultHttpClient = new coreHttp.DefaultHttpClient(); function getCachedDefaultHttpClient() { return _defaultHttpClient; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A set of constants used internally when processing requests. */ const Constants = { DefaultScope: "/.default", /** * Defines constants for use with HTTP headers. */ HeaderConstants: { /** * The Authorization header. */ AUTHORIZATION: "authorization", }, }; // Default options for the cycler if none are provided const DEFAULT_CYCLER_OPTIONS = { forcedRefreshWindowInMs: 1000, retryIntervalInMs: 3000, refreshWindowInMs: 1000 * 60 * 2, // Start refreshing 2m before expiry }; /** * Converts an an unreliable access token getter (which may resolve with null) * into an AccessTokenGetter by retrying the unreliable getter in a regular * interval. * * @param getAccessToken - a function that produces a promise of an access * token that may fail by returning null * @param retryIntervalInMs - the time (in milliseconds) to wait between retry * attempts * @param timeoutInMs - the timestamp after which the refresh attempt will fail, * throwing an exception * @returns - a promise that, if it resolves, will resolve with an access token */ async function beginRefresh(getAccessToken, retryIntervalInMs, timeoutInMs) { // This wrapper handles exceptions gracefully as long as we haven't exceeded // the timeout. async function tryGetAccessToken() { if (Date.now() < timeoutInMs) { try { return await getAccessToken(); } catch (_a) { return null; } } else { const finalToken = await getAccessToken(); // Timeout is up, so throw if it's still null if (finalToken === null) { throw new Error("Failed to refresh access token."); } return finalToken; } } let token = await tryGetAccessToken(); while (token === null) { await coreHttp.delay(retryIntervalInMs); token = await tryGetAccessToken(); } return token; } /** * Creates a token cycler from a credential, scopes, and optional settings. * * A token cycler represents a way to reliably retrieve a valid access token * from a TokenCredential. It will handle initializing the token, refreshing it * when it nears expiration, and synchronizes refresh attempts to avoid * concurrency hazards. * * @param credential - the underlying TokenCredential that provides the access * token * @param scopes - the scopes to request authorization for * @param tokenCyclerOptions - optionally override default settings for the cycler * * @returns - a function that reliably produces a valid access token */ function createTokenCycler(credential, scopes, tokenCyclerOptions) { let refreshWorker = null; let token = null; const options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_CYCLER_OPTIONS), tokenCyclerOptions); /** * This little holder defines several predicates that we use to construct * the rules of refreshing the token. */ const cycler = { /** * Produces true if a refresh job is currently in progress. */ get isRefreshing() { return refreshWorker !== null; }, /** * Produces true if the cycler SHOULD refresh (we are within the refresh * window and not already refreshing) */ get shouldRefresh() { var _a; return (!cycler.isRefreshing && ((_a = token === null || token === void 0 ? void 0 : token.expiresOnTimestamp) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) - options.refreshWindowInMs < Date.now()); }, /** * Produces true if the cycler MUST refresh (null or nearly-expired * token). */ get mustRefresh() { return (token === null || token.expiresOnTimestamp - options.forcedRefreshWindowInMs < Date.now()); }, }; /** * Starts a refresh job or returns the existing job if one is already * running. */ function refresh(getTokenOptions) { var _a; if (!cycler.isRefreshing) { // We bind `scopes` here to avoid passing it around a lot const tryGetAccessToken = () => credential.getToken(scopes, getTokenOptions); // Take advantage of promise chaining to insert an assignment to `token` // before the refresh can be considered done. refreshWorker = beginRefresh(tryGetAccessToken, options.retryIntervalInMs, // If we don't have a token, then we should timeout immediately (_a = token === null || token === void 0 ? void 0 : token.expiresOnTimestamp) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : Date.now()) .then((_token) => { refreshWorker = null; token = _token; return token; }) .catch((reason) => { // We also should reset the refresher if we enter a failed state. All // existing awaiters will throw, but subsequent requests will start a // new retry chain. refreshWorker = null; token = null; throw reason; }); } return refreshWorker; } return async (tokenOptions) => { // // Simple rules: // - If we MUST refresh, then return the refresh task, blocking // the pipeline until a token is available. // - If we SHOULD refresh, then run refresh but don't return it // (we can still use the cached token). // - Return the token, since it's fine if we didn't return in // step 1. // if (cycler.mustRefresh) return refresh(tokenOptions); if (cycler.shouldRefresh) { refresh(tokenOptions); } return token; }; } /** * We will retrieve the challenge only if the response status code was 401, * and if the response contained the header "WWW-Authenticate" with a non-empty value. */ function getChallenge(response) { const challenge = response.headers.get("WWW-Authenticate"); if (response.status === 401 && challenge) { return challenge; } return; } /** * Converts: `Bearer a="b" c="d"`. * Into: `[ { a: 'b', c: 'd' }]`. * * @internal */ function parseChallenge(challenge) { const bearerChallenge = challenge.slice("Bearer ".length); const challengeParts = `${bearerChallenge.trim()} `.split(" ").filter((x) => x); const keyValuePairs = challengeParts.map((keyValue) => (([key, value]) => ({ [key]: value }))(keyValue.trim().split("="))); // Key-value pairs to plain object: return keyValuePairs.reduce((a, b) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, a), b)), {}); } // #endregion /** * Creates a new factory for a RequestPolicy that applies a bearer token to * the requests' `Authorization` headers. * * @param credential - The TokenCredential implementation that can supply the bearer token. * @param scopes - The scopes for which the bearer token applies. */ function storageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy(credential, scopes) { // This simple function encapsulates the entire process of reliably retrieving the token let getToken = createTokenCycler(credential, scopes); class StorageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { constructor(nextPolicy, options) { super(nextPolicy, options); } async sendRequest(webResource) { if (!webResource.url.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")) { throw new Error("Bearer token authentication is not permitted for non-TLS protected (non-https) URLs."); } const getTokenInternal = getToken; const token = (await getTokenInternal({ abortSignal: webResource.abortSignal, tracingOptions: { tracingContext: webResource.tracingContext, }, })).token; webResource.headers.set(Constants.HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION, `Bearer ${token}`); const response = await this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(webResource); if ((response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.status) === 401) { const challenge = getChallenge(response); if (challenge) { const challengeInfo = parseChallenge(challenge); const challengeScopes = challengeInfo.resource_id + Constants.DefaultScope; const parsedAuthUri = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(challengeInfo.authorization_uri); const pathSegments = parsedAuthUri.getPath().split("/"); const tenantId = pathSegments[1]; const getTokenForChallenge = createTokenCycler(credential, challengeScopes); const tokenForChallenge = (await getTokenForChallenge({ abortSignal: webResource.abortSignal, tracingOptions: { tracingContext: webResource.tracingContext, }, tenantId: tenantId, })).token; getToken = getTokenForChallenge; webResource.headers.set(Constants.HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION, `Bearer ${tokenForChallenge}`); return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(webResource); } } return response; } } return { create: (nextPolicy, options) => { return new StorageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy(nextPolicy, options); }, }; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A helper to decide if a given argument satisfies the Pipeline contract * @param pipeline - An argument that may be a Pipeline * @returns true when the argument satisfies the Pipeline contract */ function isPipelineLike(pipeline) { if (!pipeline || typeof pipeline !== "object") { return false; } const castPipeline = pipeline; return (Array.isArray(castPipeline.factories) && typeof castPipeline.options === "object" && typeof castPipeline.toServiceClientOptions === "function"); } /** * A Pipeline class containing HTTP request policies. * You can create a default Pipeline by calling {@link newPipeline}. * Or you can create a Pipeline with your own policies by the constructor of Pipeline. * * Refer to {@link newPipeline} and provided policies before implementing your * customized Pipeline. */ class Pipeline { /** * Creates an instance of Pipeline. Customize HTTPClient by implementing IHttpClient interface. * * @param factories - * @param options - */ constructor(factories, options = {}) { this.factories = factories; // when options.httpClient is not specified, passing in a DefaultHttpClient instance to // avoid each client creating its own http client. this.options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { httpClient: options.httpClient || getCachedDefaultHttpClient() }); } /** * Transfer Pipeline object to ServiceClientOptions object which is required by * ServiceClient constructor. * * @returns The ServiceClientOptions object from this Pipeline. */ toServiceClientOptions() { return { httpClient: this.options.httpClient, requestPolicyFactories: this.factories, }; } } /** * Creates a new Pipeline object with Credential provided. * * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used. * @param pipelineOptions - Optional. Options. * @returns A new Pipeline object. */ function newPipeline(credential, pipelineOptions = {}) { var _a; if (credential === undefined) { credential = new AnonymousCredential(); } // Order is important. Closer to the API at the top & closer to the network at the bottom. // The credential's policy factory must appear close to the wire so it can sign any // changes made by other factories (like UniqueRequestIDPolicyFactory) const telemetryPolicy = new TelemetryPolicyFactory(pipelineOptions.userAgentOptions); const factories = [ coreHttp.tracingPolicy({ userAgent: telemetryPolicy.telemetryString }), coreHttp.keepAlivePolicy(pipelineOptions.keepAliveOptions), telemetryPolicy, coreHttp.generateClientRequestIdPolicy(), new StorageBrowserPolicyFactory(), new StorageRetryPolicyFactory(pipelineOptions.retryOptions), // Default deserializationPolicy is provided by protocol layer // Use customized XML char key of "#" so we could deserialize metadata // with "_" key coreHttp.deserializationPolicy(undefined, { xmlCharKey: "#" }), coreHttp.logPolicy({ logger: logger.info, allowedHeaderNames: StorageBlobLoggingAllowedHeaderNames, allowedQueryParameters: StorageBlobLoggingAllowedQueryParameters, }), ]; if (coreHttp.isNode) { // policies only available in Node.js runtime, not in browsers factories.push(coreHttp.proxyPolicy(pipelineOptions.proxyOptions)); factories.push(coreHttp.disableResponseDecompressionPolicy()); } factories.push(coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credential) ? attachCredential(storageBearerTokenChallengeAuthenticationPolicy(credential, (_a = pipelineOptions.audience) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : StorageOAuthScopes), credential) : credential); return new Pipeline(factories, pipelineOptions); } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy is a policy used to sign HTTP request with a shared key. */ class StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy extends CredentialPolicy { /** * Creates an instance of StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy. * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - * @param factory - */ constructor(nextPolicy, options, factory) { super(nextPolicy, options); this.factory = factory; } /** * Signs request. * * @param request - */ signRequest(request) { request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.X_MS_DATE, new Date().toUTCString()); if (request.body && (typeof request.body === "string" || request.body !== undefined) && request.body.length > 0) { request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH, Buffer.byteLength(request.body)); } const stringToSign = [ request.method.toUpperCase(), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LANGUAGE), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_MD5), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.CONTENT_TYPE), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.DATE), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_MATCH), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_NONE_MATCH), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE), this.getHeaderValueToSign(request, HeaderConstants.RANGE), ].join("\n") + "\n" + this.getCanonicalizedHeadersString(request) + this.getCanonicalizedResourceString(request); const signature = this.factory.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); request.headers.set(HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION, `SharedKey ${this.factory.accountName}:${signature}`); // console.log(`[URL]:${request.url}`); // console.log(`[HEADERS]:${request.headers.toString()}`); // console.log(`[STRING TO SIGN]:${JSON.stringify(stringToSign)}`); // console.log(`[KEY]: ${request.headers.get(HeaderConstants.AUTHORIZATION)}`); return request; } /** * Retrieve header value according to shared key sign rules. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authenticate-with-shared-key * * @param request - * @param headerName - */ getHeaderValueToSign(request, headerName) { const value = request.headers.get(headerName); if (!value) { return ""; } // When using version 2015-02-21 or later, if Content-Length is zero, then // set the Content-Length part of the StringToSign to an empty string. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/authenticate-with-shared-key if (headerName === HeaderConstants.CONTENT_LENGTH && value === "0") { return ""; } return value; } /** * To construct the CanonicalizedHeaders portion of the signature string, follow these steps: * 1. Retrieve all headers for the resource that begin with x-ms-, including the x-ms-date header. * 2. Convert each HTTP header name to lowercase. * 3. Sort the headers lexicographically by header name, in ascending order. * Each header may appear only once in the string. * 4. Replace any linear whitespace in the header value with a single space. * 5. Trim any whitespace around the colon in the header. * 6. Finally, append a new-line character to each canonicalized header in the resulting list. * Construct the CanonicalizedHeaders string by concatenating all headers in this list into a single string. * * @param request - */ getCanonicalizedHeadersString(request) { let headersArray = request.headers.headersArray().filter((value) => { return value.name.toLowerCase().startsWith(HeaderConstants.PREFIX_FOR_STORAGE); }); headersArray.sort((a, b) => { return a.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.name.toLowerCase()); }); // Remove duplicate headers headersArray = headersArray.filter((value, index, array) => { if (index > 0 && value.name.toLowerCase() === array[index - 1].name.toLowerCase()) { return false; } return true; }); let canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign = ""; headersArray.forEach((header) => { canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign += `${header.name .toLowerCase() .trimRight()}:${header.value.trimLeft()}\n`; }); return canonicalizedHeadersStringToSign; } /** * Retrieves the webResource canonicalized resource string. * * @param request - */ getCanonicalizedResourceString(request) { const path = getURLPath(request.url) || "/"; let canonicalizedResourceString = ""; canonicalizedResourceString += `/${this.factory.accountName}${path}`; const queries = getURLQueries(request.url); const lowercaseQueries = {}; if (queries) { const queryKeys = []; for (const key in queries) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(queries, key)) { const lowercaseKey = key.toLowerCase(); lowercaseQueries[lowercaseKey] = queries[key]; queryKeys.push(lowercaseKey); } } queryKeys.sort(); for (const key of queryKeys) { canonicalizedResourceString += `\n${key}:${decodeURIComponent(lowercaseQueries[key])}`; } } return canonicalizedResourceString; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * StorageSharedKeyCredential for account key authorization of Azure Storage service. */ class StorageSharedKeyCredential extends Credential { /** * Creates an instance of StorageSharedKeyCredential. * @param accountName - * @param accountKey - */ constructor(accountName, accountKey) { super(); this.accountName = accountName; this.accountKey = Buffer.from(accountKey, "base64"); } /** * Creates a StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy object. * * @param nextPolicy - * @param options - */ create(nextPolicy, options) { return new StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy(nextPolicy, options, this); } /** * Generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS. * * @param stringToSign - */ computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) { return crypto.createHmac("sha256", this.accountKey).update(stringToSign, "utf8").digest("base64"); } } /* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * Licensed under the MIT License. * * Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. * Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. */ const packageName = "azure-storage-blob"; const packageVersion = "12.12.0"; class StorageClientContext extends coreHttp__namespace.ServiceClient { /** * Initializes a new instance of the StorageClientContext class. * @param url The URL of the service account, container, or blob that is the target of the desired * operation. * @param options The parameter options */ constructor(url, options) { if (url === undefined) { throw new Error("'url' cannot be null"); } // Initializing default values for options if (!options) { options = {}; } if (!options.userAgent) { const defaultUserAgent = coreHttp__namespace.getDefaultUserAgentValue(); options.userAgent = `${packageName}/${packageVersion} ${defaultUserAgent}`; } super(undefined, options); this.requestContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"; this.baseUri = options.endpoint || "{url}"; // Parameter assignments this.url = url; // Assigning values to Constant parameters this.version = options.version || "2021-10-04"; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A StorageClient represents a based URL class for {@link BlobServiceClient}, {@link ContainerClient} * and etc. */ class StorageClient { /** * Creates an instance of StorageClient. * @param url - url to resource * @param pipeline - request policy pipeline. */ constructor(url, pipeline) { // URL should be encoded and only once, protocol layer shouldn't encode URL again this.url = escapeURLPath(url); this.accountName = getAccountNameFromUrl(url); this.pipeline = pipeline; this.storageClientContext = new StorageClientContext(this.url, pipeline.toServiceClientOptions()); this.isHttps = iEqual(getURLScheme(this.url) || "", "https"); this.credential = new AnonymousCredential(); for (const factory of this.pipeline.factories) { if ((coreHttp.isNode && factory instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || factory instanceof AnonymousCredential) { this.credential = factory; } else if (coreHttp.isTokenCredential(factory.credential)) { // Only works if the factory has been attached a "credential" property. // We do that in newPipeline() when using TokenCredential. this.credential = factory.credential; } } // Override protocol layer's default content-type const storageClientContext = this.storageClientContext; storageClientContext.requestContentType = undefined; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Creates a span using the global tracer. * @internal */ const createSpan = coreTracing.createSpanFunction({ packagePrefix: "Azure.Storage.Blob", namespace: "Microsoft.Storage", }); /** * @internal * * Adapt the tracing options from OperationOptions to what they need to be for * RequestOptionsBase (when we update to later OpenTelemetry versions this is now * two separate fields, not just one). */ function convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(options) { var _a, _b; return { // By passing spanOptions if they exist at runtime, we're backwards compatible with @azure/core-tracing@preview.13 and earlier. spanOptions: (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.tracingOptions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.spanOptions, tracingContext: (_b = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.tracingOptions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.tracingContext, }; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a blob. Setting * a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant permissions for that operation. Once all * the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the permissions field on a * {@link BlobSASSignatureValues} object. It is possible to construct the permissions string without this class, but * the order of the permissions is particular and this class guarantees correctness. */ class BlobSASPermissions { constructor() { /** * Specifies Read access granted. */ this.read = false; /** * Specifies Add access granted. */ this.add = false; /** * Specifies Create access granted. */ this.create = false; /** * Specifies Write access granted. */ this.write = false; /** * Specifies Delete access granted. */ this.delete = false; /** * Specifies Delete version access granted. */ this.deleteVersion = false; /** * Specfies Tag access granted. */ this.tag = false; /** * Specifies Move access granted. */ this.move = false; /** * Specifies Execute access granted. */ this.execute = false; /** * Specifies SetImmutabilityPolicy access granted. */ this.setImmutabilityPolicy = false; /** * Specifies that Permanent Delete is permitted. */ this.permanentDelete = false; } /** * Creates a {@link BlobSASPermissions} from the specified permissions string. This method will throw an * Error if it encounters a character that does not correspond to a valid permission. * * @param permissions - */ static parse(permissions) { const blobSASPermissions = new BlobSASPermissions(); for (const char of permissions) { switch (char) { case "r": blobSASPermissions.read = true; break; case "a": blobSASPermissions.add = true; break; case "c": blobSASPermissions.create = true; break; case "w": blobSASPermissions.write = true; break; case "d": blobSASPermissions.delete = true; break; case "x": blobSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; break; case "t": blobSASPermissions.tag = true; break; case "m": blobSASPermissions.move = true; break; case "e": blobSASPermissions.execute = true; break; case "i": blobSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; break; case "y": blobSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; break; default: throw new RangeError(`Invalid permission: ${char}`); } } return blobSASPermissions; } /** * Creates a {@link BlobSASPermissions} from a raw object which contains same keys as it * and boolean values for them. * * @param permissionLike - */ static from(permissionLike) { const blobSASPermissions = new BlobSASPermissions(); if (permissionLike.read) { blobSASPermissions.read = true; } if (permissionLike.add) { blobSASPermissions.add = true; } if (permissionLike.create) { blobSASPermissions.create = true; } if (permissionLike.write) { blobSASPermissions.write = true; } if (permissionLike.delete) { blobSASPermissions.delete = true; } if (permissionLike.deleteVersion) { blobSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; } if (permissionLike.tag) { blobSASPermissions.tag = true; } if (permissionLike.move) { blobSASPermissions.move = true; } if (permissionLike.execute) { blobSASPermissions.execute = true; } if (permissionLike.setImmutabilityPolicy) { blobSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; } if (permissionLike.permanentDelete) { blobSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; } return blobSASPermissions; } /** * Converts the given permissions to a string. Using this method will guarantee the permissions are in an * order accepted by the service. * * @returns A string which represents the BlobSASPermissions */ toString() { const permissions = []; if (this.read) { permissions.push("r"); } if (this.add) { permissions.push("a"); } if (this.create) { permissions.push("c"); } if (this.write) { permissions.push("w"); } if (this.delete) { permissions.push("d"); } if (this.deleteVersion) { permissions.push("x"); } if (this.tag) { permissions.push("t"); } if (this.move) { permissions.push("m"); } if (this.execute) { permissions.push("e"); } if (this.setImmutabilityPolicy) { permissions.push("i"); } if (this.permanentDelete) { permissions.push("y"); } return permissions.join(""); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a container. * Setting a value to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant permissions for that operation. * Once all the values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the permissions field on a * {@link BlobSASSignatureValues} object. It is possible to construct the permissions string without this class, but * the order of the permissions is particular and this class guarantees correctness. */ class ContainerSASPermissions { constructor() { /** * Specifies Read access granted. */ this.read = false; /** * Specifies Add access granted. */ this.add = false; /** * Specifies Create access granted. */ this.create = false; /** * Specifies Write access granted. */ this.write = false; /** * Specifies Delete access granted. */ this.delete = false; /** * Specifies Delete version access granted. */ this.deleteVersion = false; /** * Specifies List access granted. */ this.list = false; /** * Specfies Tag access granted. */ this.tag = false; /** * Specifies Move access granted. */ this.move = false; /** * Specifies Execute access granted. */ this.execute = false; /** * Specifies SetImmutabilityPolicy access granted. */ this.setImmutabilityPolicy = false; /** * Specifies that Permanent Delete is permitted. */ this.permanentDelete = false; /** * Specifies that Filter Blobs by Tags is permitted. */ this.filterByTags = false; } /** * Creates an {@link ContainerSASPermissions} from the specified permissions string. This method will throw an * Error if it encounters a character that does not correspond to a valid permission. * * @param permissions - */ static parse(permissions) { const containerSASPermissions = new ContainerSASPermissions(); for (const char of permissions) { switch (char) { case "r": containerSASPermissions.read = true; break; case "a": containerSASPermissions.add = true; break; case "c": containerSASPermissions.create = true; break; case "w": containerSASPermissions.write = true; break; case "d": containerSASPermissions.delete = true; break; case "l": containerSASPermissions.list = true; break; case "t": containerSASPermissions.tag = true; break; case "x": containerSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; break; case "m": containerSASPermissions.move = true; break; case "e": containerSASPermissions.execute = true; break; case "i": containerSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; break; case "y": containerSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; break; case "f": containerSASPermissions.filterByTags = true; break; default: throw new RangeError(`Invalid permission ${char}`); } } return containerSASPermissions; } /** * Creates a {@link ContainerSASPermissions} from a raw object which contains same keys as it * and boolean values for them. * * @param permissionLike - */ static from(permissionLike) { const containerSASPermissions = new ContainerSASPermissions(); if (permissionLike.read) { containerSASPermissions.read = true; } if (permissionLike.add) { containerSASPermissions.add = true; } if (permissionLike.create) { containerSASPermissions.create = true; } if (permissionLike.write) { containerSASPermissions.write = true; } if (permissionLike.delete) { containerSASPermissions.delete = true; } if (permissionLike.list) { containerSASPermissions.list = true; } if (permissionLike.deleteVersion) { containerSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; } if (permissionLike.tag) { containerSASPermissions.tag = true; } if (permissionLike.move) { containerSASPermissions.move = true; } if (permissionLike.execute) { containerSASPermissions.execute = true; } if (permissionLike.setImmutabilityPolicy) { containerSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; } if (permissionLike.permanentDelete) { containerSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; } if (permissionLike.filterByTags) { containerSASPermissions.filterByTags = true; } return containerSASPermissions; } /** * Converts the given permissions to a string. Using this method will guarantee the permissions are in an * order accepted by the service. * * The order of the characters should be as specified here to ensure correctness. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas * */ toString() { const permissions = []; if (this.read) { permissions.push("r"); } if (this.add) { permissions.push("a"); } if (this.create) { permissions.push("c"); } if (this.write) { permissions.push("w"); } if (this.delete) { permissions.push("d"); } if (this.deleteVersion) { permissions.push("x"); } if (this.list) { permissions.push("l"); } if (this.tag) { permissions.push("t"); } if (this.move) { permissions.push("m"); } if (this.execute) { permissions.push("e"); } if (this.setImmutabilityPolicy) { permissions.push("i"); } if (this.permanentDelete) { permissions.push("y"); } if (this.filterByTags) { permissions.push("f"); } return permissions.join(""); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * UserDelegationKeyCredential is only used for generation of user delegation SAS. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/create-user-delegation-sas */ class UserDelegationKeyCredential { /** * Creates an instance of UserDelegationKeyCredential. * @param accountName - * @param userDelegationKey - */ constructor(accountName, userDelegationKey) { this.accountName = accountName; this.userDelegationKey = userDelegationKey; this.key = Buffer.from(userDelegationKey.value, "base64"); } /** * Generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS. * * @param stringToSign - */ computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign) { // console.log(`stringToSign: ${JSON.stringify(stringToSign)}`); return crypto.createHmac("sha256", this.key).update(stringToSign, "utf8").digest("base64"); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * Generate SasIPRange format string. For example: * * "" or "" * * @param ipRange - */ function ipRangeToString(ipRange) { return ipRange.end ? `${ipRange.start}-${ipRange.end}` : ipRange.start; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Protocols for generated SAS. */ exports.SASProtocol = void 0; (function (SASProtocol) { /** * Protocol that allows HTTPS only */ SASProtocol["Https"] = "https"; /** * Protocol that allows both HTTPS and HTTP */ SASProtocol["HttpsAndHttp"] = "https,http"; })(exports.SASProtocol || (exports.SASProtocol = {})); /** * Represents the components that make up an Azure Storage SAS' query parameters. This type is not constructed directly * by the user; it is only generated by the {@link AccountSASSignatureValues} and {@link BlobSASSignatureValues} * types. Once generated, it can be encoded into a {@link String} and appended to a URL directly (though caution should * be taken here in case there are existing query parameters, which might affect the appropriate means of appending * these query parameters). * * NOTE: Instances of this class are immutable. */ class SASQueryParameters { constructor(version, signature, permissionsOrOptions, services, resourceTypes, protocol, startsOn, expiresOn, ipRange, identifier, resource, cacheControl, contentDisposition, contentEncoding, contentLanguage, contentType, userDelegationKey, preauthorizedAgentObjectId, correlationId, encryptionScope) { this.version = version; this.signature = signature; if (permissionsOrOptions !== undefined && typeof permissionsOrOptions !== "string") { // SASQueryParametersOptions this.permissions = permissionsOrOptions.permissions; this.services = permissionsOrOptions.services; this.resourceTypes = permissionsOrOptions.resourceTypes; this.protocol = permissionsOrOptions.protocol; this.startsOn = permissionsOrOptions.startsOn; this.expiresOn = permissionsOrOptions.expiresOn; this.ipRangeInner = permissionsOrOptions.ipRange; this.identifier = permissionsOrOptions.identifier; this.encryptionScope = permissionsOrOptions.encryptionScope; this.resource = permissionsOrOptions.resource; this.cacheControl = permissionsOrOptions.cacheControl; this.contentDisposition = permissionsOrOptions.contentDisposition; this.contentEncoding = permissionsOrOptions.contentEncoding; this.contentLanguage = permissionsOrOptions.contentLanguage; this.contentType = permissionsOrOptions.contentType; if (permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey) { this.signedOid = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedObjectId; this.signedTenantId = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedTenantId; this.signedStartsOn = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn; this.signedExpiresOn = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn; this.signedService = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedService; this.signedVersion = permissionsOrOptions.userDelegationKey.signedVersion; this.preauthorizedAgentObjectId = permissionsOrOptions.preauthorizedAgentObjectId; this.correlationId = permissionsOrOptions.correlationId; } } else { this.services = services; this.resourceTypes = resourceTypes; this.expiresOn = expiresOn; this.permissions = permissionsOrOptions; this.protocol = protocol; this.startsOn = startsOn; this.ipRangeInner = ipRange; this.encryptionScope = encryptionScope; this.identifier = identifier; this.resource = resource; this.cacheControl = cacheControl; this.contentDisposition = contentDisposition; this.contentEncoding = contentEncoding; this.contentLanguage = contentLanguage; this.contentType = contentType; if (userDelegationKey) { this.signedOid = userDelegationKey.signedObjectId; this.signedTenantId = userDelegationKey.signedTenantId; this.signedStartsOn = userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn; this.signedExpiresOn = userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn; this.signedService = userDelegationKey.signedService; this.signedVersion = userDelegationKey.signedVersion; this.preauthorizedAgentObjectId = preauthorizedAgentObjectId; this.correlationId = correlationId; } } } /** * Optional. IP range allowed for this SAS. * * @readonly */ get ipRange() { if (this.ipRangeInner) { return { end: this.ipRangeInner.end, start: this.ipRangeInner.start, }; } return undefined; } /** * Encodes all SAS query parameters into a string that can be appended to a URL. * */ toString() { const params = [ "sv", "ss", "srt", "spr", "st", "se", "sip", "si", "ses", "skoid", "sktid", "skt", "ske", "sks", "skv", "sr", "sp", "sig", "rscc", "rscd", "rsce", "rscl", "rsct", "saoid", "scid", ]; const queries = []; for (const param of params) { switch (param) { case "sv": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.version); break; case "ss": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.services); break; case "srt": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.resourceTypes); break; case "spr": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.protocol); break; case "st": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(this.startsOn, false) : undefined); break; case "se": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(this.expiresOn, false) : undefined); break; case "sip": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(this.ipRange) : undefined); break; case "si": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.identifier); break; case "ses": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.encryptionScope); break; case "skoid": // Signed object ID this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedOid); break; case "sktid": // Signed tenant ID this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedTenantId); break; case "skt": // Signed key start time this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedStartsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(this.signedStartsOn, false) : undefined); break; case "ske": // Signed key expiry time this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedExpiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(this.signedExpiresOn, false) : undefined); break; case "sks": // Signed key service this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedService); break; case "skv": // Signed key version this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signedVersion); break; case "sr": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.resource); break; case "sp": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.permissions); break; case "sig": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.signature); break; case "rscc": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.cacheControl); break; case "rscd": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.contentDisposition); break; case "rsce": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.contentEncoding); break; case "rscl": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.contentLanguage); break; case "rsct": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.contentType); break; case "saoid": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.preauthorizedAgentObjectId); break; case "scid": this.tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, param, this.correlationId); break; } } return queries.join("&"); } /** * A private helper method used to filter and append query key/value pairs into an array. * * @param queries - * @param key - * @param value - */ tryAppendQueryParameter(queries, key, value) { if (!value) { return; } key = encodeURIComponent(key); value = encodeURIComponent(value); if (key.length > 0 && value.length > 0) { queries.push(`${key}=${value}`); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. function generateBlobSASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredentialOrUserDelegationKey, accountName) { const version = blobSASSignatureValues.version ? blobSASSignatureValues.version : SERVICE_VERSION; const sharedKeyCredential = sharedKeyCredentialOrUserDelegationKey instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential ? sharedKeyCredentialOrUserDelegationKey : undefined; let userDelegationKeyCredential; if (sharedKeyCredential === undefined && accountName !== undefined) { userDelegationKeyCredential = new UserDelegationKeyCredential(accountName, sharedKeyCredentialOrUserDelegationKey); } if (sharedKeyCredential === undefined && userDelegationKeyCredential === undefined) { throw TypeError("Invalid sharedKeyCredential, userDelegationKey or accountName."); } // Version 2020-12-06 adds support for encryptionscope in SAS. if (version >= "2020-12-06") { if (sharedKeyCredential !== undefined) { return generateBlobSASQueryParameters20201206(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential); } else { return generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20201206(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential); } } // Version 2019-12-12 adds support for the blob tags permission. // Version 2018-11-09 adds support for the signed resource and signed blob snapshot time fields. // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas#constructing-the-signature-string if (version >= "2018-11-09") { if (sharedKeyCredential !== undefined) { return generateBlobSASQueryParameters20181109(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential); } else { // Version 2020-02-10 delegation SAS signature construction includes preauthorizedAgentObjectId, agentObjectId, correlationId. if (version >= "2020-02-10") { return generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20200210(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential); } else { return generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20181109(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential); } } } if (version >= "2015-04-05") { if (sharedKeyCredential !== undefined) { return generateBlobSASQueryParameters20150405(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential); } else { throw new RangeError("'version' must be >= '2018-11-09' when generating user delegation SAS using user delegation key."); } } throw new RangeError("'version' must be >= '2015-04-05'."); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2015-04-05 AND BEFORE 2018-11-09. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn and identifier. * * WARNING: When identifier is not provided, permissions and expiresOn are required. * You MUST assign value to identifier or expiresOn & permissions manually if you initial with * this constructor. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param sharedKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParameters20150405(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); if (!blobSASSignatureValues.identifier && !(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn)) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when 'identifier' is not provided."); } let resource = "c"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(sharedKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl ? blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentType ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentType : "", ].join("\n"); const signature = sharedKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2018-11-09. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn and identifier. * * WARNING: When identifier is not provided, permissions and expiresOn are required. * You MUST assign value to identifier or expiresOn & permissions manually if you initial with * this constructor. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param sharedKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParameters20181109(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); if (!blobSASSignatureValues.identifier && !(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn)) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when 'identifier' is not provided."); } let resource = "c"; let timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { resource = "bs"; } else if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { resource = "bv"; timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.versionId; } } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(sharedKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, resource, timestamp, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl ? blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentType ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentType : "", ].join("\n"); const signature = sharedKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2020-12-06. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn and identifier. * * WARNING: When identifier is not provided, permissions and expiresOn are required. * You MUST assign value to identifier or expiresOn & permissions manually if you initial with * this constructor. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param sharedKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParameters20201206(blobSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); if (!blobSASSignatureValues.identifier && !(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn)) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when 'identifier' is not provided."); } let resource = "c"; let timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { resource = "bs"; } else if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { resource = "bv"; timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.versionId; } } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(sharedKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, resource, timestamp, blobSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl ? blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage : "", blobSASSignatureValues.contentType ? blobSASSignatureValues.contentType : "", ].join("\n"); const signature = sharedKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, undefined, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2018-11-09. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn. * * WARNING: identifier will be ignored, permissions and expiresOn are required. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param userDelegationKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20181109(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); // Stored access policies are not supported for a user delegation SAS. if (!blobSASSignatureValues.permissions || !blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when generating user delegation SAS."); } let resource = "c"; let timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { resource = "bs"; } else if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { resource = "bv"; timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.versionId; } } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(userDelegationKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedObjectId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedTenantId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedService, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedVersion, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, resource, timestamp, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, ].join("\n"); const signature = userDelegationKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2020-02-10. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn. * * WARNING: identifier will be ignored, permissions and expiresOn are required. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param userDelegationKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20200210(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); // Stored access policies are not supported for a user delegation SAS. if (!blobSASSignatureValues.permissions || !blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when generating user delegation SAS."); } let resource = "c"; let timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { resource = "bs"; } else if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { resource = "bv"; timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.versionId; } } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(userDelegationKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedObjectId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedTenantId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedService, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedVersion, blobSASSignatureValues.preauthorizedAgentObjectId, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.correlationId, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, resource, timestamp, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, ].join("\n"); const signature = userDelegationKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey, blobSASSignatureValues.preauthorizedAgentObjectId, blobSASSignatureValues.correlationId); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * IMPLEMENTATION FOR API VERSION FROM 2020-12-06. * * Creates an instance of SASQueryParameters. * * Only accepts required settings needed to create a SAS. For optional settings please * set corresponding properties directly, such as permissions, startsOn. * * WARNING: identifier will be ignored, permissions and expiresOn are required. * * @param blobSASSignatureValues - * @param userDelegationKeyCredential - */ function generateBlobSASQueryParametersUDK20201206(blobSASSignatureValues, userDelegationKeyCredential) { blobSASSignatureValues = SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues); // Stored access policies are not supported for a user delegation SAS. if (!blobSASSignatureValues.permissions || !blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn) { throw new RangeError("Must provide 'permissions' and 'expiresOn' for Blob SAS generation when generating user delegation SAS."); } let resource = "c"; let timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime; if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { resource = "b"; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { resource = "bs"; } else if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { resource = "bv"; timestamp = blobSASSignatureValues.versionId; } } // Calling parse and toString guarantees the proper ordering and throws on invalid characters. let verifiedPermissions; if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions) { if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName) { verifiedPermissions = BlobSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } else { verifiedPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions.parse(blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()).toString(); } } // Signature is generated on the un-url-encoded values. const stringToSign = [ verifiedPermissions ? verifiedPermissions : "", blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false) : "", getCanonicalName(userDelegationKeyCredential.accountName, blobSASSignatureValues.containerName, blobSASSignatureValues.blobName), userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedObjectId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedTenantId, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedStartsOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedExpiresOn, false) : "", userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedService, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey.signedVersion, blobSASSignatureValues.preauthorizedAgentObjectId, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.correlationId, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", blobSASSignatureValues.protocol ? blobSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", blobSASSignatureValues.version, resource, timestamp, blobSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, ].join("\n"); const signature = userDelegationKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(blobSASSignatureValues.version, signature, verifiedPermissions, undefined, undefined, blobSASSignatureValues.protocol, blobSASSignatureValues.startsOn, blobSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, blobSASSignatureValues.ipRange, blobSASSignatureValues.identifier, resource, blobSASSignatureValues.cacheControl, blobSASSignatureValues.contentDisposition, blobSASSignatureValues.contentEncoding, blobSASSignatureValues.contentLanguage, blobSASSignatureValues.contentType, userDelegationKeyCredential.userDelegationKey, blobSASSignatureValues.preauthorizedAgentObjectId, blobSASSignatureValues.correlationId, blobSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope); } function getCanonicalName(accountName, containerName, blobName) { // Container: "/blob/account/containerName" // Blob: "/blob/account/containerName/blobName" const elements = [`/blob/${accountName}/${containerName}`]; if (blobName) { elements.push(`/${blobName}`); } return elements.join(""); } function SASSignatureValuesSanityCheckAndAutofill(blobSASSignatureValues) { const version = blobSASSignatureValues.version ? blobSASSignatureValues.version : SERVICE_VERSION; if (blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime && version < "2018-11-09") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2018-11-09' when providing 'snapshotTime'."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName === undefined && blobSASSignatureValues.snapshotTime) { throw RangeError("Must provide 'blobName' when providing 'snapshotTime'."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.versionId && version < "2019-10-10") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when providing 'versionId'."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.blobName === undefined && blobSASSignatureValues.versionId) { throw RangeError("Must provide 'blobName' when providing 'versionId'."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.setImmutabilityPolicy && version < "2020-08-04") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-08-04' when provided 'i' permission."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.deleteVersion && version < "2019-10-10") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when providing 'x' permission."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.permanentDelete && version < "2019-10-10") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when providing 'y' permission."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.tag && version < "2019-12-12") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-12-12' when providing 't' permission."); } if (version < "2020-02-10" && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && (blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.move || blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.execute)) { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-02-10' when providing the 'm' or 'e' permission."); } if (version < "2021-04-10" && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions && blobSASSignatureValues.permissions.filterByTags) { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2021-04-10' when providing the 'f' permission."); } if (version < "2020-02-10" && (blobSASSignatureValues.preauthorizedAgentObjectId || blobSASSignatureValues.correlationId)) { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-02-10' when providing 'preauthorizedAgentObjectId' or 'correlationId'."); } if (blobSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope && version < "2020-12-06") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-12-06' when provided 'encryptionScope' in SAS."); } blobSASSignatureValues.version = version; return blobSASSignatureValues; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A client that manages leases for a {@link ContainerClient} or a {@link BlobClient}. */ class BlobLeaseClient { /** * Creates an instance of BlobLeaseClient. * @param client - The client to make the lease operation requests. * @param leaseId - Initial proposed lease id. */ constructor(client, leaseId) { const clientContext = new StorageClientContext(client.url, client.pipeline.toServiceClientOptions()); this._url = client.url; if (client.name === undefined) { this._isContainer = true; this._containerOrBlobOperation = new Container(clientContext); } else { this._isContainer = false; this._containerOrBlobOperation = new Blob$1(clientContext); } if (!leaseId) { leaseId = coreHttp.generateUuid(); } this._leaseId = leaseId; } /** * Gets the lease Id. * * @readonly */ get leaseId() { return this._leaseId; } /** * Gets the url. * * @readonly */ get url() { return this._url; } /** * Establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations, or on a blob * for write and delete operations. * The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container * and * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob * * @param duration - Must be between 15 to 60 seconds, or infinite (-1) * @param options - option to configure lease management operations. * @returns Response data for acquire lease operation. */ async acquireLease(duration, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobLeaseClient-acquireLease", options); if (this._isContainer && ((((_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch) && ((_b = options.conditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifMatch) !== ETagNone) || (((_c = options.conditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch) && ((_d = options.conditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifNoneMatch) !== ETagNone) || ((_e = options.conditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions))) { throw new RangeError("The IfMatch, IfNoneMatch and tags access conditions are ignored by the service. Values other than undefined or their default values are not acceptable."); } try { return await this._containerOrBlobOperation.acquireLease(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, duration, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_f = options.conditions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tagConditions }), proposedLeaseId: this._leaseId }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * To change the ID of the lease. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container * and * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob * * @param proposedLeaseId - the proposed new lease Id. * @param options - option to configure lease management operations. * @returns Response data for change lease operation. */ async changeLease(proposedLeaseId, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobLeaseClient-changeLease", options); if (this._isContainer && ((((_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch) && ((_b = options.conditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifMatch) !== ETagNone) || (((_c = options.conditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch) && ((_d = options.conditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifNoneMatch) !== ETagNone) || ((_e = options.conditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions))) { throw new RangeError("The IfMatch, IfNoneMatch and tags access conditions are ignored by the service. Values other than undefined or their default values are not acceptable."); } try { const response = await this._containerOrBlobOperation.changeLease(this._leaseId, proposedLeaseId, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_f = options.conditions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); this._leaseId = proposedLeaseId; return response; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * To free the lease if it is no longer needed so that another client may * immediately acquire a lease against the container or the blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container * and * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob * * @param options - option to configure lease management operations. * @returns Response data for release lease operation. */ async releaseLease(options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobLeaseClient-releaseLease", options); if (this._isContainer && ((((_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch) && ((_b = options.conditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifMatch) !== ETagNone) || (((_c = options.conditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch) && ((_d = options.conditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifNoneMatch) !== ETagNone) || ((_e = options.conditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions))) { throw new RangeError("The IfMatch, IfNoneMatch and tags access conditions are ignored by the service. Values other than undefined or their default values are not acceptable."); } try { return await this._containerOrBlobOperation.releaseLease(this._leaseId, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_f = options.conditions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * To renew the lease. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container * and * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob * * @param options - Optional option to configure lease management operations. * @returns Response data for renew lease operation. */ async renewLease(options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobLeaseClient-renewLease", options); if (this._isContainer && ((((_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch) && ((_b = options.conditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifMatch) !== ETagNone) || (((_c = options.conditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch) && ((_d = options.conditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifNoneMatch) !== ETagNone) || ((_e = options.conditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions))) { throw new RangeError("The IfMatch, IfNoneMatch and tags access conditions are ignored by the service. Values other than undefined or their default values are not acceptable."); } try { return await this._containerOrBlobOperation.renewLease(this._leaseId, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_f = options.conditions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * To end the lease but ensure that another client cannot acquire a new lease * until the current lease period has expired. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container * and * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/lease-blob * * @param breakPeriod - Break period * @param options - Optional options to configure lease management operations. * @returns Response data for break lease operation. */ async breakLease(breakPeriod, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobLeaseClient-breakLease", options); if (this._isContainer && ((((_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch) && ((_b = options.conditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifMatch) !== ETagNone) || (((_c = options.conditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch) && ((_d = options.conditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifNoneMatch) !== ETagNone) || ((_e = options.conditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions))) { throw new RangeError("The IfMatch, IfNoneMatch and tags access conditions are ignored by the service. Values other than undefined or their default values are not acceptable."); } try { const operationOptions = Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, breakPeriod, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_f = options.conditions) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)); return await this._containerOrBlobOperation.breakLease(operationOptions); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * A Node.js ReadableStream will internally retry when internal ReadableStream unexpected ends. */ class RetriableReadableStream extends stream.Readable { /** * Creates an instance of RetriableReadableStream. * * @param source - The current ReadableStream returned from getter * @param getter - A method calling downloading request returning * a new ReadableStream from specified offset * @param offset - Offset position in original data source to read * @param count - How much data in original data source to read * @param options - */ constructor(source, getter, offset, count, options = {}) { super({ highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark }); this.retries = 0; this.sourceDataHandler = (data) => { if (this.options.doInjectErrorOnce) { this.options.doInjectErrorOnce = undefined; this.source.pause(); this.source.removeAllListeners("data"); this.source.emit("end"); return; } // console.log( // `Offset: ${this.offset}, Received ${data.length} from internal stream` // ); this.offset += data.length; if (this.onProgress) { this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: this.offset - this.start }); } if (!this.push(data)) { this.source.pause(); } }; this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler = (err) => { if (err && err.name === "AbortError") { this.destroy(err); return; } // console.log( // `Source stream emits end or error, offset: ${ // this.offset // }, dest end : ${this.end}` // ); this.removeSourceEventHandlers(); if (this.offset - 1 === this.end) { this.push(null); } else if (this.offset <= this.end) { // console.log( // `retries: ${this.retries}, max retries: ${this.maxRetries}` // ); if (this.retries < this.maxRetryRequests) { this.retries += 1; this.getter(this.offset) .then((newSource) => { this.source = newSource; this.setSourceEventHandlers(); return; }) .catch((error) => { this.destroy(error); }); } else { this.destroy(new Error(`Data corruption failure: received less data than required and reached maxRetires limitation. Received data offset: ${this.offset - 1}, data needed offset: ${this.end}, retries: ${this.retries}, max retries: ${this.maxRetryRequests}`)); } } else { this.destroy(new Error(`Data corruption failure: Received more data than original request, data needed offset is ${this.end}, received offset: ${this.offset - 1}`)); } }; this.getter = getter; this.source = source; this.start = offset; this.offset = offset; this.end = offset + count - 1; this.maxRetryRequests = options.maxRetryRequests && options.maxRetryRequests >= 0 ? options.maxRetryRequests : 0; this.onProgress = options.onProgress; this.options = options; this.setSourceEventHandlers(); } _read() { this.source.resume(); } setSourceEventHandlers() { this.source.on("data", this.sourceDataHandler); this.source.on("end", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler); this.source.on("error", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler); } removeSourceEventHandlers() { this.source.removeListener("data", this.sourceDataHandler); this.source.removeListener("end", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler); this.source.removeListener("error", this.sourceErrorOrEndHandler); } _destroy(error, callback) { // remove listener from source and release source this.removeSourceEventHandlers(); this.source.destroy(); callback(error === null ? undefined : error); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * BlobDownloadResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseParsed interface, and in Node.js runtime it will * automatically retry when internal read stream unexpected ends. (This kind of unexpected ends cannot * trigger retries defined in pipeline retry policy.) * * The {@link readableStreamBody} stream will retry underlayer, you can just use it as a normal Node.js * Readable stream. */ class BlobDownloadResponse { /** * Creates an instance of BlobDownloadResponse. * * @param originalResponse - * @param getter - * @param offset - * @param count - * @param options - */ constructor(originalResponse, getter, offset, count, options = {}) { this.originalResponse = originalResponse; this.blobDownloadStream = new RetriableReadableStream(this.originalResponse.readableStreamBody, getter, offset, count, options); } /** * Indicates that the service supports * requests for partial file content. * * @readonly */ get acceptRanges() { return this.originalResponse.acceptRanges; } /** * Returns if it was previously specified * for the file. * * @readonly */ get cacheControl() { return this.originalResponse.cacheControl; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the * response. * * @readonly */ get contentDisposition() { return this.originalResponse.contentDisposition; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the Content-Encoding request header. * * @readonly */ get contentEncoding() { return this.originalResponse.contentEncoding; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the Content-Language request header. * * @readonly */ get contentLanguage() { return this.originalResponse.contentLanguage; } /** * The current sequence number for a * page blob. This header is not returned for block blobs or append blobs. * * @readonly */ get blobSequenceNumber() { return this.originalResponse.blobSequenceNumber; } /** * The blob's type. Possible values include: * 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'. * * @readonly */ get blobType() { return this.originalResponse.blobType; } /** * The number of bytes present in the * response body. * * @readonly */ get contentLength() { return this.originalResponse.contentLength; } /** * If the file has an MD5 hash and the * request is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that * the client can check for message content integrity. If the request is to * read a specified range and the 'x-ms-range-get-content-md5' is set to * true, then the request returns an MD5 hash for the range, as long as the * range size is less than or equal to 4 MB. If neither of these sets of * conditions is true, then no value is returned for the 'Content-MD5' * header. * * @readonly */ get contentMD5() { return this.originalResponse.contentMD5; } /** * Indicates the range of bytes returned if * the client requested a subset of the file by setting the Range request * header. * * @readonly */ get contentRange() { return this.originalResponse.contentRange; } /** * The content type specified for the file. * The default content type is 'application/octet-stream' * * @readonly */ get contentType() { return this.originalResponse.contentType; } /** * Conclusion time of the last attempted * Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value * can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt. * * @readonly */ get copyCompletedOn() { return this.originalResponse.copyCompletedOn; } /** * String identifier for the last attempted Copy * File operation where this file was the destination file. * * @readonly */ get copyId() { return this.originalResponse.copyId; } /** * Contains the number of bytes copied and * the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation * where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and * Content-Length bytes copied. * * @readonly */ get copyProgress() { return this.originalResponse.copyProgress; } /** * URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the * source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file * was the destination file. * * @readonly */ get copySource() { return this.originalResponse.copySource; } /** * State of the copy operation * identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. Possible values include: 'pending', * 'success', 'aborted', 'failed' * * @readonly */ get copyStatus() { return this.originalResponse.copyStatus; } /** * Only appears when * x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or * non-fatal copy operation failure. * * @readonly */ get copyStatusDescription() { return this.originalResponse.copyStatusDescription; } /** * When a blob is leased, * specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. Possible * values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'. * * @readonly */ get leaseDuration() { return this.originalResponse.leaseDuration; } /** * Lease state of the blob. Possible * values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'. * * @readonly */ get leaseState() { return this.originalResponse.leaseState; } /** * The current lease status of the * blob. Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'. * * @readonly */ get leaseStatus() { return this.originalResponse.leaseStatus; } /** * A UTC date/time value generated by the service that * indicates the time at which the response was initiated. * * @readonly */ get date() { return this.originalResponse.date; } /** * The number of committed blocks * present in the blob. This header is returned only for append blobs. * * @readonly */ get blobCommittedBlockCount() { return this.originalResponse.blobCommittedBlockCount; } /** * The ETag contains a value that you can use to * perform operations conditionally, in quotes. * * @readonly */ get etag() { return this.originalResponse.etag; } /** * The number of tags associated with the blob * * @readonly */ get tagCount() { return this.originalResponse.tagCount; } /** * The error code. * * @readonly */ get errorCode() { return this.originalResponse.errorCode; } /** * The value of this header is set to * true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted * using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when * the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata * are encrypted). * * @readonly */ get isServerEncrypted() { return this.originalResponse.isServerEncrypted; } /** * If the blob has a MD5 hash, and if * request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header * is returned with the value of the whole blob's MD5 value. This value may * or may not be equal to the value returned in Content-MD5 header, with the * latter calculated from the requested range. * * @readonly */ get blobContentMD5() { return this.originalResponse.blobContentMD5; } /** * Returns the date and time the file was last * modified. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates * the last modified time. * * @readonly */ get lastModified() { return this.originalResponse.lastModified; } /** * Returns the UTC date and time generated by the service that indicates the time at which the blob was * last read or written to. * * @readonly */ get lastAccessed() { return this.originalResponse.lastAccessed; } /** * A name-value pair * to associate with a file storage object. * * @readonly */ get metadata() { return this.originalResponse.metadata; } /** * This header uniquely identifies the request * that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. * * @readonly */ get requestId() { return this.originalResponse.requestId; } /** * If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the * response with the same value. * * @readonly */ get clientRequestId() { return this.originalResponse.clientRequestId; } /** * Indicates the version of the Blob service used * to execute the request. * * @readonly */ get version() { return this.originalResponse.version; } /** * Indicates the versionId of the downloaded blob version. * * @readonly */ get versionId() { return this.originalResponse.versionId; } /** * Indicates whether version of this blob is a current version. * * @readonly */ get isCurrentVersion() { return this.originalResponse.isCurrentVersion; } /** * The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the blob. This value is only returned * when the blob was encrypted with a customer-provided key. * * @readonly */ get encryptionKeySha256() { return this.originalResponse.encryptionKeySha256; } /** * If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to * true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than * or equal to 4 MB. If both x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 & x-ms-range-get-content-md5 is * specified in the same request, it will fail with 400(Bad Request) */ get contentCrc64() { return this.originalResponse.contentCrc64; } /** * Object Replication Policy Id of the destination blob. * * @readonly */ get objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId() { return this.originalResponse.objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId; } /** * Parsed Object Replication Policy Id, Rule Id(s) and status of the source blob. * * @readonly */ get objectReplicationSourceProperties() { return this.originalResponse.objectReplicationSourceProperties; } /** * If this blob has been sealed. * * @readonly */ get isSealed() { return this.originalResponse.isSealed; } /** * UTC date/time value generated by the service that indicates the time at which the blob immutability policy will expire. * * @readonly */ get immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn() { return this.originalResponse.immutabilityPolicyExpiresOn; } /** * Indicates immutability policy mode. * * @readonly */ get immutabilityPolicyMode() { return this.originalResponse.immutabilityPolicyMode; } /** * Indicates if a legal hold is present on the blob. * * @readonly */ get legalHold() { return this.originalResponse.legalHold; } /** * The response body as a browser Blob. * Always undefined in node.js. * * @readonly */ get contentAsBlob() { return this.originalResponse.blobBody; } /** * The response body as a node.js Readable stream. * Always undefined in the browser. * * It will automatically retry when internal read stream unexpected ends. * * @readonly */ get readableStreamBody() { return coreHttp.isNode ? this.blobDownloadStream : undefined; } /** * The HTTP response. */ get _response() { return this.originalResponse._response; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. const AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE = 16; const AVRO_INIT_BYTES = new Uint8Array([79, 98, 106, 1]); const AVRO_CODEC_KEY = "avro.codec"; const AVRO_SCHEMA_KEY = "avro.schema"; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. class AvroParser { /** * Reads a fixed number of bytes from the stream. * * @param stream - * @param length - * @param options - */ static async readFixedBytes(stream, length, options = {}) { const bytes = await stream.read(length, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); if (bytes.length !== length) { throw new Error("Hit stream end."); } return bytes; } /** * Reads a single byte from the stream. * * @param stream - * @param options - */ static async readByte(stream, options = {}) { const buf = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 1, options); return buf[0]; } // int and long are stored in variable-length zig-zag coding. // variable-length: https://lucene.apache.org/core/3_5_0/fileformats.html#VInt // zig-zag: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding?csw=1#types static async readZigZagLong(stream, options = {}) { let zigZagEncoded = 0; let significanceInBit = 0; let byte, haveMoreByte, significanceInFloat; do { byte = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options); haveMoreByte = byte & 0x80; zigZagEncoded |= (byte & 0x7f) << significanceInBit; significanceInBit += 7; } while (haveMoreByte && significanceInBit < 28); // bitwise operation only works for 32-bit integers if (haveMoreByte) { // Switch to float arithmetic // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign zigZagEncoded = zigZagEncoded; significanceInFloat = 268435456; // 2 ** 28. do { byte = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options); zigZagEncoded += (byte & 0x7f) * significanceInFloat; significanceInFloat *= 128; // 2 ** 7 } while (byte & 0x80); const res = (zigZagEncoded % 2 ? -(zigZagEncoded + 1) : zigZagEncoded) / 2; if (res < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER || res > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new Error("Integer overflow."); } return res; } return (zigZagEncoded >> 1) ^ -(zigZagEncoded & 1); } static async readLong(stream, options = {}) { return AvroParser.readZigZagLong(stream, options); } static async readInt(stream, options = {}) { return AvroParser.readZigZagLong(stream, options); } static async readNull() { return null; } static async readBoolean(stream, options = {}) { const b = await AvroParser.readByte(stream, options); if (b === 1) { return true; } else if (b === 0) { return false; } else { throw new Error("Byte was not a boolean."); } } static async readFloat(stream, options = {}) { const u8arr = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 4, options); const view = new DataView(u8arr.buffer, u8arr.byteOffset, u8arr.byteLength); return view.getFloat32(0, true); // littleEndian = true } static async readDouble(stream, options = {}) { const u8arr = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(stream, 8, options); const view = new DataView(u8arr.buffer, u8arr.byteOffset, u8arr.byteLength); return view.getFloat64(0, true); // littleEndian = true } static async readBytes(stream, options = {}) { const size = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options); if (size < 0) { throw new Error("Bytes size was negative."); } return stream.read(size, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); } static async readString(stream, options = {}) { const u8arr = await AvroParser.readBytes(stream, options); const utf8decoder = new TextDecoder(); return utf8decoder.decode(u8arr); } static async readMapPair(stream, readItemMethod, options = {}) { const key = await AvroParser.readString(stream, options); // FUTURE: this won't work with readFixed (currently not supported) which needs a length as the parameter. const value = await readItemMethod(stream, options); return { key, value }; } static async readMap(stream, readItemMethod, options = {}) { const readPairMethod = (s, opts = {}) => { return AvroParser.readMapPair(s, readItemMethod, opts); }; const pairs = await AvroParser.readArray(stream, readPairMethod, options); const dict = {}; for (const pair of pairs) { dict[pair.key] = pair.value; } return dict; } static async readArray(stream, readItemMethod, options = {}) { const items = []; for (let count = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options); count !== 0; count = await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options)) { if (count < 0) { // Ignore block sizes await AvroParser.readLong(stream, options); count = -count; } while (count--) { const item = await readItemMethod(stream, options); items.push(item); } } return items; } } var AvroComplex; (function (AvroComplex) { AvroComplex["RECORD"] = "record"; AvroComplex["ENUM"] = "enum"; AvroComplex["ARRAY"] = "array"; AvroComplex["MAP"] = "map"; AvroComplex["UNION"] = "union"; AvroComplex["FIXED"] = "fixed"; })(AvroComplex || (AvroComplex = {})); var AvroPrimitive; (function (AvroPrimitive) { AvroPrimitive["NULL"] = "null"; AvroPrimitive["BOOLEAN"] = "boolean"; AvroPrimitive["INT"] = "int"; AvroPrimitive["LONG"] = "long"; AvroPrimitive["FLOAT"] = "float"; AvroPrimitive["DOUBLE"] = "double"; AvroPrimitive["BYTES"] = "bytes"; AvroPrimitive["STRING"] = "string"; })(AvroPrimitive || (AvroPrimitive = {})); class AvroType { /** * Determines the AvroType from the Avro Schema. */ static fromSchema(schema) { if (typeof schema === "string") { return AvroType.fromStringSchema(schema); } else if (Array.isArray(schema)) { return AvroType.fromArraySchema(schema); } else { return AvroType.fromObjectSchema(schema); } } static fromStringSchema(schema) { switch (schema) { case AvroPrimitive.NULL: case AvroPrimitive.BOOLEAN: case AvroPrimitive.INT: case AvroPrimitive.LONG: case AvroPrimitive.FLOAT: case AvroPrimitive.DOUBLE: case AvroPrimitive.BYTES: case AvroPrimitive.STRING: return new AvroPrimitiveType(schema); default: throw new Error(`Unexpected Avro type ${schema}`); } } static fromArraySchema(schema) { return new AvroUnionType(schema.map(AvroType.fromSchema)); } static fromObjectSchema(schema) { const type = schema.type; // Primitives can be defined as strings or objects try { return AvroType.fromStringSchema(type); } catch (err) { // eslint-disable-line no-empty } switch (type) { case AvroComplex.RECORD: if (schema.aliases) { throw new Error(`aliases currently is not supported, schema: ${schema}`); } if (!schema.name) { throw new Error(`Required attribute 'name' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations const fields = {}; if (!schema.fields) { throw new Error(`Required attribute 'fields' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`); } for (const field of schema.fields) { fields[field.name] = AvroType.fromSchema(field.type); } return new AvroRecordType(fields, schema.name); case AvroComplex.ENUM: if (schema.aliases) { throw new Error(`aliases currently is not supported, schema: ${schema}`); } if (!schema.symbols) { throw new Error(`Required attribute 'symbols' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`); } return new AvroEnumType(schema.symbols); case AvroComplex.MAP: if (!schema.values) { throw new Error(`Required attribute 'values' doesn't exist on schema: ${schema}`); } return new AvroMapType(AvroType.fromSchema(schema.values)); case AvroComplex.ARRAY: // Unused today case AvroComplex.FIXED: // Unused today default: throw new Error(`Unexpected Avro type ${type} in ${schema}`); } } } class AvroPrimitiveType extends AvroType { constructor(primitive) { super(); this._primitive = primitive; } read(stream, options = {}) { switch (this._primitive) { case AvroPrimitive.NULL: return AvroParser.readNull(); case AvroPrimitive.BOOLEAN: return AvroParser.readBoolean(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.INT: return AvroParser.readInt(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.LONG: return AvroParser.readLong(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.FLOAT: return AvroParser.readFloat(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.DOUBLE: return AvroParser.readDouble(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.BYTES: return AvroParser.readBytes(stream, options); case AvroPrimitive.STRING: return AvroParser.readString(stream, options); default: throw new Error("Unknown Avro Primitive"); } } } class AvroEnumType extends AvroType { constructor(symbols) { super(); this._symbols = symbols; } async read(stream, options = {}) { const value = await AvroParser.readInt(stream, options); return this._symbols[value]; } } class AvroUnionType extends AvroType { constructor(types) { super(); this._types = types; } async read(stream, options = {}) { const typeIndex = await AvroParser.readInt(stream, options); return this._types[typeIndex].read(stream, options); } } class AvroMapType extends AvroType { constructor(itemType) { super(); this._itemType = itemType; } read(stream, options = {}) { const readItemMethod = (s, opts) => { return this._itemType.read(s, opts); }; return AvroParser.readMap(stream, readItemMethod, options); } } class AvroRecordType extends AvroType { constructor(fields, name) { super(); this._fields = fields; this._name = name; } async read(stream, options = {}) { const record = {}; record["$schema"] = this._name; for (const key in this._fields) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._fields, key)) { record[key] = await this._fields[key].read(stream, options); } } return record; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. function arraysEqual(a, b) { if (a === b) return true; // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. class AvroReader { constructor(dataStream, headerStream, currentBlockOffset, indexWithinCurrentBlock) { this._dataStream = dataStream; this._headerStream = headerStream || dataStream; this._initialized = false; this._blockOffset = currentBlockOffset || 0; this._objectIndex = indexWithinCurrentBlock || 0; this._initialBlockOffset = currentBlockOffset || 0; } get blockOffset() { return this._blockOffset; } get objectIndex() { return this._objectIndex; } async initialize(options = {}) { const header = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._headerStream, AVRO_INIT_BYTES.length, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, }); if (!arraysEqual(header, AVRO_INIT_BYTES)) { throw new Error("Stream is not an Avro file."); } // File metadata is written as if defined by the following map schema: // { "type": "map", "values": "bytes"} this._metadata = await AvroParser.readMap(this._headerStream, AvroParser.readString, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, }); // Validate codec const codec = this._metadata[AVRO_CODEC_KEY]; if (!(codec === undefined || codec === null || codec === "null")) { throw new Error("Codecs are not supported"); } // The 16-byte, randomly-generated sync marker for this file. this._syncMarker = await AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._headerStream, AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, }); // Parse the schema const schema = JSON.parse(this._metadata[AVRO_SCHEMA_KEY]); this._itemType = AvroType.fromSchema(schema); if (this._blockOffset === 0) { this._blockOffset = this._initialBlockOffset + this._dataStream.position; } this._itemsRemainingInBlock = await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, }); // skip block length await AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); this._initialized = true; if (this._objectIndex && this._objectIndex > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this._objectIndex; i++) { await this._itemType.read(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); this._itemsRemainingInBlock--; } } } hasNext() { return !this._initialized || this._itemsRemainingInBlock > 0; } parseObjects(options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* parseObjects_1() { if (!this._initialized) { yield tslib.__await(this.initialize(options)); } while (this.hasNext()) { const result = yield tslib.__await(this._itemType.read(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, })); this._itemsRemainingInBlock--; this._objectIndex++; if (this._itemsRemainingInBlock === 0) { const marker = yield tslib.__await(AvroParser.readFixedBytes(this._dataStream, AVRO_SYNC_MARKER_SIZE, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, })); this._blockOffset = this._initialBlockOffset + this._dataStream.position; this._objectIndex = 0; if (!arraysEqual(this._syncMarker, marker)) { throw new Error("Stream is not a valid Avro file."); } try { this._itemsRemainingInBlock = yield tslib.__await(AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, })); } catch (err) { // We hit the end of the stream. this._itemsRemainingInBlock = 0; } if (this._itemsRemainingInBlock > 0) { // Ignore block size yield tslib.__await(AvroParser.readLong(this._dataStream, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal })); } } yield yield tslib.__await(result); } }); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. class AvroReadable { } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. const ABORT_ERROR = new abortController.AbortError("Reading from the avro stream was aborted."); class AvroReadableFromStream extends AvroReadable { constructor(readable) { super(); this._readable = readable; this._position = 0; } toUint8Array(data) { if (typeof data === "string") { return Buffer.from(data); } return data; } get position() { return this._position; } async read(size, options = {}) { var _a; if ((_a = options.abortSignal) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.aborted) { throw ABORT_ERROR; } if (size < 0) { throw new Error(`size parameter should be positive: ${size}`); } if (size === 0) { return new Uint8Array(); } if (!this._readable.readable) { throw new Error("Stream no longer readable."); } // See if there is already enough data. const chunk = this._readable.read(size); if (chunk) { this._position += chunk.length; // chunk.length maybe less than desired size if the stream ends. return this.toUint8Array(chunk); } else { // register callback to wait for enough data to read return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ const cleanUp = () => { this._readable.removeListener("readable", readableCallback); this._readable.removeListener("error", rejectCallback); this._readable.removeListener("end", rejectCallback); this._readable.removeListener("close", rejectCallback); if (options.abortSignal) { options.abortSignal.removeEventListener("abort", abortHandler); } }; const readableCallback = () => { const callbackChunk = this._readable.read(size); if (callbackChunk) { this._position += callbackChunk.length; cleanUp(); // callbackChunk.length maybe less than desired size if the stream ends. resolve(this.toUint8Array(callbackChunk)); } }; const rejectCallback = () => { cleanUp(); reject(); }; const abortHandler = () => { cleanUp(); reject(ABORT_ERROR); }; this._readable.on("readable", readableCallback); this._readable.once("error", rejectCallback); this._readable.once("end", rejectCallback); this._readable.once("close", rejectCallback); if (options.abortSignal) { options.abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", abortHandler); } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ }); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * A Node.js BlobQuickQueryStream will internally parse avro data stream for blob query. */ class BlobQuickQueryStream extends stream.Readable { /** * Creates an instance of BlobQuickQueryStream. * * @param source - The current ReadableStream returned from getter * @param options - */ constructor(source, options = {}) { super(); this.avroPaused = true; this.source = source; this.onProgress = options.onProgress; this.onError = options.onError; this.avroReader = new AvroReader(new AvroReadableFromStream(this.source)); this.avroIter = this.avroReader.parseObjects({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); } _read() { if (this.avroPaused) { this.readInternal().catch((err) => { this.emit("error", err); }); } } async readInternal() { this.avroPaused = false; let avroNext; do { avroNext = await this.avroIter.next(); if (avroNext.done) { break; } const obj = avroNext.value; const schema = obj.$schema; if (typeof schema !== "string") { throw Error("Missing schema in avro record."); } switch (schema) { case "com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.resultData": { const data = obj.data; if (data instanceof Uint8Array === false) { throw Error("Invalid data in avro result record."); } if (!this.push(Buffer.from(data))) { this.avroPaused = true; } } break; case "com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.progress": { const bytesScanned = obj.bytesScanned; if (typeof bytesScanned !== "number") { throw Error("Invalid bytesScanned in avro progress record."); } if (this.onProgress) { this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: bytesScanned }); } } break; case "com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.end": if (this.onProgress) { const totalBytes = obj.totalBytes; if (typeof totalBytes !== "number") { throw Error("Invalid totalBytes in avro end record."); } this.onProgress({ loadedBytes: totalBytes }); } this.push(null); break; case "com.microsoft.azure.storage.queryBlobContents.error": if (this.onError) { const fatal = obj.fatal; if (typeof fatal !== "boolean") { throw Error("Invalid fatal in avro error record."); } const name = obj.name; if (typeof name !== "string") { throw Error("Invalid name in avro error record."); } const description = obj.description; if (typeof description !== "string") { throw Error("Invalid description in avro error record."); } const position = obj.position; if (typeof position !== "number") { throw Error("Invalid position in avro error record."); } this.onError({ position, name, isFatal: fatal, description, }); } break; default: throw Error(`Unknown schema ${schema} in avro progress record.`); } } while (!avroNext.done && !this.avroPaused); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * BlobQueryResponse implements BlobDownloadResponseModel interface, and in Node.js runtime it will * parse avor data returned by blob query. */ class BlobQueryResponse { /** * Creates an instance of BlobQueryResponse. * * @param originalResponse - * @param options - */ constructor(originalResponse, options = {}) { this.originalResponse = originalResponse; this.blobDownloadStream = new BlobQuickQueryStream(this.originalResponse.readableStreamBody, options); } /** * Indicates that the service supports * requests for partial file content. * * @readonly */ get acceptRanges() { return this.originalResponse.acceptRanges; } /** * Returns if it was previously specified * for the file. * * @readonly */ get cacheControl() { return this.originalResponse.cacheControl; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the 'x-ms-content-disposition' header and specifies how to process the * response. * * @readonly */ get contentDisposition() { return this.originalResponse.contentDisposition; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the Content-Encoding request header. * * @readonly */ get contentEncoding() { return this.originalResponse.contentEncoding; } /** * Returns the value that was specified * for the Content-Language request header. * * @readonly */ get contentLanguage() { return this.originalResponse.contentLanguage; } /** * The current sequence number for a * page blob. This header is not returned for block blobs or append blobs. * * @readonly */ get blobSequenceNumber() { return this.originalResponse.blobSequenceNumber; } /** * The blob's type. Possible values include: * 'BlockBlob', 'PageBlob', 'AppendBlob'. * * @readonly */ get blobType() { return this.originalResponse.blobType; } /** * The number of bytes present in the * response body. * * @readonly */ get contentLength() { return this.originalResponse.contentLength; } /** * If the file has an MD5 hash and the * request is to read the full file, this response header is returned so that * the client can check for message content integrity. If the request is to * read a specified range and the 'x-ms-range-get-content-md5' is set to * true, then the request returns an MD5 hash for the range, as long as the * range size is less than or equal to 4 MB. If neither of these sets of * conditions is true, then no value is returned for the 'Content-MD5' * header. * * @readonly */ get contentMD5() { return this.originalResponse.contentMD5; } /** * Indicates the range of bytes returned if * the client requested a subset of the file by setting the Range request * header. * * @readonly */ get contentRange() { return this.originalResponse.contentRange; } /** * The content type specified for the file. * The default content type is 'application/octet-stream' * * @readonly */ get contentType() { return this.originalResponse.contentType; } /** * Conclusion time of the last attempted * Copy File operation where this file was the destination file. This value * can specify the time of a completed, aborted, or failed copy attempt. * * @readonly */ get copyCompletedOn() { return undefined; } /** * String identifier for the last attempted Copy * File operation where this file was the destination file. * * @readonly */ get copyId() { return this.originalResponse.copyId; } /** * Contains the number of bytes copied and * the total bytes in the source in the last attempted Copy File operation * where this file was the destination file. Can show between 0 and * Content-Length bytes copied. * * @readonly */ get copyProgress() { return this.originalResponse.copyProgress; } /** * URL up to 2KB in length that specifies the * source file used in the last attempted Copy File operation where this file * was the destination file. * * @readonly */ get copySource() { return this.originalResponse.copySource; } /** * State of the copy operation * identified by 'x-ms-copy-id'. Possible values include: 'pending', * 'success', 'aborted', 'failed' * * @readonly */ get copyStatus() { return this.originalResponse.copyStatus; } /** * Only appears when * x-ms-copy-status is failed or pending. Describes cause of fatal or * non-fatal copy operation failure. * * @readonly */ get copyStatusDescription() { return this.originalResponse.copyStatusDescription; } /** * When a blob is leased, * specifies whether the lease is of infinite or fixed duration. Possible * values include: 'infinite', 'fixed'. * * @readonly */ get leaseDuration() { return this.originalResponse.leaseDuration; } /** * Lease state of the blob. Possible * values include: 'available', 'leased', 'expired', 'breaking', 'broken'. * * @readonly */ get leaseState() { return this.originalResponse.leaseState; } /** * The current lease status of the * blob. Possible values include: 'locked', 'unlocked'. * * @readonly */ get leaseStatus() { return this.originalResponse.leaseStatus; } /** * A UTC date/time value generated by the service that * indicates the time at which the response was initiated. * * @readonly */ get date() { return this.originalResponse.date; } /** * The number of committed blocks * present in the blob. This header is returned only for append blobs. * * @readonly */ get blobCommittedBlockCount() { return this.originalResponse.blobCommittedBlockCount; } /** * The ETag contains a value that you can use to * perform operations conditionally, in quotes. * * @readonly */ get etag() { return this.originalResponse.etag; } /** * The error code. * * @readonly */ get errorCode() { return this.originalResponse.errorCode; } /** * The value of this header is set to * true if the file data and application metadata are completely encrypted * using the specified algorithm. Otherwise, the value is set to false (when * the file is unencrypted, or if only parts of the file/application metadata * are encrypted). * * @readonly */ get isServerEncrypted() { return this.originalResponse.isServerEncrypted; } /** * If the blob has a MD5 hash, and if * request contains range header (Range or x-ms-range), this response header * is returned with the value of the whole blob's MD5 value. This value may * or may not be equal to the value returned in Content-MD5 header, with the * latter calculated from the requested range. * * @readonly */ get blobContentMD5() { return this.originalResponse.blobContentMD5; } /** * Returns the date and time the file was last * modified. Any operation that modifies the file or its properties updates * the last modified time. * * @readonly */ get lastModified() { return this.originalResponse.lastModified; } /** * A name-value pair * to associate with a file storage object. * * @readonly */ get metadata() { return this.originalResponse.metadata; } /** * This header uniquely identifies the request * that was made and can be used for troubleshooting the request. * * @readonly */ get requestId() { return this.originalResponse.requestId; } /** * If a client request id header is sent in the request, this header will be present in the * response with the same value. * * @readonly */ get clientRequestId() { return this.originalResponse.clientRequestId; } /** * Indicates the version of the File service used * to execute the request. * * @readonly */ get version() { return this.originalResponse.version; } /** * The SHA-256 hash of the encryption key used to encrypt the blob. This value is only returned * when the blob was encrypted with a customer-provided key. * * @readonly */ get encryptionKeySha256() { return this.originalResponse.encryptionKeySha256; } /** * If the request is to read a specified range and the x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 is set to * true, then the request returns a crc64 for the range, as long as the range size is less than * or equal to 4 MB. If both x-ms-range-get-content-crc64 & x-ms-range-get-content-md5 is * specified in the same request, it will fail with 400(Bad Request) */ get contentCrc64() { return this.originalResponse.contentCrc64; } /** * The response body as a browser Blob. * Always undefined in node.js. * * @readonly */ get blobBody() { return undefined; } /** * The response body as a node.js Readable stream. * Always undefined in the browser. * * It will parse avor data returned by blob query. * * @readonly */ get readableStreamBody() { return coreHttp.isNode ? this.blobDownloadStream : undefined; } /** * The HTTP response. */ get _response() { return this.originalResponse._response; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Represents the access tier on a blob. * For detailed information about block blob level tiering see {@link https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-storage-tiers|Hot, cool and archive storage tiers.} */ exports.BlockBlobTier = void 0; (function (BlockBlobTier) { /** * Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently. */ BlockBlobTier["Hot"] = "Hot"; /** * Optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days. */ BlockBlobTier["Cool"] = "Cool"; /** * Optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days * with flexible latency requirements (on the order of hours). */ BlockBlobTier["Archive"] = "Archive"; })(exports.BlockBlobTier || (exports.BlockBlobTier = {})); /** * Specifies the page blob tier to set the blob to. This is only applicable to page blobs on premium storage accounts. * Please see {@link https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/storage/storage-premium-storage#scalability-and-performance-targets|here} * for detailed information on the corresponding IOPS and throughput per PageBlobTier. */ exports.PremiumPageBlobTier = void 0; (function (PremiumPageBlobTier) { /** * P4 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P4"] = "P4"; /** * P6 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P6"] = "P6"; /** * P10 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P10"] = "P10"; /** * P15 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P15"] = "P15"; /** * P20 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P20"] = "P20"; /** * P30 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P30"] = "P30"; /** * P40 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P40"] = "P40"; /** * P50 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P50"] = "P50"; /** * P60 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P60"] = "P60"; /** * P70 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P70"] = "P70"; /** * P80 Tier. */ PremiumPageBlobTier["P80"] = "P80"; })(exports.PremiumPageBlobTier || (exports.PremiumPageBlobTier = {})); function toAccessTier(tier) { if (tier === undefined) { return undefined; } return tier; // No more check if string is a valid AccessTier, and left this to underlay logic to decide(service). } function ensureCpkIfSpecified(cpk, isHttps) { if (cpk && !isHttps) { throw new RangeError("Customer-provided encryption key must be used over HTTPS."); } if (cpk && !cpk.encryptionAlgorithm) { cpk.encryptionAlgorithm = EncryptionAlgorithmAES25; } } /** * Defines the known cloud audiences for Storage. */ exports.StorageBlobAudience = void 0; (function (StorageBlobAudience) { /** * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Storage. */ StorageBlobAudience["StorageOAuthScopes"] = "https://storage.azure.com/.default"; /** * The OAuth scope to use to retrieve an AAD token for Azure Disk. */ StorageBlobAudience["DiskComputeOAuthScopes"] = "https://disk.compute.azure.com/.default"; })(exports.StorageBlobAudience || (exports.StorageBlobAudience = {})); // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * Function that converts PageRange and ClearRange to a common Range object. * PageRange and ClearRange have start and end while Range offset and count * this function normalizes to Range. * @param response - Model PageBlob Range response */ function rangeResponseFromModel(response) { const pageRange = (response._response.parsedBody.pageRange || []).map((x) => ({ offset: x.start, count: x.end - x.start, })); const clearRange = (response._response.parsedBody.clearRange || []).map((x) => ({ offset: x.start, count: x.end - x.start, })); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { pageRange, clearRange, _response: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response._response), { parsedBody: { pageRange, clearRange, } }) }); } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * This is the poller returned by {@link BlobClient.beginCopyFromURL}. * This can not be instantiated directly outside of this package. * * @hidden */ class BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPoller extends coreLro.Poller { constructor(options) { const { blobClient, copySource, intervalInMs = 15000, onProgress, resumeFrom, startCopyFromURLOptions, } = options; let state; if (resumeFrom) { state = JSON.parse(resumeFrom).state; } const operation = makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, state), { blobClient, copySource, startCopyFromURLOptions })); super(operation); if (typeof onProgress === "function") { this.onProgress(onProgress); } this.intervalInMs = intervalInMs; } delay() { return coreHttp.delay(this.intervalInMs); } } /** * Note: Intentionally using function expression over arrow function expression * so that the function can be invoked with a different context. * This affects what `this` refers to. * @hidden */ const cancel = async function cancel(options = {}) { const state = this.state; const { copyId } = state; if (state.isCompleted) { return makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(state); } if (!copyId) { state.isCancelled = true; return makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(state); } // if abortCopyFromURL throws, it will bubble up to user's poller.cancelOperation call await state.blobClient.abortCopyFromURL(copyId, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, }); state.isCancelled = true; return makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(state); }; /** * Note: Intentionally using function expression over arrow function expression * so that the function can be invoked with a different context. * This affects what `this` refers to. * @hidden */ const update = async function update(options = {}) { const state = this.state; const { blobClient, copySource, startCopyFromURLOptions } = state; if (!state.isStarted) { state.isStarted = true; const result = await blobClient.startCopyFromURL(copySource, startCopyFromURLOptions); // copyId is needed to abort state.copyId = result.copyId; if (result.copyStatus === "success") { state.result = result; state.isCompleted = true; } } else if (!state.isCompleted) { try { const result = await state.blobClient.getProperties({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }); const { copyStatus, copyProgress } = result; const prevCopyProgress = state.copyProgress; if (copyProgress) { state.copyProgress = copyProgress; } if (copyStatus === "pending" && copyProgress !== prevCopyProgress && typeof options.fireProgress === "function") { // trigger in setTimeout, or swallow error? options.fireProgress(state); } else if (copyStatus === "success") { state.result = result; state.isCompleted = true; } else if (copyStatus === "failed") { state.error = new Error(`Blob copy failed with reason: "${result.copyStatusDescription || "unknown"}"`); state.isCompleted = true; } } catch (err) { state.error = err; state.isCompleted = true; } } return makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(state); }; /** * Note: Intentionally using function expression over arrow function expression * so that the function can be invoked with a different context. * This affects what `this` refers to. * @hidden */ const toString = function toString() { return JSON.stringify({ state: this.state }, (key, value) => { // remove blobClient from serialized state since a client can't be hydrated from this info. if (key === "blobClient") { return undefined; } return value; }); }; /** * Creates a poll operation given the provided state. * @hidden */ function makeBlobBeginCopyFromURLPollOperation(state) { return { state: Object.assign({}, state), cancel, toString, update, }; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * Generate a range string. For example: * * "bytes=255-" or "bytes=0-511" * * @param iRange - */ function rangeToString(iRange) { if (iRange.offset < 0) { throw new RangeError(`Range.offset cannot be smaller than 0.`); } if (iRange.count && iRange.count <= 0) { throw new RangeError(`Range.count must be larger than 0. Leave it undefined if you want a range from offset to the end.`); } return iRange.count ? `bytes=${iRange.offset}-${iRange.offset + iRange.count - 1}` : `bytes=${iRange.offset}-`; } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * States for Batch. */ var BatchStates; (function (BatchStates) { BatchStates[BatchStates["Good"] = 0] = "Good"; BatchStates[BatchStates["Error"] = 1] = "Error"; })(BatchStates || (BatchStates = {})); /** * Batch provides basic parallel execution with concurrency limits. * Will stop execute left operations when one of the executed operation throws an error. * But Batch cannot cancel ongoing operations, you need to cancel them by yourself. */ class Batch { /** * Creates an instance of Batch. * @param concurrency - */ constructor(concurrency = 5) { /** * Number of active operations under execution. */ this.actives = 0; /** * Number of completed operations under execution. */ this.completed = 0; /** * Offset of next operation to be executed. */ this.offset = 0; /** * Operation array to be executed. */ this.operations = []; /** * States of Batch. When an error happens, state will turn into error. * Batch will stop execute left operations. */ this.state = BatchStates.Good; if (concurrency < 1) { throw new RangeError("concurrency must be larger than 0"); } this.concurrency = concurrency; this.emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); } /** * Add a operation into queue. * * @param operation - */ addOperation(operation) { this.operations.push(async () => { try { this.actives++; await operation(); this.actives--; this.completed++; this.parallelExecute(); } catch (error) { this.emitter.emit("error", error); } }); } /** * Start execute operations in the queue. * */ async do() { if (this.operations.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(); } this.parallelExecute(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.emitter.on("finish", resolve); this.emitter.on("error", (error) => { this.state = BatchStates.Error; reject(error); }); }); } /** * Get next operation to be executed. Return null when reaching ends. * */ nextOperation() { if (this.offset < this.operations.length) { return this.operations[this.offset++]; } return null; } /** * Start execute operations. One one the most important difference between * this method with do() is that do() wraps as an sync method. * */ parallelExecute() { if (this.state === BatchStates.Error) { return; } if (this.completed >= this.operations.length) { this.emitter.emit("finish"); return; } while (this.actives < this.concurrency) { const operation = this.nextOperation(); if (operation) { operation(); } else { return; } } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * This class generates a readable stream from the data in an array of buffers. */ class BuffersStream extends stream.Readable { /** * Creates an instance of BuffersStream that will emit the data * contained in the array of buffers. * * @param buffers - Array of buffers containing the data * @param byteLength - The total length of data contained in the buffers */ constructor(buffers, byteLength, options) { super(options); this.buffers = buffers; this.byteLength = byteLength; this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer = 0; this.bufferIndex = 0; this.pushedBytesLength = 0; // check byteLength is no larger than buffers[] total length let buffersLength = 0; for (const buf of this.buffers) { buffersLength += buf.byteLength; } if (buffersLength < this.byteLength) { throw new Error("Data size shouldn't be larger than the total length of buffers."); } } /** * Internal _read() that will be called when the stream wants to pull more data in. * * @param size - Optional. The size of data to be read */ _read(size) { if (this.pushedBytesLength >= this.byteLength) { this.push(null); } if (!size) { size = this.readableHighWaterMark; } const outBuffers = []; let i = 0; while (i < size && this.pushedBytesLength < this.byteLength) { // The last buffer may be longer than the data it contains. const remainingDataInAllBuffers = this.byteLength - this.pushedBytesLength; const remainingCapacityInThisBuffer = this.buffers[this.bufferIndex].byteLength - this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer; const remaining = Math.min(remainingCapacityInThisBuffer, remainingDataInAllBuffers); if (remaining > size - i) { // chunkSize = size - i const end = this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer + size - i; outBuffers.push(this.buffers[this.bufferIndex].slice(this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer, end)); this.pushedBytesLength += size - i; this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer = end; i = size; break; } else { // chunkSize = remaining const end = this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer + remaining; outBuffers.push(this.buffers[this.bufferIndex].slice(this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer, end)); if (remaining === remainingCapacityInThisBuffer) { // this.buffers[this.bufferIndex] used up, shift to next one this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer = 0; this.bufferIndex++; } else { this.byteOffsetInCurrentBuffer = end; } this.pushedBytesLength += remaining; i += remaining; } } if (outBuffers.length > 1) { this.push(Buffer.concat(outBuffers)); } else if (outBuffers.length === 1) { this.push(outBuffers[0]); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * maxBufferLength is max size of each buffer in the pooled buffers. */ // Can't use import as Typescript doesn't recognize "buffer". const maxBufferLength = require("buffer").constants.MAX_LENGTH; /** * This class provides a buffer container which conceptually has no hard size limit. * It accepts a capacity, an array of input buffers and the total length of input data. * It will allocate an internal "buffer" of the capacity and fill the data in the input buffers * into the internal "buffer" serially with respect to the total length. * Then by calling PooledBuffer.getReadableStream(), you can get a readable stream * assembled from all the data in the internal "buffer". */ class PooledBuffer { constructor(capacity, buffers, totalLength) { /** * Internal buffers used to keep the data. * Each buffer has a length of the maxBufferLength except last one. */ this.buffers = []; this.capacity = capacity; this._size = 0; // allocate const bufferNum = Math.ceil(capacity / maxBufferLength); for (let i = 0; i < bufferNum; i++) { let len = i === bufferNum - 1 ? capacity % maxBufferLength : maxBufferLength; if (len === 0) { len = maxBufferLength; } this.buffers.push(Buffer.allocUnsafe(len)); } if (buffers) { this.fill(buffers, totalLength); } } /** * The size of the data contained in the pooled buffers. */ get size() { return this._size; } /** * Fill the internal buffers with data in the input buffers serially * with respect to the total length and the total capacity of the internal buffers. * Data copied will be shift out of the input buffers. * * @param buffers - Input buffers containing the data to be filled in the pooled buffer * @param totalLength - Total length of the data to be filled in. * */ fill(buffers, totalLength) { this._size = Math.min(this.capacity, totalLength); let i = 0, j = 0, targetOffset = 0, sourceOffset = 0, totalCopiedNum = 0; while (totalCopiedNum < this._size) { const source = buffers[i]; const target = this.buffers[j]; const copiedNum = source.copy(target, targetOffset, sourceOffset); totalCopiedNum += copiedNum; sourceOffset += copiedNum; targetOffset += copiedNum; if (sourceOffset === source.length) { i++; sourceOffset = 0; } if (targetOffset === target.length) { j++; targetOffset = 0; } } // clear copied from source buffers buffers.splice(0, i); if (buffers.length > 0) { buffers[0] = buffers[0].slice(sourceOffset); } } /** * Get the readable stream assembled from all the data in the internal buffers. * */ getReadableStream() { return new BuffersStream(this.buffers, this.size); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * This class accepts a Node.js Readable stream as input, and keeps reading data * from the stream into the internal buffer structure, until it reaches maxBuffers. * Every available buffer will try to trigger outgoingHandler. * * The internal buffer structure includes an incoming buffer array, and a outgoing * buffer array. The incoming buffer array includes the "empty" buffers can be filled * with new incoming data. The outgoing array includes the filled buffers to be * handled by outgoingHandler. Every above buffer size is defined by parameter bufferSize. * * NUM_OF_ALL_BUFFERS = BUFFERS_IN_INCOMING + BUFFERS_IN_OUTGOING + BUFFERS_UNDER_HANDLING * * NUM_OF_ALL_BUFFERS lesser than or equal to maxBuffers * * PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT TIPS: * 1. Input stream highWaterMark is better to set a same value with bufferSize * parameter, which will avoid Buffer.concat() operations. * 2. concurrency should set a smaller value than maxBuffers, which is helpful to * reduce the possibility when a outgoing handler waits for the stream data. * in this situation, outgoing handlers are blocked. * Outgoing queue shouldn't be empty. */ class BufferScheduler { /** * Creates an instance of BufferScheduler. * * @param readable - A Node.js Readable stream * @param bufferSize - Buffer size of every maintained buffer * @param maxBuffers - How many buffers can be allocated * @param outgoingHandler - An async function scheduled to be * triggered when a buffer fully filled * with stream data * @param concurrency - Concurrency of executing outgoingHandlers (>0) * @param encoding - [Optional] Encoding of Readable stream when it's a string stream */ constructor(readable, bufferSize, maxBuffers, outgoingHandler, concurrency, encoding) { /** * An internal event emitter. */ this.emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); /** * An internal offset marker to track data offset in bytes of next outgoingHandler. */ this.offset = 0; /** * An internal marker to track whether stream is end. */ this.isStreamEnd = false; /** * An internal marker to track whether stream or outgoingHandler returns error. */ this.isError = false; /** * How many handlers are executing. */ this.executingOutgoingHandlers = 0; /** * How many buffers have been allocated. */ this.numBuffers = 0; /** * Because this class doesn't know how much data every time stream pops, which * is defined by highWaterMarker of the stream. So BufferScheduler will cache * data received from the stream, when data in unresolvedDataArray exceeds the * blockSize defined, it will try to concat a blockSize of buffer, fill into available * buffers from incoming and push to outgoing array. */ this.unresolvedDataArray = []; /** * How much data consisted in unresolvedDataArray. */ this.unresolvedLength = 0; /** * The array includes all the available buffers can be used to fill data from stream. */ this.incoming = []; /** * The array (queue) includes all the buffers filled from stream data. */ this.outgoing = []; if (bufferSize <= 0) { throw new RangeError(`bufferSize must be larger than 0, current is ${bufferSize}`); } if (maxBuffers <= 0) { throw new RangeError(`maxBuffers must be larger than 0, current is ${maxBuffers}`); } if (concurrency <= 0) { throw new RangeError(`concurrency must be larger than 0, current is ${concurrency}`); } this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.maxBuffers = maxBuffers; this.readable = readable; this.outgoingHandler = outgoingHandler; this.concurrency = concurrency; this.encoding = encoding; } /** * Start the scheduler, will return error when stream of any of the outgoingHandlers * returns error. * */ async do() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.readable.on("data", (data) => { data = typeof data === "string" ? Buffer.from(data, this.encoding) : data; this.appendUnresolvedData(data); if (!this.resolveData()) { this.readable.pause(); } }); this.readable.on("error", (err) => { this.emitter.emit("error", err); }); this.readable.on("end", () => { this.isStreamEnd = true; this.emitter.emit("checkEnd"); }); this.emitter.on("error", (err) => { this.isError = true; this.readable.pause(); reject(err); }); this.emitter.on("checkEnd", () => { if (this.outgoing.length > 0) { this.triggerOutgoingHandlers(); return; } if (this.isStreamEnd && this.executingOutgoingHandlers === 0) { if (this.unresolvedLength > 0 && this.unresolvedLength < this.bufferSize) { const buffer = this.shiftBufferFromUnresolvedDataArray(); this.outgoingHandler(() => buffer.getReadableStream(), buffer.size, this.offset) .then(resolve) .catch(reject); } else if (this.unresolvedLength >= this.bufferSize) { return; } else { resolve(); } } }); }); } /** * Insert a new data into unresolved array. * * @param data - */ appendUnresolvedData(data) { this.unresolvedDataArray.push(data); this.unresolvedLength += data.length; } /** * Try to shift a buffer with size in blockSize. The buffer returned may be less * than blockSize when data in unresolvedDataArray is less than bufferSize. * */ shiftBufferFromUnresolvedDataArray(buffer) { if (!buffer) { buffer = new PooledBuffer(this.bufferSize, this.unresolvedDataArray, this.unresolvedLength); } else { buffer.fill(this.unresolvedDataArray, this.unresolvedLength); } this.unresolvedLength -= buffer.size; return buffer; } /** * Resolve data in unresolvedDataArray. For every buffer with size in blockSize * shifted, it will try to get (or allocate a buffer) from incoming, and fill it, * then push it into outgoing to be handled by outgoing handler. * * Return false when available buffers in incoming are not enough, else true. * * @returns Return false when buffers in incoming are not enough, else true. */ resolveData() { while (this.unresolvedLength >= this.bufferSize) { let buffer; if (this.incoming.length > 0) { buffer = this.incoming.shift(); this.shiftBufferFromUnresolvedDataArray(buffer); } else { if (this.numBuffers < this.maxBuffers) { buffer = this.shiftBufferFromUnresolvedDataArray(); this.numBuffers++; } else { // No available buffer, wait for buffer returned return false; } } this.outgoing.push(buffer); this.triggerOutgoingHandlers(); } return true; } /** * Try to trigger a outgoing handler for every buffer in outgoing. Stop when * concurrency reaches. */ async triggerOutgoingHandlers() { let buffer; do { if (this.executingOutgoingHandlers >= this.concurrency) { return; } buffer = this.outgoing.shift(); if (buffer) { this.triggerOutgoingHandler(buffer); } } while (buffer); } /** * Trigger a outgoing handler for a buffer shifted from outgoing. * * @param buffer - */ async triggerOutgoingHandler(buffer) { const bufferLength = buffer.size; this.executingOutgoingHandlers++; this.offset += bufferLength; try { await this.outgoingHandler(() => buffer.getReadableStream(), bufferLength, this.offset - bufferLength); } catch (err) { this.emitter.emit("error", err); return; } this.executingOutgoingHandlers--; this.reuseBuffer(buffer); this.emitter.emit("checkEnd"); } /** * Return buffer used by outgoing handler into incoming. * * @param buffer - */ reuseBuffer(buffer) { this.incoming.push(buffer); if (!this.isError && this.resolveData() && !this.isStreamEnd) { this.readable.resume(); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * Reads a readable stream into buffer. Fill the buffer from offset to end. * * @param stream - A Node.js Readable stream * @param buffer - Buffer to be filled, length must greater than or equal to offset * @param offset - From which position in the buffer to be filled, inclusive * @param end - To which position in the buffer to be filled, exclusive * @param encoding - Encoding of the Readable stream */ async function streamToBuffer(stream, buffer, offset, end, encoding) { let pos = 0; // Position in stream const count = end - offset; // Total amount of data needed in stream return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(`The operation cannot be completed in timeout.`)), REQUEST_TIMEOUT); stream.on("readable", () => { if (pos >= count) { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); return; } let chunk = stream.read(); if (!chunk) { return; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } // How much data needed in this chunk const chunkLength = pos + chunk.length > count ? count - pos : chunk.length; buffer.fill(chunk.slice(0, chunkLength), offset + pos, offset + pos + chunkLength); pos += chunkLength; }); stream.on("end", () => { clearTimeout(timeout); if (pos < count) { reject(new Error(`Stream drains before getting enough data needed. Data read: ${pos}, data need: ${count}`)); } resolve(); }); stream.on("error", (msg) => { clearTimeout(timeout); reject(msg); }); }); } /** * Reads a readable stream into buffer entirely. * * @param stream - A Node.js Readable stream * @param buffer - Buffer to be filled, length must greater than or equal to offset * @param encoding - Encoding of the Readable stream * @returns with the count of bytes read. * @throws `RangeError` If buffer size is not big enough. */ async function streamToBuffer2(stream, buffer, encoding) { let pos = 0; // Position in stream const bufferSize = buffer.length; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on("readable", () => { let chunk = stream.read(); if (!chunk) { return; } if (typeof chunk === "string") { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } if (pos + chunk.length > bufferSize) { reject(new Error(`Stream exceeds buffer size. Buffer size: ${bufferSize}`)); return; } buffer.fill(chunk, pos, pos + chunk.length); pos += chunk.length; }); stream.on("end", () => { resolve(pos); }); stream.on("error", reject); }); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Writes the content of a readstream to a local file. Returns a Promise which is completed after the file handle is closed. * * @param rs - The read stream. * @param file - Destination file path. */ async function readStreamToLocalFile(rs, file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const ws = fs__namespace.createWriteStream(file); rs.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); ws.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); ws.on("close", resolve); rs.pipe(ws); }); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Promisified version of fs.stat(). */ const fsStat = util__namespace.promisify(fs__namespace.stat); const fsCreateReadStream = fs__namespace.createReadStream; /** * A BlobClient represents a URL to an Azure Storage blob; the blob may be a block blob, * append blob, or page blob. */ class BlobClient extends StorageClient { constructor(urlOrConnectionString, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, blobNameOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { options = options || {}; let pipeline; let url; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; options = blobNameOrOptions; pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options); } else if (!credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== "string") { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential. url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else if (credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === "string" && blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions === "string") { // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; const blobName = blobNameOrOptions; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)) + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } else { throw new Error("Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters"); } super(url, pipeline); ({ blobName: this._name, containerName: this._containerName } = this.getBlobAndContainerNamesFromUrl()); this.blobContext = new Blob$1(this.storageClientContext); this._snapshot = getURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT); this._versionId = getURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.VERSIONID); } /** * The name of the blob. */ get name() { return this._name; } /** * The name of the storage container the blob is associated with. */ get containerName() { return this._containerName; } /** * Creates a new BlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. * Provide "" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob. * * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp. * @returns A new BlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp */ withSnapshot(snapshot) { return new BlobClient(setURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT, snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a new BlobClient object pointing to a version of this blob. * Provide "" will remove the versionId and return a Client to the base blob. * * @param versionId - The versionId. * @returns A new BlobClient object pointing to the version of this blob. */ withVersion(versionId) { return new BlobClient(setURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.VERSIONID, versionId.length === 0 ? undefined : versionId), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a AppendBlobClient object. * */ getAppendBlobClient() { return new AppendBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a BlockBlobClient object. * */ getBlockBlobClient() { return new BlockBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a PageBlobClient object. * */ getPageBlobClient() { return new PageBlobClient(this.url, this.pipeline); } /** * Reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties. * You can also call Get Blob to read a snapshot. * * * In Node.js, data returns in a Readable stream readableStreamBody * * In browsers, data returns in a promise blobBody * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob * * @param offset - From which position of the blob to download, greater than or equal to 0 * @param count - How much data to be downloaded, greater than 0. Will download to the end when undefined * @param options - Optional options to Blob Download operation. * * * Example usage (Node.js): * * ```js * // Download and convert a blob to a string * const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download(); * const downloaded = await streamToBuffer(downloadBlockBlobResponse.readableStreamBody); * console.log("Downloaded blob content:", downloaded.toString()); * * async function streamToBuffer(readableStream) { * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { * const chunks = []; * readableStream.on("data", (data) => { * chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data)); * }); * readableStream.on("end", () => { * resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)); * }); * readableStream.on("error", reject); * }); * } * ``` * * Example usage (browser): * * ```js * // Download and convert a blob to a string * const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download(); * const downloaded = await blobToString(await downloadBlockBlobResponse.blobBody); * console.log( * "Downloaded blob content", * downloaded * ); * * async function blobToString(blob: Blob): Promise { * const fileReader = new FileReader(); * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { * fileReader.onloadend = (ev: any) => { * resolve(ev.target!.result); * }; * fileReader.onerror = reject; * fileReader.readAsText(blob); * }); * } * ``` */ async download(offset = 0, count, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-download", options); try { const res = await this.blobContext.download(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), requestOptions: { onDownloadProgress: coreHttp.isNode ? undefined : options.onProgress, // for Node.js, progress is reported by RetriableReadableStream }, range: offset === 0 && !count ? undefined : rangeToString({ offset, count }), rangeGetContentMD5: options.rangeGetContentMD5, rangeGetContentCRC64: options.rangeGetContentCrc64, snapshot: options.snapshot, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const wrappedRes = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res), { _response: res._response, objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId: res.objectReplicationPolicyId, objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(res.objectReplicationRules) }); // Return browser response immediately if (!coreHttp.isNode) { return wrappedRes; } // We support retrying when download stream unexpected ends in Node.js runtime // Following code shouldn't be bundled into browser build, however some // bundlers may try to bundle following code and "FileReadResponse.ts". // In this case, "FileDownloadResponse.browser.ts" will be used as a shim of "FileDownloadResponse.ts" // The config is in package.json "browser" field if (options.maxRetryRequests === undefined || options.maxRetryRequests < 0) { // TODO: Default value or make it a required parameter? options.maxRetryRequests = DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_REQUESTS; } if (res.contentLength === undefined) { throw new RangeError(`File download response doesn't contain valid content length header`); } if (!res.etag) { throw new RangeError(`File download response doesn't contain valid etag header`); } return new BlobDownloadResponse(wrappedRes, async (start) => { var _a; const updatedDownloadOptions = { leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: { ifMatch: options.conditions.ifMatch || res.etag, ifModifiedSince: options.conditions.ifModifiedSince, ifNoneMatch: options.conditions.ifNoneMatch, ifUnmodifiedSince: options.conditions.ifUnmodifiedSince, ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions, }, range: rangeToString({ count: offset + res.contentLength - start, offset: start, }), rangeGetContentMD5: options.rangeGetContentMD5, rangeGetContentCRC64: options.rangeGetContentCrc64, snapshot: options.snapshot, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, }; // Debug purpose only // console.log( // `Read from internal stream, range: ${ // updatedOptions.range // }, options: ${JSON.stringify(updatedOptions)}` // ); return (await this.blobContext.download(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, updatedDownloadOptions))).readableStreamBody; }, offset, res.contentLength, { maxRetryRequests: options.maxRetryRequests, onProgress: options.onProgress, }); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns true if the Azure blob resource represented by this client exists; false otherwise. * * NOTE: use this function with care since an existing blob might be deleted by other clients or * applications. Vice versa new blobs might be added by other clients or applications after this * function completes. * * @param options - options to Exists operation. */ async exists(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-exists", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); await this.getProperties({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, customerProvidedKey: options.customerProvidedKey, conditions: options.conditions, tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions, }); return true; } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode === 404) { // Expected exception when checking blob existence return false; } else if (e.statusCode === 409 && (e.details.errorCode === BlobUsesCustomerSpecifiedEncryptionMsg || e.details.errorCode === BlobDoesNotUseCustomerSpecifiedEncryption)) { // Expected exception when checking blob existence return true; } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties * for the blob. It does not return the content of the blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-properties * * WARNING: The `metadata` object returned in the response will have its keys in lowercase, even if * they originally contained uppercase characters. This differs from the metadata keys returned by * the methods of {@link ContainerClient} that list blobs using the `includeMetadata` option, which * will retain their original casing. * * @param options - Optional options to Get Properties operation. */ async getProperties(options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-getProperties", options); try { options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); const res = await this.blobContext.getProperties(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res), { _response: res._response, objectReplicationDestinationPolicyId: res.objectReplicationPolicyId, objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(res.objectReplicationRules) }); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted * during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete * all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete * Blob operation. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob * * @param options - Optional options to Blob Delete operation. */ async delete(options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-delete", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { return await this.blobContext.delete(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, deleteSnapshots: options.deleteSnapshots, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion if it exists. The blob is later deleted * during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete * all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete * Blob operation. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob * * @param options - Optional options to Blob Delete operation. */ async deleteIfExists(options = {}) { var _a, _b; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-deleteIfExists", options); try { const res = await this.delete(updatedOptions); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: true }, res), { _response: res._response }); } catch (e) { if (((_a = e.details) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.errorCode) === "BlobNotFound") { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when deleting a blob or snapshot only if it exists.", }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: false }, (_b = e.response) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parsedHeaders), { _response: e.response }); } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Restores the contents and metadata of soft deleted blob and any associated * soft deleted snapshots. Undelete Blob is supported only on version 2017-07-29 * or later. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/undelete-blob * * @param options - Optional options to Blob Undelete operation. */ async undelete(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-undelete", options); try { return await this.blobContext.undelete(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets system properties on the blob. * * If no value provided, or no value provided for the specified blob HTTP headers, * these blob HTTP headers without a value will be cleared. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties * * @param blobHTTPHeaders - If no value provided, or no value provided for * the specified blob HTTP headers, these blob HTTP * headers without a value will be cleared. * A common header to set is `blobContentType` * enabling the browser to provide functionality * based on file type. * @param options - Optional options to Blob Set HTTP Headers operation. */ async setHTTPHeaders(blobHTTPHeaders, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setHTTPHeaders", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blobContext.setHttpHeaders(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobHttpHeaders: blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value pairs. * * If no option provided, or no metadata defined in the parameter, the blob * metadata will be removed. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-metadata * * @param metadata - Replace existing metadata with this value. * If no value provided the existing metadata will be removed. * @param options - Optional options to Set Metadata operation. */ async setMetadata(metadata, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setMetadata", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blobContext.setMetadata(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets tags on the underlying blob. * A blob can have up to 10 tags. Tag keys must be between 1 and 128 characters. Tag values must be between 0 and 256 characters. * Valid tag key and value characters include lower and upper case letters, digits (0-9), * space (' '), plus ('+'), minus ('-'), period ('.'), foward slash ('/'), colon (':'), equals ('='), and underscore ('_'). * * @param tags - * @param options - */ async setTags(tags, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setTags", options); try { return await this.blobContext.setTags(Object.assign(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)), { tags: toBlobTags(tags) })); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Gets the tags associated with the underlying blob. * * @param options - */ async getTags(options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-getTags", options); try { const response = await this.blobContext.getTags(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const wrappedResponse = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { _response: response._response, tags: toTags({ blobTagSet: response.blobTagSet }) || {} }); return wrappedResponse; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Get a {@link BlobLeaseClient} that manages leases on the blob. * * @param proposeLeaseId - Initial proposed lease Id. * @returns A new BlobLeaseClient object for managing leases on the blob. */ getBlobLeaseClient(proposeLeaseId) { return new BlobLeaseClient(this, proposeLeaseId); } /** * Creates a read-only snapshot of a blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/snapshot-blob * * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Create Snapshot operation. */ async createSnapshot(options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-createSnapshot", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blobContext.createSnapshot(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Asynchronously copies a blob to a destination within the storage account. * This method returns a long running operation poller that allows you to wait * indefinitely until the copy is completed. * You can also cancel a copy before it is completed by calling `cancelOperation` on the poller. * Note that the onProgress callback will not be invoked if the operation completes in the first * request, and attempting to cancel a completed copy will result in an error being thrown. * * In version 2012-02-12 and later, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be * a committed blob in any Azure storage account. * Beginning with version 2015-02-21, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be * an Azure file in any Azure storage account. * Only storage accounts created on or after June 7th, 2012 allow the Copy Blob * operation to copy from another storage account. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob * * Example using automatic polling: * * ```js * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url'); * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone(); * ``` * * Example using manual polling: * * ```js * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url'); * while (!poller.isDone()) { * await poller.poll(); * } * const result = copyPoller.getResult(); * ``` * * Example using progress updates: * * ```js * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url', { * onProgress(state) { * console.log(`Progress: ${state.copyProgress}`); * } * }); * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone(); * ``` * * Example using a changing polling interval (default 15 seconds): * * ```js * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url', { * intervalInMs: 1000 // poll blob every 1 second for copy progress * }); * const result = await copyPoller.pollUntilDone(); * ``` * * Example using copy cancellation: * * ```js * const copyPoller = await blobClient.beginCopyFromURL('url'); * // cancel operation after starting it. * try { * await copyPoller.cancelOperation(); * // calls to get the result now throw PollerCancelledError * await copyPoller.getResult(); * } catch (err) { * if (err.name === 'PollerCancelledError') { * console.log('The copy was cancelled.'); * } * } * ``` * * @param copySource - url to the source Azure Blob/File. * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Start Copy From URL operation. */ async beginCopyFromURL(copySource, options = {}) { const client = { abortCopyFromURL: (...args) => this.abortCopyFromURL(...args), getProperties: (...args) => this.getProperties(...args), startCopyFromURL: (...args) => this.startCopyFromURL(...args), }; const poller = new BlobBeginCopyFromUrlPoller({ blobClient: client, copySource, intervalInMs: options.intervalInMs, onProgress: options.onProgress, resumeFrom: options.resumeFrom, startCopyFromURLOptions: options, }); // Trigger the startCopyFromURL call by calling poll. // Any errors from this method should be surfaced to the user. await poller.poll(); return poller; } /** * Aborts a pending asynchronous Copy Blob operation, and leaves a destination blob with zero * length and full metadata. Version 2012-02-12 and newer. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/abort-copy-blob * * @param copyId - Id of the Copy From URL operation. * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Abort Copy From URL operation. */ async abortCopyFromURL(copyId, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-abortCopyFromURL", options); try { return await this.blobContext.abortCopyFromURL(copyId, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The synchronous Copy From URL operation copies a blob or an internet resource to a new blob. It will not * return a response until the copy is complete. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob-from-url * * @param copySource - The source URL to copy from, Shared Access Signature(SAS) maybe needed for authentication * @param options - */ async syncCopyFromURL(copySource, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-syncCopyFromURL", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {}; try { return await this.blobContext.copyFromURL(copySource, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, metadata: options.metadata, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), sourceModifiedAccessConditions: { sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince, sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince, }, sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5, copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags), immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, copySourceTags: options.copySourceTags }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets the tier on a blob. The operation is allowed on a page blob in a premium * storage account and on a block blob in a blob storage account (locally redundant * storage only). A premium page blob's tier determines the allowed size, IOPS, * and bandwidth of the blob. A block blob's tier determines Hot/Cool/Archive * storage type. This operation does not update the blob's ETag. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-tier * * @param tier - The tier to be set on the blob. Valid values are Hot, Cool, or Archive. * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Set Tier operation. */ async setAccessTier(tier, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setAccessTier", options); try { return await this.blobContext.setTier(toAccessTier(tier), Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), rehydratePriority: options.rehydratePriority }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } async downloadToBuffer(param1, param2, param3, param4 = {}) { let buffer; let offset = 0; let count = 0; let options = param4; if (param1 instanceof Buffer) { buffer = param1; offset = param2 || 0; count = typeof param3 === "number" ? param3 : 0; } else { offset = typeof param1 === "number" ? param1 : 0; count = typeof param2 === "number" ? param2 : 0; options = param3 || {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-downloadToBuffer", options); try { if (!options.blockSize) { options.blockSize = 0; } if (options.blockSize < 0) { throw new RangeError("blockSize option must be >= 0"); } if (options.blockSize === 0) { options.blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES; } if (offset < 0) { throw new RangeError("offset option must be >= 0"); } if (count && count <= 0) { throw new RangeError("count option must be greater than 0"); } if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } // Customer doesn't specify length, get it if (!count) { const response = await this.getProperties(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { tracingOptions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.tracingOptions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)) })); count = response.contentLength - offset; if (count < 0) { throw new RangeError(`offset ${offset} shouldn't be larger than blob size ${response.contentLength}`); } } // Allocate the buffer of size = count if the buffer is not provided if (!buffer) { try { buffer = Buffer.alloc(count); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Unable to allocate the buffer of size: ${count}(in bytes). Please try passing your own buffer to the "downloadToBuffer" method or try using other methods like "download" or "downloadToFile".\t ${error.message}`); } } if (buffer.length < count) { throw new RangeError(`The buffer's size should be equal to or larger than the request count of bytes: ${count}`); } let transferProgress = 0; const batch = new Batch(options.concurrency); for (let off = offset; off < offset + count; off = off + options.blockSize) { batch.addOperation(async () => { // Exclusive chunk end position let chunkEnd = offset + count; if (off + options.blockSize < chunkEnd) { chunkEnd = off + options.blockSize; } const response = await this.download(off, chunkEnd - off, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, conditions: options.conditions, maxRetryRequests: options.maxRetryRequestsPerBlock, customerProvidedKey: options.customerProvidedKey, tracingOptions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.tracingOptions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)), }); const stream = response.readableStreamBody; await streamToBuffer(stream, buffer, off - offset, chunkEnd - offset); // Update progress after block is downloaded, in case of block trying // Could provide finer grained progress updating inside HTTP requests, // only if convenience layer download try is enabled transferProgress += chunkEnd - off; if (options.onProgress) { options.onProgress({ loadedBytes: transferProgress }); } }); } await batch.do(); return buffer; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Downloads an Azure Blob to a local file. * Fails if the the given file path already exits. * Offset and count are optional, pass 0 and undefined respectively to download the entire blob. * * @param filePath - * @param offset - From which position of the block blob to download. * @param count - How much data to be downloaded. Will download to the end when passing undefined. * @param options - Options to Blob download options. * @returns The response data for blob download operation, * but with readableStreamBody set to undefined since its * content is already read and written into a local file * at the specified path. */ async downloadToFile(filePath, offset = 0, count, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-downloadToFile", options); try { const response = await this.download(offset, count, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { tracingOptions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.tracingOptions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)) })); if (response.readableStreamBody) { await readStreamToLocalFile(response.readableStreamBody, filePath); } // The stream is no longer accessible so setting it to undefined. response.blobDownloadStream = undefined; return response; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } getBlobAndContainerNamesFromUrl() { let containerName; let blobName; try { // URL may look like the following // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob?sasString"; // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob"; // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob/a.txt?sasString"; // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/blob/a.txt"; // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts, Endpoints - `` // http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername/blob const parsedUrl = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(this.url); if (parsedUrl.getHost().split(".")[1] === "blob") { // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/containername/blob". // .getPath() -> /containername/blob const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath().match("/([^/]*)(/(.*))?"); containerName = pathComponents[1]; blobName = pathComponents[3]; } else if (isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl)) { // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts... Example - // Single word domain without a [dot] in the endpoint... Example - http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername/blob // .getPath() -> /devstoreaccount1/containername/blob const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath().match("/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(/(.*))?"); containerName = pathComponents[2]; blobName = pathComponents[4]; } else { // "https://customdomain.com/containername/blob". // .getPath() -> /containername/blob const pathComponents = parsedUrl.getPath().match("/([^/]*)(/(.*))?"); containerName = pathComponents[1]; blobName = pathComponents[3]; } // decode the encoded blobName, containerName - to get all the special characters that might be present in them containerName = decodeURIComponent(containerName); blobName = decodeURIComponent(blobName); // Azure Storage Server will replace "\" with "/" in the blob names // doing the same in the SDK side so that the user doesn't have to replace "\" instances in the blobName blobName = blobName.replace(/\\/g, "/"); if (!containerName) { throw new Error("Provided containerName is invalid."); } return { blobName, containerName }; } catch (error) { throw new Error("Unable to extract blobName and containerName with provided information."); } } /** * Asynchronously copies a blob to a destination within the storage account. * In version 2012-02-12 and later, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be * a committed blob in any Azure storage account. * Beginning with version 2015-02-21, the source for a Copy Blob operation can be * an Azure file in any Azure storage account. * Only storage accounts created on or after June 7th, 2012 allow the Copy Blob * operation to copy from another storage account. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/copy-blob * * @param copySource - url to the source Azure Blob/File. * @param options - Optional options to the Blob Start Copy From URL operation. */ async startCopyFromURL(copySource, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-startCopyFromURL", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {}; try { return await this.blobContext.startCopyFromURL(copySource, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), sourceModifiedAccessConditions: { sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince, sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfTags: options.sourceConditions.tagConditions, }, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, rehydratePriority: options.rehydratePriority, tier: toAccessTier(options.tier), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags), sealBlob: options.sealBlob }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Only available for BlobClient constructed with a shared key credential. * * Generates a Blob Service Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI based on the client properties * and parameters passed in. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential of the client. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas * * @param options - Optional parameters. * @returns The SAS URI consisting of the URI to the resource represented by this client, followed by the generated SAS token. */ generateSasUrl(options) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!(this.credential instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential)) { throw new RangeError("Can only generate the SAS when the client is initialized with a shared key credential"); } const sas = generateBlobSASQueryParameters(Object.assign({ containerName: this._containerName, blobName: this._name, snapshotTime: this._snapshot, versionId: this._versionId }, options), this.credential).toString(); resolve(appendToURLQuery(this.url, sas)); }); } /** * Delete the immutablility policy on the blob. * * @param options - Optional options to delete immutability policy on the blob. */ async deleteImmutabilityPolicy(options) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-deleteImmutabilityPolicy", options); try { return await this.blobContext.deleteImmutabilityPolicy(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Set immutablility policy on the blob. * * @param options - Optional options to set immutability policy on the blob. */ async setImmutabilityPolicy(immutabilityPolicy, options) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setImmutabilityPolicy", options); try { return await this.blobContext.setImmutabilityPolicy(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.abortSignal, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: immutabilityPolicy.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: immutabilityPolicy.policyMode, modifiedAccessConditions: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.modifiedAccessCondition }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Set legal hold on the blob. * * @param options - Optional options to set legal hold on the blob. */ async setLegalHold(legalHoldEnabled, options) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobClient-setLegalHold", options); try { return await this.blobContext.setLegalHold(legalHoldEnabled, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } /** * AppendBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to append blobs. */ class AppendBlobClient extends BlobClient { constructor(urlOrConnectionString, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, blobNameOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead. // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options); let pipeline; let url; options = options || {}; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; url = urlOrConnectionString; options = blobNameOrOptions; pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options); } else if (!credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== "string") { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential. pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else if (credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === "string" && blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions === "string") { // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; const blobName = blobNameOrOptions; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)) + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } else { throw new Error("Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters"); } super(url, pipeline); this.appendBlobContext = new AppendBlob(this.storageClientContext); } /** * Creates a new AppendBlobClient object identical to the source but with the * specified snapshot timestamp. * Provide "" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob. * * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp. * @returns A new AppendBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. */ withSnapshot(snapshot) { return new AppendBlobClient(setURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT, snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a 0-length append blob. Call AppendBlock to append data to an append blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param options - Options to the Append Block Create operation. * * * Example usage: * * ```js * const appendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(""); * await appendBlobClient.create(); * ``` */ async create(options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("AppendBlobClient-create", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.appendBlobContext.create(0, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a 0-length append blob. Call AppendBlock to append data to an append blob. * If the blob with the same name already exists, the content of the existing blob will remain unchanged. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param options - */ async createIfNotExists(options = {}) { var _a, _b; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("AppendBlobClient-createIfNotExists", options); const conditions = { ifNoneMatch: ETagAny }; try { const res = await this.create(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, updatedOptions), { conditions })); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: true }, res), { _response: res._response }); } catch (e) { if (((_a = e.details) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.errorCode) === "BlobAlreadyExists") { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when creating a blob only if it does not already exist.", }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: false }, (_b = e.response) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parsedHeaders), { _response: e.response }); } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Seals the append blob, making it read only. * * @param options - */ async seal(options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("AppendBlobClient-seal", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { return await this.appendBlobContext.seal(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Commits a new block of data to the end of the existing append blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/append-block * * @param body - Data to be appended. * @param contentLength - Length of the body in bytes. * @param options - Options to the Append Block operation. * * * Example usage: * * ```js * const content = "Hello World!"; * * // Create a new append blob and append data to the blob. * const newAppendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(""); * await newAppendBlobClient.create(); * await newAppendBlobClient.appendBlock(content, content.length); * * // Append data to an existing append blob. * const existingAppendBlobClient = containerClient.getAppendBlobClient(""); * await existingAppendBlobClient.appendBlock(content, content.length); * ``` */ async appendBlock(body, contentLength, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("AppendBlobClient-appendBlock", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.appendBlobContext.appendBlock(contentLength, body, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), requestOptions: { onUploadProgress: options.onProgress, }, transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The Append Block operation commits a new block of data to the end of an existing append blob * where the contents are read from a source url. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/append-block-from-url * * @param sourceURL - * The url to the blob that will be the source of the copy. A source blob in the same storage account can * be authenticated via Shared Key. However, if the source is a blob in another account, the source blob * must either be public or must be authenticated via a shared access signature. If the source blob is * public, no authentication is required to perform the operation. * @param sourceOffset - Offset in source to be appended * @param count - Number of bytes to be appended as a block * @param options - */ async appendBlockFromURL(sourceURL, sourceOffset, count, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("AppendBlobClient-appendBlockFromURL", options); options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {}; try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.appendBlobContext.appendBlockFromUrl(sourceURL, 0, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, sourceRange: rangeToString({ offset: sourceOffset, count }), sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5, sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, appendPositionAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), sourceModifiedAccessConditions: { sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince, sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince, }, copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } /** * BlockBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to block blobs. */ class BlockBlobClient extends BlobClient { constructor(urlOrConnectionString, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, blobNameOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead. // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options); let pipeline; let url; options = options || {}; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; options = blobNameOrOptions; pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options); } else if (!credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== "string") { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential. url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else if (credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === "string" && blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions === "string") { // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; const blobName = blobNameOrOptions; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)) + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } else { throw new Error("Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters"); } super(url, pipeline); this.blockBlobContext = new BlockBlob(this.storageClientContext); this._blobContext = new Blob$1(this.storageClientContext); } /** * Creates a new BlockBlobClient object identical to the source but with the * specified snapshot timestamp. * Provide "" will remove the snapshot and return a URL to the base blob. * * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp. * @returns A new BlockBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. */ withSnapshot(snapshot) { return new BlockBlobClient(setURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT, snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot), this.pipeline); } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Quick query for a JSON or CSV formatted blob. * * Example usage (Node.js): * * ```js * // Query and convert a blob to a string * const queryBlockBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.query("select * from BlobStorage"); * const downloaded = (await streamToBuffer(queryBlockBlobResponse.readableStreamBody)).toString(); * console.log("Query blob content:", downloaded); * * async function streamToBuffer(readableStream) { * return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { * const chunks = []; * readableStream.on("data", (data) => { * chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data)); * }); * readableStream.on("end", () => { * resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)); * }); * readableStream.on("error", reject); * }); * } * ``` * * @param query - * @param options - */ async query(query, options = {}) { var _a; ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-query", options); try { if (!coreHttp.isNode) { throw new Error("This operation currently is only supported in Node.js."); } ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); const response = await this._blobContext.query(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, queryRequest: { queryType: "SQL", expression: query, inputSerialization: toQuerySerialization(options.inputTextConfiguration), outputSerialization: toQuerySerialization(options.outputTextConfiguration), }, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); return new BlobQueryResponse(response, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, onProgress: options.onProgress, onError: options.onError, }); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a new block blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob. * Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. * Partial updates are not supported; the content of the existing blob is * overwritten with the new content. To perform a partial update of a block blob's, * use {@link stageBlock} and {@link commitBlockList}. * * This is a non-parallel uploading method, please use {@link uploadFile}, * {@link uploadStream} or {@link uploadBrowserData} for better performance * with concurrency uploading. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param body - Blob, string, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView or a function * which returns a new Readable stream whose offset is from data source beginning. * @param contentLength - Length of body in bytes. Use Buffer.byteLength() to calculate body length for a * string including non non-Base64/Hex-encoded characters. * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Upload operation. * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Upload operation. * * Example usage: * * ```js * const content = "Hello world!"; * const uploadBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.upload(content, content.length); * ``` */ async upload(body, contentLength, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-upload", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blockBlobContext.upload(contentLength, body, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), requestOptions: { onUploadProgress: options.onProgress, }, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, tier: toAccessTier(options.tier), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a new Block Blob where the contents of the blob are read from a given URL. * This API is supported beginning with the 2020-04-08 version. Partial updates * are not supported with Put Blob from URL; the content of an existing blob is overwritten with * the content of the new blob. To perform partial updates to a block blob’s contents using a * source URL, use {@link stageBlockFromURL} and {@link commitBlockList}. * * @param sourceURL - Specifies the URL of the blob. The value * may be a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies a blob. * The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear * in a request URI. The source blob must either be public * or must be authenticated via a shared access signature. * If the source blob is public, no authentication is required * to perform the operation. Here are some examples of source object URLs: * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot= * @param options - Optional parameters. */ async syncUploadFromURL(sourceURL, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-syncUploadFromURL", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blockBlobContext.putBlobFromUrl(0, sourceURL, Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: options.conditions.tagConditions }), sourceModifiedAccessConditions: { sourceIfMatch: (_a = options.sourceConditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ifMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince: (_b = options.sourceConditions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ifModifiedSince, sourceIfNoneMatch: (_c = options.sourceConditions) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ifNoneMatch, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: (_d = options.sourceConditions) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.ifUnmodifiedSince, sourceIfTags: (_e = options.sourceConditions) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.tagConditions, }, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization), tier: toAccessTier(options.tier), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags), copySourceTags: options.copySourceTags }), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Uploads the specified block to the block blob's "staging area" to be later * committed by a call to commitBlockList. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block * * @param blockId - A 64-byte value that is base64-encoded * @param body - Data to upload to the staging area. * @param contentLength - Number of bytes to upload. * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Stage Block operation. * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Stage Block operation. */ async stageBlock(blockId, body, contentLength, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-stageBlock", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blockBlobContext.stageBlock(blockId, contentLength, body, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, requestOptions: { onUploadProgress: options.onProgress, }, transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The Stage Block From URL operation creates a new block to be committed as part * of a blob where the contents are read from a URL. * This API is available starting in version 2018-03-28. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-from-url * * @param blockId - A 64-byte value that is base64-encoded * @param sourceURL - Specifies the URL of the blob. The value * may be a URL of up to 2 KB in length that specifies a blob. * The value should be URL-encoded as it would appear * in a request URI. The source blob must either be public * or must be authenticated via a shared access signature. * If the source blob is public, no authentication is required * to perform the operation. Here are some examples of source object URLs: * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob * - https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot= * @param offset - From which position of the blob to download, greater than or equal to 0 * @param count - How much data to be downloaded, greater than 0. Will download to the end when undefined * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Stage Block From URL operation. * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Stage Block From URL operation. */ async stageBlockFromURL(blockId, sourceURL, offset = 0, count, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-stageBlockFromURL", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blockBlobContext.stageBlockFromURL(blockId, 0, sourceURL, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5, sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64, sourceRange: offset === 0 && !count ? undefined : rangeToString({ offset, count }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Writes a blob by specifying the list of block IDs that make up the blob. * In order to be written as part of a blob, a block must have been successfully written * to the server in a prior {@link stageBlock} operation. You can call {@link commitBlockList} to * update a blob by uploading only those blocks that have changed, then committing the new and existing * blocks together. Any blocks not specified in the block list and permanently deleted. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-list * * @param blocks - Array of 64-byte value that is base64-encoded * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Commit Block List operation. * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Commit Block List operation. */ async commitBlockList(blocks, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-commitBlockList", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.blockBlobContext.commitBlockList({ latest: blocks }, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, tier: toAccessTier(options.tier), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob * using the specified block list filter. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-block-list * * @param listType - Specifies whether to return the list of committed blocks, * the list of uncommitted blocks, or both lists together. * @param options - Options to the Block Blob Get Block List operation. * @returns Response data for the Block Blob Get Block List operation. */ async getBlockList(listType, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-getBlockList", options); try { const res = await this.blockBlobContext.getBlockList(listType, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); if (!res.committedBlocks) { res.committedBlocks = []; } if (!res.uncommittedBlocks) { res.uncommittedBlocks = []; } return res; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } // High level functions /** * Uploads a Buffer(Node.js)/Blob(browsers)/ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView object to a BlockBlob. * * When data length is no more than the specifiled {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.maxSingleShotSize} (default is * {@link BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}), this method will use 1 {@link upload} call to finish the upload. * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call {@link commitBlockList} * to commit the block list. * * A common {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.blobHTTPHeaders} option to set is * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide * functionality based on file type. * * @param data - Buffer(Node.js), Blob, ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView * @param options - */ async uploadData(data, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-uploadData", options); try { if (coreHttp.isNode) { let buffer; if (data instanceof Buffer) { buffer = data; } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = Buffer.from(data); } else { data = data; buffer = Buffer.from(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); } return this.uploadSeekableInternal((offset, size) => buffer.slice(offset, offset + size), buffer.byteLength, updatedOptions); } else { const browserBlob = new Blob([data]); return this.uploadSeekableInternal((offset, size) => browserBlob.slice(offset, offset + size), browserBlob.size, updatedOptions); } } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN BROWSERS. * * Uploads a browser Blob/File/ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView object to block blob. * * When buffer length lesser than or equal to 256MB, this method will use 1 upload call to finish the upload. * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call * {@link commitBlockList} to commit the block list. * * A common {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.blobHTTPHeaders} option to set is * `blobContentType`, enabling the browser to provide * functionality based on file type. * * @deprecated Use {@link uploadData} instead. * * @param browserData - Blob, File, ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView * @param options - Options to upload browser data. * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation. */ async uploadBrowserData(browserData, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-uploadBrowserData", options); try { const browserBlob = new Blob([browserData]); return await this.uploadSeekableInternal((offset, size) => browserBlob.slice(offset, offset + size), browserBlob.size, updatedOptions); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * * Uploads data to block blob. Requires a bodyFactory as the data source, * which need to return a {@link HttpRequestBody} object with the offset and size provided. * * When data length is no more than the specified {@link BlockBlobParallelUploadOptions.maxSingleShotSize} (default is * {@link BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}), this method will use 1 {@link upload} call to finish the upload. * Otherwise, this method will call {@link stageBlock} to upload blocks, and finally call {@link commitBlockList} * to commit the block list. * * @param bodyFactory - * @param size - size of the data to upload. * @param options - Options to Upload to Block Blob operation. * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation. */ async uploadSeekableInternal(bodyFactory, size, options = {}) { if (!options.blockSize) { options.blockSize = 0; } if (options.blockSize < 0 || options.blockSize > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES) { throw new RangeError(`blockSize option must be >= 0 and <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES}`); } if (options.maxSingleShotSize !== 0 && !options.maxSingleShotSize) { options.maxSingleShotSize = BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES; } if (options.maxSingleShotSize < 0 || options.maxSingleShotSize > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES) { throw new RangeError(`maxSingleShotSize option must be >= 0 and <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_UPLOAD_BLOB_BYTES}`); } if (options.blockSize === 0) { if (size > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_STAGE_BLOCK_BYTES * BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS) { throw new RangeError(`${size} is too larger to upload to a block blob.`); } if (size > options.maxSingleShotSize) { options.blockSize = Math.ceil(size / BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS); if (options.blockSize < DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES) { options.blockSize = DEFAULT_BLOB_DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_BYTES; } } } if (!options.blobHTTPHeaders) { options.blobHTTPHeaders = {}; } if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-uploadSeekableInternal", options); try { if (size <= options.maxSingleShotSize) { return await this.upload(bodyFactory(0, size), size, updatedOptions); } const numBlocks = Math.floor((size - 1) / options.blockSize) + 1; if (numBlocks > BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS) { throw new RangeError(`The buffer's size is too big or the BlockSize is too small;` + `the number of blocks must be <= ${BLOCK_BLOB_MAX_BLOCKS}`); } const blockList = []; const blockIDPrefix = coreHttp.generateUuid(); let transferProgress = 0; const batch = new Batch(options.concurrency); for (let i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { batch.addOperation(async () => { const blockID = generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix, i); const start = options.blockSize * i; const end = i === numBlocks - 1 ? size : start + options.blockSize; const contentLength = end - start; blockList.push(blockID); await this.stageBlock(blockID, bodyFactory(start, contentLength), contentLength, { abortSignal: options.abortSignal, conditions: options.conditions, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions, }); // Update progress after block is successfully uploaded to server, in case of block trying // TODO: Hook with convenience layer progress event in finer level transferProgress += contentLength; if (options.onProgress) { options.onProgress({ loadedBytes: transferProgress, }); } }); } await batch.do(); return this.commitBlockList(blockList, updatedOptions); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Uploads a local file in blocks to a block blob. * * When file size lesser than or equal to 256MB, this method will use 1 upload call to finish the upload. * Otherwise, this method will call stageBlock to upload blocks, and finally call commitBlockList * to commit the block list. * * @param filePath - Full path of local file * @param options - Options to Upload to Block Blob operation. * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation. */ async uploadFile(filePath, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-uploadFile", options); try { const size = (await fsStat(filePath)).size; return await this.uploadSeekableInternal((offset, count) => { return () => fsCreateReadStream(filePath, { autoClose: true, end: count ? offset + count - 1 : Infinity, start: offset, }); }, size, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { tracingOptions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.tracingOptions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)) })); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Uploads a Node.js Readable stream into block blob. * * PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT TIPS: * * Input stream highWaterMark is better to set a same value with bufferSize * parameter, which will avoid Buffer.concat() operations. * * @param stream - Node.js Readable stream * @param bufferSize - Size of every buffer allocated, also the block size in the uploaded block blob. Default value is 8MB * @param maxConcurrency - Max concurrency indicates the max number of buffers that can be allocated, * positive correlation with max uploading concurrency. Default value is 5 * @param options - Options to Upload Stream to Block Blob operation. * @returns Response data for the Blob Upload operation. */ async uploadStream(stream, bufferSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES, maxConcurrency = 5, options = {}) { if (!options.blobHTTPHeaders) { options.blobHTTPHeaders = {}; } if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlockBlobClient-uploadStream", options); try { let blockNum = 0; const blockIDPrefix = coreHttp.generateUuid(); let transferProgress = 0; const blockList = []; const scheduler = new BufferScheduler(stream, bufferSize, maxConcurrency, async (body, length) => { const blockID = generateBlockID(blockIDPrefix, blockNum); blockList.push(blockID); blockNum++; await this.stageBlock(blockID, body, length, { conditions: options.conditions, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions, }); // Update progress after block is successfully uploaded to server, in case of block trying transferProgress += length; if (options.onProgress) { options.onProgress({ loadedBytes: transferProgress }); } }, // concurrency should set a smaller value than maxConcurrency, which is helpful to // reduce the possibility when a outgoing handler waits for stream data, in // this situation, outgoing handlers are blocked. // Outgoing queue shouldn't be empty. Math.ceil((maxConcurrency / 4) * 3)); await scheduler.do(); return await this.commitBlockList(blockList, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { tracingOptions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.tracingOptions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions)) })); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } /** * PageBlobClient defines a set of operations applicable to page blobs. */ class PageBlobClient extends BlobClient { constructor(urlOrConnectionString, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, blobNameOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { // In TypeScript we cannot simply pass all parameters to super() like below so have to duplicate the code instead. // super(s, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerNameOrOptions, blobNameOrOptions, options); let pipeline; let url; options = options || {}; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; options = blobNameOrOptions; pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options); } else if (!credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== "string") { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential. url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else if (credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === "string" && blobNameOrOptions && typeof blobNameOrOptions === "string") { // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; const blobName = blobNameOrOptions; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { url = appendToURLPath(appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), encodeURIComponent(blobName)) + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } else { throw new Error("Expecting non-empty strings for containerName and blobName parameters"); } super(url, pipeline); this.pageBlobContext = new PageBlob(this.storageClientContext); } /** * Creates a new PageBlobClient object identical to the source but with the * specified snapshot timestamp. * Provide "" will remove the snapshot and return a Client to the base blob. * * @param snapshot - The snapshot timestamp. * @returns A new PageBlobClient object identical to the source but with the specified snapshot timestamp. */ withSnapshot(snapshot) { return new PageBlobClient(setURLParameter(this.url, URLConstants.Parameters.SNAPSHOT, snapshot.length === 0 ? undefined : snapshot), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a page blob of the specified length. Call uploadPages to upload data * data to a page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param size - size of the page blob. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Create operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Create operation. */ async create(size, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-create", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.pageBlobContext.create(0, size, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobHttpHeaders: options.blobHTTPHeaders, blobSequenceNumber: options.blobSequenceNumber, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata: options.metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, immutabilityPolicyExpiry: (_b = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.expiriesOn, immutabilityPolicyMode: (_c = options.immutabilityPolicy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.policyMode, legalHold: options.legalHold, tier: toAccessTier(options.tier), blobTagsString: toBlobTagsString(options.tags) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a page blob of the specified length. Call uploadPages to upload data * data to a page blob. If the blob with the same name already exists, the content * of the existing blob will remain unchanged. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param size - size of the page blob. * @param options - */ async createIfNotExists(size, options = {}) { var _a, _b; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-createIfNotExists", options); try { const conditions = { ifNoneMatch: ETagAny }; const res = await this.create(size, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), { conditions, tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions })); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: true }, res), { _response: res._response }); } catch (e) { if (((_a = e.details) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.errorCode) === "BlobAlreadyExists") { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when creating a blob only if it does not already exist.", }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: false }, (_b = e.response) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parsedHeaders), { _response: e.response }); } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Writes 1 or more pages to the page blob. The start and end offsets must be a multiple of 512. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page * * @param body - Data to upload * @param offset - Offset of destination page blob * @param count - Content length of the body, also number of bytes to be uploaded * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Upload Pages operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Upload Pages operation. */ async uploadPages(body, offset, count, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-uploadPages", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.pageBlobContext.uploadPages(count, body, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), requestOptions: { onUploadProgress: options.onProgress, }, range: rangeToString({ offset, count }), sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions, transactionalContentMD5: options.transactionalContentMD5, transactionalContentCrc64: options.transactionalContentCrc64, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The Upload Pages operation writes a range of pages to a page blob where the * contents are read from a URL. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/put-page-from-url * * @param sourceURL - Specify a URL to the copy source, Shared Access Signature(SAS) maybe needed for authentication * @param sourceOffset - The source offset to copy from. Pass 0 to copy from the beginning of source page blob * @param destOffset - Offset of destination page blob * @param count - Number of bytes to be uploaded from source page blob * @param options - */ async uploadPagesFromURL(sourceURL, sourceOffset, destOffset, count, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; options.sourceConditions = options.sourceConditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-uploadPagesFromURL", options); try { ensureCpkIfSpecified(options.customerProvidedKey, this.isHttps); return await this.pageBlobContext.uploadPagesFromURL(sourceURL, rangeToString({ offset: sourceOffset, count }), 0, rangeToString({ offset: destOffset, count }), Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, sourceContentMD5: options.sourceContentMD5, sourceContentCrc64: options.sourceContentCrc64, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), sourceModifiedAccessConditions: { sourceIfMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifMatch, sourceIfModifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifModifiedSince, sourceIfNoneMatch: options.sourceConditions.ifNoneMatch, sourceIfUnmodifiedSince: options.sourceConditions.ifUnmodifiedSince, }, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope, copySourceAuthorization: httpAuthorizationToString(options.sourceAuthorization) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Frees the specified pages from the page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-page * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the pages to clear. * @param count - Number of bytes to clear. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Clear Pages operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Clear Pages operation. */ async clearPages(offset = 0, count, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-clearPages", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.clearPages(0, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), range: rangeToString({ offset, count }), sequenceNumberAccessConditions: options.conditions, cpkInfo: options.customerProvidedKey, encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns the list of valid page ranges for a page blob or snapshot of a page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Ranges operation. */ async getPageRanges(offset = 0, count, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-getPageRanges", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext .getPageRanges(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), range: rangeToString({ offset, count }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))) .then(rangeResponseFromModel); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * getPageRangesSegment returns a single segment of page ranges starting from the * specified Marker. Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. * After getting a segment, process it, and then call getPageRangesSegment again * (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation. * @param options - Options to PageBlob Get Page Ranges Segment operation. */ async listPageRangesSegment(offset = 0, count, marker, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-getPageRangesSegment", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.getPageRanges(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), range: rangeToString({ offset, count }), marker: marker, maxPageSize: options.maxPageSize }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for {@link PageBlobGetPageRangesResponseModel} * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the get of page ranges to be returned with the next getting operation. The * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the * getting operation did not return all page ranges remaining within the current page. * The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of get * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to List Page Ranges operation. */ listPageRangeItemSegments(offset = 0, count, marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listPageRangeItemSegments_1() { let getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse = yield tslib.__await(this.listPageRangesSegment(offset, count, marker, options)); marker = getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(yield tslib.__await(getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse)); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator of {@link PageRangeInfo} objects * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param options - Options to List Page Ranges operation. */ listPageRangeItems(offset = 0, count, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listPageRangeItems_1() { var e_1, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.listPageRangeItemSegments(offset, count, marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const getPageRangesSegment = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(getPageRangesSegment)))); } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges for a page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges for a page blob. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * // Get the pageBlobClient before you run these snippets, * // Can be obtained from `blobServiceClient.getContainerClient("").getPageBlobClient("");` * let i = 1; * for await (const pageRange of pageBlobClient.listPageRanges()) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iter = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges(); * let pageRangeItem = await iter.next(); * while (!pageRangeItem.done) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRangeItem.value.start} - ${pageRangeItem.value.end}, IsClear: ${pageRangeItem.value.isClear}`); * pageRangeItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * for (const pageRange of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 page ranges * for (const pageRange of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * * iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRanges().byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 10 page ranges * for (const blob of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * ``` * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation. * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging. */ listPageRanges(offset = 0, count, options = {}) { options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs const iter = this.listPageRangeItems(offset, count, options); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.listPageRangeItemSegments(offset, count, settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, options)); }, }; } /** * Gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page blob * @param count - Number of bytes to get ranges diff. * @param prevSnapshot - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Page Range Diff operation. */ async getPageRangesDiff(offset, count, prevSnapshot, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-getPageRangesDiff", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext .getPageRangesDiff(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), prevsnapshot: prevSnapshot, range: rangeToString({ offset, count }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))) .then(rangeResponseFromModel); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * getPageRangesDiffSegment returns a single segment of page ranges starting from the * specified Marker for difference between previous snapshot and the target page blob. * Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. * After getting a segment, process it, and then call getPageRangesDiffSegment again * (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the get to be returned with the next get operation. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation. */ async listPageRangesDiffSegment(offset, count, prevSnapshotOrUrl, marker, options) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-getPageRangesDiffSegment", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.getPageRangesDiff(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), prevsnapshot: prevSnapshotOrUrl, range: rangeToString({ offset: offset, count: count, }), marker: marker, maxPageSize: options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.maxPageSize }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for {@link PageBlobGetPageRangesDiffResponseModel} * * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the get of page ranges to be returned with the next getting operation. The * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the * getting operation did not return all page ranges remaining within the current page. * The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of get * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation. */ listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(offset, count, prevSnapshotOrUrl, marker, options) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listPageRangeDiffItemSegments_1() { let getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse = yield tslib.__await(this.listPageRangesDiffSegment(offset, count, prevSnapshotOrUrl, marker, options)); marker = getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(yield tslib.__await(getPageRangeItemSegmentsResponse)); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator of {@link PageRangeInfo} objects * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param prevSnapshotOrUrl - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference or URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation. */ listPageRangeDiffItems(offset, count, prevSnapshotOrUrl, options) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listPageRangeDiffItems_1() { var e_2, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(offset, count, prevSnapshotOrUrl, marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const getPageRangesSegment = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(ExtractPageRangeInfoItems(getPageRangesSegment)))); } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * // Get the pageBlobClient before you run these snippets, * // Can be obtained from `blobServiceClient.getContainerClient("").getPageBlobClient("");` * let i = 1; * for await (const pageRange of pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff()) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iter = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff(); * let pageRangeItem = await iter.next(); * while (!pageRangeItem.done) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRangeItem.value.start} - ${pageRangeItem.value.end}, IsClear: ${pageRangeItem.value.isClear}`); * pageRangeItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * for (const pageRange of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 page ranges * for (const pageRange of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * * iterator = pageBlobClient.listPageRangesDiff().byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 10 page ranges * for (const blob of response) { * console.log(`Page range ${i++}: ${pageRange.start} - ${pageRange.end}`); * } * ``` * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page ranges. * @param count - Number of bytes to get. * @param prevSnapshot - Timestamp of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Ranges operation. * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging. */ listPageRangesDiff(offset, count, prevSnapshot, options = {}) { options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs const iter = this.listPageRangeDiffItems(offset, count, prevSnapshot, Object.assign({}, options)); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.listPageRangeDiffItemSegments(offset, count, prevSnapshot, settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, options)); }, }; } /** * Gets the collection of page ranges that differ between a specified snapshot and this page blob for managed disks. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/get-page-ranges * * @param offset - Starting byte position of the page blob * @param count - Number of bytes to get ranges diff. * @param prevSnapshotUrl - URL of snapshot to retrieve the difference. * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Get Page Ranges Diff operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Get Page Range Diff operation. */ async getPageRangesDiffForManagedDisks(offset, count, prevSnapshotUrl, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-GetPageRangesDiffForManagedDisks", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext .getPageRangesDiff(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), prevSnapshotUrl, range: rangeToString({ offset, count }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))) .then(rangeResponseFromModel); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Resizes the page blob to the specified size (which must be a multiple of 512). * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties * * @param size - Target size * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Resize operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Resize operation. */ async resize(size, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-resize", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.resize(size, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }), encryptionScope: options.encryptionScope }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets a page blob's sequence number. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-properties * * @param sequenceNumberAction - Indicates how the service should modify the blob's sequence number. * @param sequenceNumber - Required if sequenceNumberAction is max or update * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Update Sequence Number operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Update Sequence Number operation. */ async updateSequenceNumber(sequenceNumberAction, sequenceNumber, options = {}) { var _a; options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-updateSequenceNumber", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.updateSequenceNumber(sequenceNumberAction, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, blobSequenceNumber: sequenceNumber, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Begins an operation to start an incremental copy from one page blob's snapshot to this page blob. * The snapshot is copied such that only the differential changes between the previously * copied snapshot are transferred to the destination. * The copied snapshots are complete copies of the original snapshot and can be read or copied from as usual. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/incremental-copy-blob * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/incremental-snapshots * * @param copySource - Specifies the name of the source page blob snapshot. For example, * https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob?snapshot= * @param options - Options to the Page Blob Copy Incremental operation. * @returns Response data for the Page Blob Copy Incremental operation. */ async startCopyIncremental(copySource, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("PageBlobClient-startCopyIncremental", options); try { return await this.pageBlobContext.copyIncremental(copySource, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, modifiedAccessConditions: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options.conditions), { ifTags: (_a = options.conditions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagConditions }) }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. async function getBodyAsText(batchResponse) { let buffer = Buffer.alloc(BATCH_MAX_PAYLOAD_IN_BYTES); const responseLength = await streamToBuffer2(batchResponse.readableStreamBody, buffer); // Slice the buffer to trim the empty ending. buffer = buffer.slice(0, responseLength); return buffer.toString(); } function utf8ByteLength(str) { return Buffer.byteLength(str); } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. const HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER = ": "; const SPACE_DELIMITER = " "; const NOT_FOUND = -1; /** * Util class for parsing batch response. */ class BatchResponseParser { constructor(batchResponse, subRequests) { if (!batchResponse || !batchResponse.contentType) { // In special case(reported), server may return invalid content-type which could not be parsed. throw new RangeError("batchResponse is malformed or doesn't contain valid content-type."); } if (!subRequests || subRequests.size === 0) { // This should be prevent during coding. throw new RangeError("Invalid state: subRequests is not provided or size is 0."); } this.batchResponse = batchResponse; this.subRequests = subRequests; this.responseBatchBoundary = this.batchResponse.contentType.split("=")[1]; this.perResponsePrefix = `--${this.responseBatchBoundary}${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}`; this.batchResponseEnding = `--${this.responseBatchBoundary}--`; } // For example of response, please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch#response async parseBatchResponse() { // When logic reach here, suppose batch request has already succeeded with 202, so we can further parse // sub request's response. if (this.batchResponse._response.status !== HTTPURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED) { throw new Error(`Invalid state: batch request failed with status: '${this.batchResponse._response.status}'.`); } const responseBodyAsText = await getBodyAsText(this.batchResponse); const subResponses = responseBodyAsText .split(this.batchResponseEnding)[0] // string after ending is useless .split(this.perResponsePrefix) .slice(1); // string before first response boundary is useless const subResponseCount = subResponses.length; // Defensive coding in case of potential error parsing. // Note: subResponseCount == 1 is special case where sub request is invalid. // We try to prevent such cases through early validation, e.g. validate sub request count >= 1. // While in unexpected sub request invalid case, we allow sub response to be parsed and return to user. if (subResponseCount !== this.subRequests.size && subResponseCount !== 1) { throw new Error("Invalid state: sub responses' count is not equal to sub requests' count."); } const deserializedSubResponses = new Array(subResponseCount); let subResponsesSucceededCount = 0; let subResponsesFailedCount = 0; // Parse sub subResponses. for (let index = 0; index < subResponseCount; index++) { const subResponse = subResponses[index]; const deserializedSubResponse = {}; deserializedSubResponse.headers = new coreHttp.HttpHeaders(); const responseLines = subResponse.split(`${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}`); let subRespHeaderStartFound = false; let subRespHeaderEndFound = false; let subRespFailed = false; let contentId = NOT_FOUND; for (const responseLine of responseLines) { if (!subRespHeaderStartFound) { // Convention line to indicate content ID if (responseLine.startsWith(HeaderConstants.CONTENT_ID)) { contentId = parseInt(responseLine.split(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER)[1]); } // Http version line with status code indicates the start of sub request's response. // Example: HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted if (responseLine.startsWith(HTTP_VERSION_1_1)) { subRespHeaderStartFound = true; const tokens = responseLine.split(SPACE_DELIMITER); deserializedSubResponse.status = parseInt(tokens[1]); deserializedSubResponse.statusMessage = tokens.slice(2).join(SPACE_DELIMITER); } continue; // Skip convention headers not specifically for sub request i.e. Content-Type: application/http and Content-ID: * } if (responseLine.trim() === "") { // Sub response's header start line already found, and the first empty line indicates header end line found. if (!subRespHeaderEndFound) { subRespHeaderEndFound = true; } continue; // Skip empty line } // Note: when code reach here, it indicates subRespHeaderStartFound == true if (!subRespHeaderEndFound) { if (responseLine.indexOf(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER) === -1) { // Defensive coding to prevent from missing valuable lines. throw new Error(`Invalid state: find non-empty line '${responseLine}' without HTTP header delimiter '${HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER}'.`); } // Parse headers of sub response. const tokens = responseLine.split(HTTP_HEADER_DELIMITER); deserializedSubResponse.headers.set(tokens[0], tokens[1]); if (tokens[0] === HeaderConstants.X_MS_ERROR_CODE) { deserializedSubResponse.errorCode = tokens[1]; subRespFailed = true; } } else { // Assemble body of sub response. if (!deserializedSubResponse.bodyAsText) { deserializedSubResponse.bodyAsText = ""; } deserializedSubResponse.bodyAsText += responseLine; } } // Inner for end // The response will contain the Content-ID header for each corresponding subrequest response to use for tracking. // The Content-IDs are set to a valid index in the subrequests we sent. In the status code 202 path, we could expect it // to be 1-1 mapping from the [0, subRequests.size) to the Content-IDs returned. If not, we simply don't return that // unexpected subResponse in the parsed reponse and we can always look it up in the raw response for debugging purpose. if (contentId !== NOT_FOUND && Number.isInteger(contentId) && contentId >= 0 && contentId < this.subRequests.size && deserializedSubResponses[contentId] === undefined) { deserializedSubResponse._request = this.subRequests.get(contentId); deserializedSubResponses[contentId] = deserializedSubResponse; } else { logger.error(`subResponses[${index}] is dropped as the Content-ID is not found or invalid, Content-ID: ${contentId}`); } if (subRespFailed) { subResponsesFailedCount++; } else { subResponsesSucceededCount++; } } return { subResponses: deserializedSubResponses, subResponsesSucceededCount: subResponsesSucceededCount, subResponsesFailedCount: subResponsesFailedCount, }; } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. var MutexLockStatus; (function (MutexLockStatus) { MutexLockStatus[MutexLockStatus["LOCKED"] = 0] = "LOCKED"; MutexLockStatus[MutexLockStatus["UNLOCKED"] = 1] = "UNLOCKED"; })(MutexLockStatus || (MutexLockStatus = {})); /** * An async mutex lock. */ class Mutex { /** * Lock for a specific key. If the lock has been acquired by another customer, then * will wait until getting the lock. * * @param key - lock key */ static async lock(key) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.keys[key] === undefined || this.keys[key] === MutexLockStatus.UNLOCKED) { this.keys[key] = MutexLockStatus.LOCKED; resolve(); } else { this.onUnlockEvent(key, () => { this.keys[key] = MutexLockStatus.LOCKED; resolve(); }); } }); } /** * Unlock a key. * * @param key - */ static async unlock(key) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (this.keys[key] === MutexLockStatus.LOCKED) { this.emitUnlockEvent(key); } delete this.keys[key]; resolve(); }); } static onUnlockEvent(key, handler) { if (this.listeners[key] === undefined) { this.listeners[key] = [handler]; } else { this.listeners[key].push(handler); } } static emitUnlockEvent(key) { if (this.listeners[key] !== undefined && this.listeners[key].length > 0) { const handler = this.listeners[key].shift(); setImmediate(() => { handler.call(this); }); } } } Mutex.keys = {}; Mutex.listeners = {}; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A BlobBatch represents an aggregated set of operations on blobs. * Currently, only `delete` and `setAccessTier` are supported. */ class BlobBatch { constructor() { this.batch = "batch"; this.batchRequest = new InnerBatchRequest(); } /** * Get the value of Content-Type for a batch request. * The value must be multipart/mixed with a batch boundary. * Example: multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_a81786c8-e301-4e42-a729-a32ca24ae252 */ getMultiPartContentType() { return this.batchRequest.getMultipartContentType(); } /** * Get assembled HTTP request body for sub requests. */ getHttpRequestBody() { return this.batchRequest.getHttpRequestBody(); } /** * Get sub requests that are added into the batch request. */ getSubRequests() { return this.batchRequest.getSubRequests(); } async addSubRequestInternal(subRequest, assembleSubRequestFunc) { await Mutex.lock(this.batch); try { this.batchRequest.preAddSubRequest(subRequest); await assembleSubRequestFunc(); this.batchRequest.postAddSubRequest(subRequest); } finally { await Mutex.unlock(this.batch); } } setBatchType(batchType) { if (!this.batchType) { this.batchType = batchType; } if (this.batchType !== batchType) { throw new RangeError(`BlobBatch only supports one operation type per batch and it already is being used for ${this.batchType} operations.`); } } async deleteBlob(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrOptions, options) { let url; let credential; if (typeof urlOrBlobClient === "string" && ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrOptions instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrOptions instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrOptions))) { // First overload url = urlOrBlobClient; credential = credentialOrOptions; } else if (urlOrBlobClient instanceof BlobClient) { // Second overload url = urlOrBlobClient.url; credential = urlOrBlobClient.credential; options = credentialOrOptions; } else { throw new RangeError("Invalid arguments. Either url and credential, or BlobClient need be provided."); } if (!options) { options = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BatchDeleteRequest-addSubRequest", options); try { this.setBatchType("delete"); await this.addSubRequestInternal({ url: url, credential: credential, }, async () => { await new BlobClient(url, this.batchRequest.createPipeline(credential)).delete(updatedOptions); }); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } async setBlobAccessTier(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrTier, tierOrOptions, options) { let url; let credential; let tier; if (typeof urlOrBlobClient === "string" && ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrTier instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrTier instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrTier))) { // First overload url = urlOrBlobClient; credential = credentialOrTier; tier = tierOrOptions; } else if (urlOrBlobClient instanceof BlobClient) { // Second overload url = urlOrBlobClient.url; credential = urlOrBlobClient.credential; tier = credentialOrTier; options = tierOrOptions; } else { throw new RangeError("Invalid arguments. Either url and credential, or BlobClient need be provided."); } if (!options) { options = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BatchSetTierRequest-addSubRequest", options); try { this.setBatchType("setAccessTier"); await this.addSubRequestInternal({ url: url, credential: credential, }, async () => { await new BlobClient(url, this.batchRequest.createPipeline(credential)).setAccessTier(tier, updatedOptions); }); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } /** * Inner batch request class which is responsible for assembling and serializing sub requests. * See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch#request-body for how requests are assembled. */ class InnerBatchRequest { constructor() { this.operationCount = 0; this.body = ""; const tempGuid = coreHttp.generateUuid(); // batch_{batchid} this.boundary = `batch_${tempGuid}`; // --batch_{batchid} // Content-Type: application/http // Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary this.subRequestPrefix = `--${this.boundary}${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}${HeaderConstants.CONTENT_TYPE}: application/http${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}${HeaderConstants.CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING}: binary`; // multipart/mixed; boundary=batch_{batchid} this.multipartContentType = `multipart/mixed; boundary=${this.boundary}`; // --batch_{batchid}-- this.batchRequestEnding = `--${this.boundary}--`; this.subRequests = new Map(); } /** * Create pipeline to assemble sub requests. The idea here is to use existing * credential and serialization/deserialization components, with additional policies to * filter unnecessary headers, assemble sub requests into request's body * and intercept request from going to wire. * @param credential - Such as AnonymousCredential, StorageSharedKeyCredential or any credential from the `@azure/identity` package to authenticate requests to the service. You can also provide an object that implements the TokenCredential interface. If not specified, AnonymousCredential is used. */ createPipeline(credential) { const isAnonymousCreds = credential instanceof AnonymousCredential; const policyFactoryLength = 3 + (isAnonymousCreds ? 0 : 1); // [deserializationPolicy, BatchHeaderFilterPolicyFactory, (Optional)Credential, BatchRequestAssemblePolicyFactory] const factories = new Array(policyFactoryLength); factories[0] = coreHttp.deserializationPolicy(); // Default deserializationPolicy is provided by protocol layer factories[1] = new BatchHeaderFilterPolicyFactory(); // Use batch header filter policy to exclude unnecessary headers if (!isAnonymousCreds) { factories[2] = coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credential) ? attachCredential(coreHttp.bearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(credential, StorageOAuthScopes), credential) : credential; } factories[policyFactoryLength - 1] = new BatchRequestAssemblePolicyFactory(this); // Use batch assemble policy to assemble request and intercept request from going to wire return new Pipeline(factories, {}); } appendSubRequestToBody(request) { // Start to assemble sub request this.body += [ this.subRequestPrefix, `${HeaderConstants.CONTENT_ID}: ${this.operationCount}`, "", `${request.method.toString()} ${getURLPathAndQuery(request.url)} ${HTTP_VERSION_1_1}${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}`, // sub request start line with method ].join(HTTP_LINE_ENDING); for (const header of request.headers.headersArray()) { this.body += `${header.name}: ${header.value}${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}`; } this.body += HTTP_LINE_ENDING; // sub request's headers need be ending with an empty line // No body to assemble for current batch request support // End to assemble sub request } preAddSubRequest(subRequest) { if (this.operationCount >= BATCH_MAX_REQUEST) { throw new RangeError(`Cannot exceed ${BATCH_MAX_REQUEST} sub requests in a single batch`); } // Fast fail if url for sub request is invalid const path = getURLPath(subRequest.url); if (!path || path === "") { throw new RangeError(`Invalid url for sub request: '${subRequest.url}'`); } } postAddSubRequest(subRequest) { this.subRequests.set(this.operationCount, subRequest); this.operationCount++; } // Return the http request body with assembling the ending line to the sub request body. getHttpRequestBody() { return `${this.body}${this.batchRequestEnding}${HTTP_LINE_ENDING}`; } getMultipartContentType() { return this.multipartContentType; } getSubRequests() { return this.subRequests; } } class BatchRequestAssemblePolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { constructor(batchRequest, nextPolicy, options) { super(nextPolicy, options); this.dummyResponse = { request: new coreHttp.WebResource(), status: 200, headers: new coreHttp.HttpHeaders(), }; this.batchRequest = batchRequest; } async sendRequest(request) { await this.batchRequest.appendSubRequestToBody(request); return this.dummyResponse; // Intercept request from going to wire } } class BatchRequestAssemblePolicyFactory { constructor(batchRequest) { this.batchRequest = batchRequest; } create(nextPolicy, options) { return new BatchRequestAssemblePolicy(this.batchRequest, nextPolicy, options); } } class BatchHeaderFilterPolicy extends coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy { // The base class has a protected constructor. Adding a public one to enable constructing of this class. /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor*/ constructor(nextPolicy, options) { super(nextPolicy, options); } async sendRequest(request) { let xMsHeaderName = ""; for (const header of request.headers.headersArray()) { if (iEqual(header.name, HeaderConstants.X_MS_VERSION)) { xMsHeaderName = header.name; } } if (xMsHeaderName !== "") { request.headers.remove(xMsHeaderName); // The subrequests should not have the x-ms-version header. } return this._nextPolicy.sendRequest(request); } } class BatchHeaderFilterPolicyFactory { create(nextPolicy, options) { return new BatchHeaderFilterPolicy(nextPolicy, options); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * A BlobBatchClient allows you to make batched requests to the Azure Storage Blob service. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch */ class BlobBatchClient { constructor(url, credentialOrPipeline, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { let pipeline; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipeline)) { pipeline = credentialOrPipeline; } else if (!credentialOrPipeline) { // no credential provided pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipeline, options); } const storageClientContext = new StorageClientContext(url, pipeline.toServiceClientOptions()); const path = getURLPath(url); if (path && path !== "/") { // Container scoped. this.serviceOrContainerContext = new Container(storageClientContext); } else { this.serviceOrContainerContext = new Service(storageClientContext); } } /** * Creates a {@link BlobBatch}. * A BlobBatch represents an aggregated set of operations on blobs. */ createBatch() { return new BlobBatch(); } async deleteBlobs(urlsOrBlobClients, credentialOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { const batch = new BlobBatch(); for (const urlOrBlobClient of urlsOrBlobClients) { if (typeof urlOrBlobClient === "string") { await batch.deleteBlob(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrOptions, options); } else { await batch.deleteBlob(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrOptions); } } return this.submitBatch(batch); } async setBlobsAccessTier(urlsOrBlobClients, credentialOrTier, tierOrOptions, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { const batch = new BlobBatch(); for (const urlOrBlobClient of urlsOrBlobClients) { if (typeof urlOrBlobClient === "string") { await batch.setBlobAccessTier(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrTier, tierOrOptions, options); } else { await batch.setBlobAccessTier(urlOrBlobClient, credentialOrTier, tierOrOptions); } } return this.submitBatch(batch); } /** * Submit batch request which consists of multiple subrequests. * * Get `blobBatchClient` and other details before running the snippets. * `blobServiceClient.getBlobBatchClient()` gives the `blobBatchClient` * * Example usage: * * ```js * let batchRequest = new BlobBatch(); * await batchRequest.deleteBlob(urlInString0, credential0); * await batchRequest.deleteBlob(urlInString1, credential1, { * deleteSnapshots: "include" * }); * const batchResp = await blobBatchClient.submitBatch(batchRequest); * console.log(batchResp.subResponsesSucceededCount); * ``` * * Example using a lease: * * ```js * let batchRequest = new BlobBatch(); * await batchRequest.setBlobAccessTier(blockBlobClient0, "Cool"); * await batchRequest.setBlobAccessTier(blockBlobClient1, "Cool", { * conditions: { leaseId: leaseId } * }); * const batchResp = await blobBatchClient.submitBatch(batchRequest); * console.log(batchResp.subResponsesSucceededCount); * ``` * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch * * @param batchRequest - A set of Delete or SetTier operations. * @param options - */ async submitBatch(batchRequest, options = {}) { if (!batchRequest || batchRequest.getSubRequests().size === 0) { throw new RangeError("Batch request should contain one or more sub requests."); } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobBatchClient-submitBatch", options); try { const batchRequestBody = batchRequest.getHttpRequestBody(); // ServiceSubmitBatchResponseModel and ContainerSubmitBatchResponse are compatible for now. const rawBatchResponse = await this.serviceOrContainerContext.submitBatch(utf8ByteLength(batchRequestBody), batchRequest.getMultiPartContentType(), batchRequestBody, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); // Parse the sub responses result, if logic reaches here(i.e. the batch request succeeded with status code 202). const batchResponseParser = new BatchResponseParser(rawBatchResponse, batchRequest.getSubRequests()); const responseSummary = await batchResponseParser.parseBatchResponse(); const res = { _response: rawBatchResponse._response, contentType: rawBatchResponse.contentType, errorCode: rawBatchResponse.errorCode, requestId: rawBatchResponse.requestId, clientRequestId: rawBatchResponse.clientRequestId, version: rawBatchResponse.version, subResponses: responseSummary.subResponses, subResponsesSucceededCount: responseSummary.subResponsesSucceededCount, subResponsesFailedCount: responseSummary.subResponsesFailedCount, }; return res; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } } /** * A ContainerClient represents a URL to the Azure Storage container allowing you to manipulate its blobs. */ class ContainerClient extends StorageClient { constructor(urlOrConnectionString, credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { let pipeline; let url; options = options || {}; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, pipeline: Pipeline) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName)) { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName, options); } else if (!credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName !== "string") { // (url: string, credential?: StorageSharedKeyCredential | AnonymousCredential | TokenCredential, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential. url = urlOrConnectionString; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else if (credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName && typeof credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName === "string") { // (connectionString: string, containerName: string, blobName: string, options?: StoragePipelineOptions) const containerName = credentialOrPipelineOrContainerName; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(urlOrConnectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); url = appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { url = appendToURLPath(extractedCreds.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)) + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas; pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } else { throw new Error("Expecting non-empty strings for containerName parameter"); } super(url, pipeline); this._containerName = this.getContainerNameFromUrl(); this.containerContext = new Container(this.storageClientContext); } /** * The name of the container. */ get containerName() { return this._containerName; } /** * Creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with * the same name already exists, the operation fails. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/create-container * * @param options - Options to Container Create operation. * * * Example usage: * * ```js * const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(""); * const createContainerResponse = await containerClient.create(); * console.log("Container was created successfully", createContainerResponse.requestId); * ``` */ async create(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-create", options); try { // Spread operator in destructuring assignments, // this will filter out unwanted properties from the response object into result object return await this.containerContext.create(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a new container under the specified account. If the container with * the same name already exists, it is not changed. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/create-container * * @param options - */ async createIfNotExists(options = {}) { var _a, _b; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-createIfNotExists", options); try { const res = await this.create(updatedOptions); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: true }, res), { _response: res._response }); } catch (e) { if (((_a = e.details) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.errorCode) === "ContainerAlreadyExists") { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when creating a container only if it does not already exist.", }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: false }, (_b = e.response) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parsedHeaders), { _response: e.response }); } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns true if the Azure container resource represented by this client exists; false otherwise. * * NOTE: use this function with care since an existing container might be deleted by other clients or * applications. Vice versa new containers with the same name might be added by other clients or * applications after this function completes. * * @param options - */ async exists(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-exists", options); try { await this.getProperties({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, tracingOptions: updatedOptions.tracingOptions, }); return true; } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode === 404) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when checking container existence", }); return false; } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a {@link BlobClient} * * @param blobName - A blob name * @returns A new BlobClient object for the given blob name. */ getBlobClient(blobName) { return new BlobClient(appendToURLPath(this.url, EscapePath(blobName)), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates an {@link AppendBlobClient} * * @param blobName - An append blob name */ getAppendBlobClient(blobName) { return new AppendBlobClient(appendToURLPath(this.url, EscapePath(blobName)), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a {@link BlockBlobClient} * * @param blobName - A block blob name * * * Example usage: * * ```js * const content = "Hello world!"; * * const blockBlobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(""); * const uploadBlobResponse = await blockBlobClient.upload(content, content.length); * ``` */ getBlockBlobClient(blobName) { return new BlockBlobClient(appendToURLPath(this.url, EscapePath(blobName)), this.pipeline); } /** * Creates a {@link PageBlobClient} * * @param blobName - A page blob name */ getPageBlobClient(blobName) { return new PageBlobClient(appendToURLPath(this.url, EscapePath(blobName)), this.pipeline); } /** * Returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified * container. The data returned does not include the container's list of blobs. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-properties * * WARNING: The `metadata` object returned in the response will have its keys in lowercase, even if * they originally contained uppercase characters. This differs from the metadata keys returned by * the `listContainers` method of {@link BlobServiceClient} using the `includeMetadata` option, which * will retain their original casing. * * @param options - Options to Container Get Properties operation. */ async getProperties(options = {}) { if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-getProperties", options); try { return await this.containerContext.getProperties(Object.assign(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, options.conditions), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Marks the specified container for deletion. The container and any blobs * contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-container * * @param options - Options to Container Delete operation. */ async delete(options = {}) { if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-delete", options); try { return await this.containerContext.delete(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: options.conditions }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Marks the specified container for deletion if it exists. The container and any blobs * contained within it are later deleted during garbage collection. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-container * * @param options - Options to Container Delete operation. */ async deleteIfExists(options = {}) { var _a, _b; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-deleteIfExists", options); try { const res = await this.delete(updatedOptions); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: true }, res), { _response: res._response }); } catch (e) { if (((_a = e.details) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.errorCode) === "ContainerNotFound") { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: "Expected exception when deleting a container only if it exists.", }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({ succeeded: false }, (_b = e.response) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parsedHeaders), { _response: e.response }); } span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets one or more user-defined name-value pairs for the specified container. * * If no option provided, or no metadata defined in the parameter, the container * metadata will be removed. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-metadata * * @param metadata - Replace existing metadata with this value. * If no value provided the existing metadata will be removed. * @param options - Options to Container Set Metadata operation. */ async setMetadata(metadata, options = {}) { if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } if (options.conditions.ifUnmodifiedSince) { throw new RangeError("the IfUnmodifiedSince must have their default values because they are ignored by the blob service"); } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-setMetadata", options); try { return await this.containerContext.setMetadata(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, metadata, modifiedAccessConditions: options.conditions }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Gets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate * whether container data may be accessed publicly. * * WARNING: JavaScript Date will potentially lose precision when parsing startsOn and expiresOn strings. * For example, new Date("2018-12-31T03:44:23.8827891Z").toISOString() will get "2018-12-31T03:44:23.882Z". * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-acl * * @param options - Options to Container Get Access Policy operation. */ async getAccessPolicy(options = {}) { if (!options.conditions) { options.conditions = {}; } const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-getAccessPolicy", options); try { const response = await this.containerContext.getAccessPolicy(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const res = { _response: response._response, blobPublicAccess: response.blobPublicAccess, date: response.date, etag: response.etag, errorCode: response.errorCode, lastModified: response.lastModified, requestId: response.requestId, clientRequestId: response.clientRequestId, signedIdentifiers: [], version: response.version, }; for (const identifier of response) { let accessPolicy = undefined; if (identifier.accessPolicy) { accessPolicy = { permissions: identifier.accessPolicy.permissions, }; if (identifier.accessPolicy.expiresOn) { accessPolicy.expiresOn = new Date(identifier.accessPolicy.expiresOn); } if (identifier.accessPolicy.startsOn) { accessPolicy.startsOn = new Date(identifier.accessPolicy.startsOn); } } res.signedIdentifiers.push({ accessPolicy, id: identifier.id, }); } return res; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets the permissions for the specified container. The permissions indicate * whether blobs in a container may be accessed publicly. * * When you set permissions for a container, the existing permissions are replaced. * If no access or containerAcl provided, the existing container ACL will be * removed. * * When you establish a stored access policy on a container, it may take up to 30 seconds to take effect. * During this interval, a shared access signature that is associated with the stored access policy will * fail with status code 403 (Forbidden), until the access policy becomes active. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-acl * * @param access - The level of public access to data in the container. * @param containerAcl - Array of elements each having a unique Id and details of the access policy. * @param options - Options to Container Set Access Policy operation. */ async setAccessPolicy(access, containerAcl, options = {}) { options.conditions = options.conditions || {}; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-setAccessPolicy", options); try { const acl = []; for (const identifier of containerAcl || []) { acl.push({ accessPolicy: { expiresOn: identifier.accessPolicy.expiresOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(identifier.accessPolicy.expiresOn) : "", permissions: identifier.accessPolicy.permissions, startsOn: identifier.accessPolicy.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(identifier.accessPolicy.startsOn) : "", }, id: identifier.id, }); } return await this.containerContext.setAccessPolicy(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, access, containerAcl: acl, leaseAccessConditions: options.conditions, modifiedAccessConditions: options.conditions }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Get a {@link BlobLeaseClient} that manages leases on the container. * * @param proposeLeaseId - Initial proposed lease Id. * @returns A new BlobLeaseClient object for managing leases on the container. */ getBlobLeaseClient(proposeLeaseId) { return new BlobLeaseClient(this, proposeLeaseId); } /** * Creates a new block blob, or updates the content of an existing block blob. * * Updating an existing block blob overwrites any existing metadata on the blob. * Partial updates are not supported; the content of the existing blob is * overwritten with the new content. To perform a partial update of a block blob's, * use {@link BlockBlobClient.stageBlock} and {@link BlockBlobClient.commitBlockList}. * * This is a non-parallel uploading method, please use {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadFile}, * {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadStream} or {@link BlockBlobClient.uploadBrowserData} for better * performance with concurrency uploading. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/put-blob * * @param blobName - Name of the block blob to create or update. * @param body - Blob, string, ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView or a function * which returns a new Readable stream whose offset is from data source beginning. * @param contentLength - Length of body in bytes. Use Buffer.byteLength() to calculate body length for a * string including non non-Base64/Hex-encoded characters. * @param options - Options to configure the Block Blob Upload operation. * @returns Block Blob upload response data and the corresponding BlockBlobClient instance. */ async uploadBlockBlob(blobName, body, contentLength, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-uploadBlockBlob", options); try { const blockBlobClient = this.getBlockBlobClient(blobName); const response = await blockBlobClient.upload(body, contentLength, updatedOptions); return { blockBlobClient, response, }; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted * during garbage collection. Note that in order to delete a blob, you must delete * all of its snapshots. You can delete both at the same time with the Delete * Blob operation. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/delete-blob * * @param blobName - * @param options - Options to Blob Delete operation. * @returns Block blob deletion response data. */ async deleteBlob(blobName, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-deleteBlob", options); try { let blobClient = this.getBlobClient(blobName); if (options.versionId) { blobClient = blobClient.withVersion(options.versionId); } return await blobClient.delete(updatedOptions); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * listBlobFlatSegment returns a single segment of blobs starting from the * specified Marker. Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the beginning. * After getting a segment, process it, and then call listBlobsFlatSegment again * (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-blobs * * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation. * @param options - Options to Container List Blob Flat Segment operation. */ async listBlobFlatSegment(marker, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-listBlobFlatSegment", options); try { const response = await this.containerContext.listBlobFlatSegment(Object.assign(Object.assign({ marker }, options), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); response.segment.blobItems = []; if (response.segment["Blob"] !== undefined) { response.segment.blobItems = ProcessBlobItems(response.segment["Blob"]); } const wrappedResponse = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { _response: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response._response), { parsedBody: ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobFlat(response._response.parsedBody) }), segment: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response.segment), { blobItems: response.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => { const blobItem = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blobItemInteral), { name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name), tags: toTags(blobItemInteral.blobTags), objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(blobItemInteral.objectReplicationMetadata) }); return blobItem; }) }) }); return wrappedResponse; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * listBlobHierarchySegment returns a single segment of blobs starting from * the specified Marker. Use an empty Marker to start enumeration from the * beginning. After getting a segment, process it, and then call listBlobsHierarchicalSegment * again (passing the the previously-returned Marker) to get the next segment. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-blobs * * @param delimiter - The character or string used to define the virtual hierarchy * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of the list to be returned with the next list operation. * @param options - Options to Container List Blob Hierarchy Segment operation. */ async listBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter, marker, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-listBlobHierarchySegment", options); try { const response = await this.containerContext.listBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter, Object.assign(Object.assign({ marker }, options), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); response.segment.blobItems = []; if (response.segment["Blob"] !== undefined) { response.segment.blobItems = ProcessBlobItems(response.segment["Blob"]); } response.segment.blobPrefixes = []; if (response.segment["BlobPrefix"] !== undefined) { response.segment.blobPrefixes = ProcessBlobPrefixes(response.segment["BlobPrefix"]); } const wrappedResponse = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { _response: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response._response), { parsedBody: ConvertInternalResponseOfListBlobHierarchy(response._response.parsedBody) }), segment: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response.segment), { blobItems: response.segment.blobItems.map((blobItemInteral) => { const blobItem = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blobItemInteral), { name: BlobNameToString(blobItemInteral.name), tags: toTags(blobItemInteral.blobTags), objectReplicationSourceProperties: parseObjectReplicationRecord(blobItemInteral.objectReplicationMetadata) }); return blobItem; }), blobPrefixes: (_a = response.segment.blobPrefixes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map((blobPrefixInternal) => { const blobPrefix = { name: BlobNameToString(blobPrefixInternal.name), }; return blobPrefix; }) }) }); return wrappedResponse; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for ContainerListBlobFlatSegmentResponse * * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to list blobs operation. */ listSegments(marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listSegments_1() { let listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse = yield tslib.__await(this.listBlobFlatSegment(marker, options)); marker = listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(yield tslib.__await(listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse)); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator of {@link BlobItem} objects * * @param options - Options to list blobs operation. */ listItems(options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listItems_1() { var e_1, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.listSegments(marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(listBlobsFlatSegmentResponse.segment.blobItems))); } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to list all the blobs * under the specified account. * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list the blobs in pages. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * // Get the containerClient before you run these snippets, * // Can be obtained from `blobServiceClient.getContainerClient("");` * let i = 1; * for await (const blob of containerClient.listBlobsFlat()) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iter = containerClient.listBlobsFlat(); * let blobItem = await iter.next(); * while (!blobItem.done) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blobItem.value.name}`); * blobItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of containerClient.listBlobsFlat().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * for (const blob of response.segment.blobItems) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = containerClient.listBlobsFlat().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 blob names * for (const blob of response.segment.blobItems) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * * iterator = containerClient.listBlobsFlat().byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 10 blob names * for (const blob of response.segment.blobItems) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * ``` * * @param options - Options to list blobs. * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging. */ listBlobsFlat(options = {}) { const include = []; if (options.includeCopy) { include.push("copy"); } if (options.includeDeleted) { include.push("deleted"); } if (options.includeMetadata) { include.push("metadata"); } if (options.includeSnapshots) { include.push("snapshots"); } if (options.includeVersions) { include.push("versions"); } if (options.includeUncommitedBlobs) { include.push("uncommittedblobs"); } if (options.includeTags) { include.push("tags"); } if (options.includeDeletedWithVersions) { include.push("deletedwithversions"); } if (options.includeImmutabilityPolicy) { include.push("immutabilitypolicy"); } if (options.includeLegalHold) { include.push("legalhold"); } if (options.prefix === "") { options.prefix = undefined; } const updatedOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), (include.length > 0 ? { include: include } : {})); // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs const iter = this.listItems(updatedOptions); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.listSegments(settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, updatedOptions)); }, }; } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for ContainerListBlobHierarchySegmentResponse * * @param delimiter - The character or string used to define the virtual hierarchy * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the ContinuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The ContinuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to list blobs operation. */ listHierarchySegments(delimiter, marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listHierarchySegments_1() { let listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse = yield tslib.__await(this.listBlobHierarchySegment(delimiter, marker, options)); marker = listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(yield tslib.__await(listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse)); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for {@link BlobPrefix} and {@link BlobItem} objects. * * @param delimiter - The character or string used to define the virtual hierarchy * @param options - Options to list blobs operation. */ listItemsByHierarchy(delimiter, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listItemsByHierarchy_1() { var e_2, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.listHierarchySegments(delimiter, marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse = _c.value; const segment = listBlobsHierarchySegmentResponse.segment; if (segment.blobPrefixes) { for (const prefix of segment.blobPrefixes) { yield yield tslib.__await(Object.assign({ kind: "prefix" }, prefix)); } } for (const blob of segment.blobItems) { yield yield tslib.__await(Object.assign({ kind: "blob" }, blob)); } } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to list all the blobs by hierarchy. * under the specified account. * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list the blobs by hierarchy in pages. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * for await (const item of containerClient.listBlobsByHierarchy("/")) { * if (item.kind === "prefix") { * console.log(`\tBlobPrefix: ${item.name}`); * } else { * console.log(`\tBlobItem: name - ${item.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let iter = containerClient.listBlobsByHierarchy("/", { prefix: "prefix1/" }); * let entity = await iter.next(); * while (!entity.done) { * let item = entity.value; * if (item.kind === "prefix") { * console.log(`\tBlobPrefix: ${item.name}`); * } else { * console.log(`\tBlobItem: name - ${item.name}`); * } * entity = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * console.log("Listing blobs by hierarchy by page"); * for await (const response of containerClient.listBlobsByHierarchy("/").byPage()) { * const segment = response.segment; * if (segment.blobPrefixes) { * for (const prefix of segment.blobPrefixes) { * console.log(`\tBlobPrefix: ${prefix.name}`); * } * } * for (const blob of response.segment.blobItems) { * console.log(`\tBlobItem: name - ${blob.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a max page size: * * ```js * console.log("Listing blobs by hierarchy by page, specifying a prefix and a max page size"); * * let i = 1; * for await (const response of containerClient * .listBlobsByHierarchy("/", { prefix: "prefix2/sub1/" }) * .byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 })) { * console.log(`Page ${i++}`); * const segment = response.segment; * * if (segment.blobPrefixes) { * for (const prefix of segment.blobPrefixes) { * console.log(`\tBlobPrefix: ${prefix.name}`); * } * } * * for (const blob of response.segment.blobItems) { * console.log(`\tBlobItem: name - ${blob.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * @param delimiter - The character or string used to define the virtual hierarchy * @param options - Options to list blobs operation. */ listBlobsByHierarchy(delimiter, options = {}) { if (delimiter === "") { throw new RangeError("delimiter should contain one or more characters"); } const include = []; if (options.includeCopy) { include.push("copy"); } if (options.includeDeleted) { include.push("deleted"); } if (options.includeMetadata) { include.push("metadata"); } if (options.includeSnapshots) { include.push("snapshots"); } if (options.includeVersions) { include.push("versions"); } if (options.includeUncommitedBlobs) { include.push("uncommittedblobs"); } if (options.includeTags) { include.push("tags"); } if (options.includeDeletedWithVersions) { include.push("deletedwithversions"); } if (options.includeImmutabilityPolicy) { include.push("immutabilitypolicy"); } if (options.includeLegalHold) { include.push("legalhold"); } if (options.prefix === "") { options.prefix = undefined; } const updatedOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), (include.length > 0 ? { include: include } : {})); // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blob prefixes and blobs const iter = this.listItemsByHierarchy(delimiter, updatedOptions); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ async next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.listHierarchySegments(delimiter, settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, updatedOptions)); }, }; } /** * The Filter Blobs operation enables callers to list blobs in the container whose tags * match a given search expression. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ async findBlobsByTagsSegment(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("ContainerClient-findBlobsByTagsSegment", options); try { const response = await this.containerContext.filterBlobs(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, where: tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, maxPageSize: options.maxPageSize }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const wrappedResponse = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { _response: response._response, blobs: response.blobs.map((blob) => { var _a; let tagValue = ""; if (((_a = blob.tags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blobTagSet.length) === 1) { tagValue = blob.tags.blobTagSet[0].value; } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blob), { tags: toTags(blob.tags), tagValue }); }) }); return wrappedResponse; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for ContainerFindBlobsByTagsSegmentResponse. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* findBlobsByTagsSegments_1() { let response; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { response = yield tslib.__await(this.findBlobsByTagsSegment(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options)); response.blobs = response.blobs || []; marker = response.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(response); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for blobs. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param options - Options to findBlobsByTagsItems. */ findBlobsByTagsItems(tagFilterSqlExpression, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* findBlobsByTagsItems_1() { var e_3, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const segment = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(segment.blobs))); } } catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to find all blobs with specified tag * under the specified container. * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list the blobs in pages. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * let i = 1; * for await (const blob of containerClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'")) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * const iter = containerClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'"); * let blobItem = await iter.next(); * while (!blobItem.done) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blobItem.value.name}`); * blobItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of containerClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'").byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = containerClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'").byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 blob names * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * iterator = containerClient * .findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'") * .byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints blob names * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ findBlobsByTags(tagFilterSqlExpression, options = {}) { // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs const listSegmentOptions = Object.assign({}, options); const iter = this.findBlobsByTagsItems(tagFilterSqlExpression, listSegmentOptions); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, listSegmentOptions)); }, }; } getContainerNameFromUrl() { let containerName; try { // URL may look like the following // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer?sasString"; // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer"; // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts, Endpoints - `` // http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername const parsedUrl = coreHttp.URLBuilder.parse(this.url); if (parsedUrl.getHost().split(".")[1] === "blob") { // "https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/containername". // "https://customdomain.com/containername". // .getPath() -> /containername containerName = parsedUrl.getPath().split("/")[1]; } else if (isIpEndpointStyle(parsedUrl)) { // IPv4/IPv6 address hosts... Example - // Single word domain without a [dot] in the endpoint... Example - http://localhost:10001/devstoreaccount1/containername // .getPath() -> /devstoreaccount1/containername containerName = parsedUrl.getPath().split("/")[2]; } else { // "https://customdomain.com/containername". // .getPath() -> /containername containerName = parsedUrl.getPath().split("/")[1]; } // decode the encoded containerName - to get all the special characters that might be present in it containerName = decodeURIComponent(containerName); if (!containerName) { throw new Error("Provided containerName is invalid."); } return containerName; } catch (error) { throw new Error("Unable to extract containerName with provided information."); } } /** * Only available for ContainerClient constructed with a shared key credential. * * Generates a Blob Container Service Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI based on the client properties * and parameters passed in. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential of the client. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-a-service-sas * * @param options - Optional parameters. * @returns The SAS URI consisting of the URI to the resource represented by this client, followed by the generated SAS token. */ generateSasUrl(options) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (!(this.credential instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential)) { throw new RangeError("Can only generate the SAS when the client is initialized with a shared key credential"); } const sas = generateBlobSASQueryParameters(Object.assign({ containerName: this._containerName }, options), this.credential).toString(); resolve(appendToURLQuery(this.url, sas)); }); } /** * Creates a BlobBatchClient object to conduct batch operations. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch * * @returns A new BlobBatchClient object for this container. */ getBlobBatchClient() { return new BlobBatchClient(this.url, this.pipeline); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by an AccountSAS. Setting a value * to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant permissions for that operation. Once all the * values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the permissions field on an * {@link AccountSASSignatureValues} object. It is possible to construct the permissions string without this class, but * the order of the permissions is particular and this class guarantees correctness. */ class AccountSASPermissions { constructor() { /** * Permission to read resources and list queues and tables granted. */ this.read = false; /** * Permission to write resources granted. */ this.write = false; /** * Permission to create blobs and files granted. */ this.delete = false; /** * Permission to delete versions granted. */ this.deleteVersion = false; /** * Permission to list blob containers, blobs, shares, directories, and files granted. */ this.list = false; /** * Permission to add messages, table entities, and append to blobs granted. */ this.add = false; /** * Permission to create blobs and files granted. */ this.create = false; /** * Permissions to update messages and table entities granted. */ this.update = false; /** * Permission to get and delete messages granted. */ this.process = false; /** * Specfies Tag access granted. */ this.tag = false; /** * Permission to filter blobs. */ this.filter = false; /** * Permission to set immutability policy. */ this.setImmutabilityPolicy = false; /** * Specifies that Permanent Delete is permitted. */ this.permanentDelete = false; } /** * Parse initializes the AccountSASPermissions fields from a string. * * @param permissions - */ static parse(permissions) { const accountSASPermissions = new AccountSASPermissions(); for (const c of permissions) { switch (c) { case "r": accountSASPermissions.read = true; break; case "w": accountSASPermissions.write = true; break; case "d": accountSASPermissions.delete = true; break; case "x": accountSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; break; case "l": accountSASPermissions.list = true; break; case "a": accountSASPermissions.add = true; break; case "c": accountSASPermissions.create = true; break; case "u": accountSASPermissions.update = true; break; case "p": accountSASPermissions.process = true; break; case "t": accountSASPermissions.tag = true; break; case "f": accountSASPermissions.filter = true; break; case "i": accountSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; break; case "y": accountSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; break; default: throw new RangeError(`Invalid permission character: ${c}`); } } return accountSASPermissions; } /** * Creates a {@link AccountSASPermissions} from a raw object which contains same keys as it * and boolean values for them. * * @param permissionLike - */ static from(permissionLike) { const accountSASPermissions = new AccountSASPermissions(); if (permissionLike.read) { accountSASPermissions.read = true; } if (permissionLike.write) { accountSASPermissions.write = true; } if (permissionLike.delete) { accountSASPermissions.delete = true; } if (permissionLike.deleteVersion) { accountSASPermissions.deleteVersion = true; } if (permissionLike.filter) { accountSASPermissions.filter = true; } if (permissionLike.tag) { accountSASPermissions.tag = true; } if (permissionLike.list) { accountSASPermissions.list = true; } if (permissionLike.add) { accountSASPermissions.add = true; } if (permissionLike.create) { accountSASPermissions.create = true; } if (permissionLike.update) { accountSASPermissions.update = true; } if (permissionLike.process) { accountSASPermissions.process = true; } if (permissionLike.setImmutabilityPolicy) { accountSASPermissions.setImmutabilityPolicy = true; } if (permissionLike.permanentDelete) { accountSASPermissions.permanentDelete = true; } return accountSASPermissions; } /** * Produces the SAS permissions string for an Azure Storage account. * Call this method to set AccountSASSignatureValues Permissions field. * * Using this method will guarantee the resource types are in * an order accepted by the service. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas * */ toString() { // The order of the characters should be as specified here to ensure correctness: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas // Use a string array instead of string concatenating += operator for performance const permissions = []; if (this.read) { permissions.push("r"); } if (this.write) { permissions.push("w"); } if (this.delete) { permissions.push("d"); } if (this.deleteVersion) { permissions.push("x"); } if (this.filter) { permissions.push("f"); } if (this.tag) { permissions.push("t"); } if (this.list) { permissions.push("l"); } if (this.add) { permissions.push("a"); } if (this.create) { permissions.push("c"); } if (this.update) { permissions.push("u"); } if (this.process) { permissions.push("p"); } if (this.setImmutabilityPolicy) { permissions.push("i"); } if (this.permanentDelete) { permissions.push("y"); } return permissions.join(""); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * This is a helper class to construct a string representing the resources accessible by an AccountSAS. Setting a value * to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant access to that resource type. Once all the * values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the resources field on an * {@link AccountSASSignatureValues} object. It is possible to construct the resources string without this class, but * the order of the resources is particular and this class guarantees correctness. */ class AccountSASResourceTypes { constructor() { /** * Permission to access service level APIs granted. */ this.service = false; /** * Permission to access container level APIs (Blob Containers, Tables, Queues, File Shares) granted. */ this.container = false; /** * Permission to access object level APIs (Blobs, Table Entities, Queue Messages, Files) granted. */ this.object = false; } /** * Creates an {@link AccountSASResourceTypes} from the specified resource types string. This method will throw an * Error if it encounters a character that does not correspond to a valid resource type. * * @param resourceTypes - */ static parse(resourceTypes) { const accountSASResourceTypes = new AccountSASResourceTypes(); for (const c of resourceTypes) { switch (c) { case "s": accountSASResourceTypes.service = true; break; case "c": accountSASResourceTypes.container = true; break; case "o": accountSASResourceTypes.object = true; break; default: throw new RangeError(`Invalid resource type: ${c}`); } } return accountSASResourceTypes; } /** * Converts the given resource types to a string. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas * */ toString() { const resourceTypes = []; if (this.service) { resourceTypes.push("s"); } if (this.container) { resourceTypes.push("c"); } if (this.object) { resourceTypes.push("o"); } return resourceTypes.join(""); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. // Licensed under the MIT license. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * This is a helper class to construct a string representing the services accessible by an AccountSAS. Setting a value * to true means that any SAS which uses these permissions will grant access to that service. Once all the * values are set, this should be serialized with toString and set as the services field on an * {@link AccountSASSignatureValues} object. It is possible to construct the services string without this class, but * the order of the services is particular and this class guarantees correctness. */ class AccountSASServices { constructor() { /** * Permission to access blob resources granted. */ this.blob = false; /** * Permission to access file resources granted. */ this.file = false; /** * Permission to access queue resources granted. */ this.queue = false; /** * Permission to access table resources granted. */ this.table = false; } /** * Creates an {@link AccountSASServices} from the specified services string. This method will throw an * Error if it encounters a character that does not correspond to a valid service. * * @param services - */ static parse(services) { const accountSASServices = new AccountSASServices(); for (const c of services) { switch (c) { case "b": accountSASServices.blob = true; break; case "f": accountSASServices.file = true; break; case "q": accountSASServices.queue = true; break; case "t": accountSASServices.table = true; break; default: throw new RangeError(`Invalid service character: ${c}`); } } return accountSASServices; } /** * Converts the given services to a string. * */ toString() { const services = []; if (this.blob) { services.push("b"); } if (this.table) { services.push("t"); } if (this.queue) { services.push("q"); } if (this.file) { services.push("f"); } return services.join(""); } } // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. /** * ONLY AVAILABLE IN NODE.JS RUNTIME. * * Generates a {@link SASQueryParameters} object which contains all SAS query parameters needed to make an actual * REST request. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/constructing-an-account-sas * * @param accountSASSignatureValues - * @param sharedKeyCredential - */ function generateAccountSASQueryParameters(accountSASSignatureValues, sharedKeyCredential) { const version = accountSASSignatureValues.version ? accountSASSignatureValues.version : SERVICE_VERSION; if (accountSASSignatureValues.permissions && accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.setImmutabilityPolicy && version < "2020-08-04") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-08-04' when provided 'i' permission."); } if (accountSASSignatureValues.permissions && accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.deleteVersion && version < "2019-10-10") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when provided 'x' permission."); } if (accountSASSignatureValues.permissions && accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.permanentDelete && version < "2019-10-10") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-10-10' when provided 'y' permission."); } if (accountSASSignatureValues.permissions && accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.tag && version < "2019-12-12") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-12-12' when provided 't' permission."); } if (accountSASSignatureValues.permissions && accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.filter && version < "2019-12-12") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2019-12-12' when provided 'f' permission."); } if (accountSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope && version < "2020-12-06") { throw RangeError("'version' must be >= '2020-12-06' when provided 'encryptionScope' in SAS."); } const parsedPermissions = AccountSASPermissions.parse(accountSASSignatureValues.permissions.toString()); const parsedServices = AccountSASServices.parse(accountSASSignatureValues.services).toString(); const parsedResourceTypes = AccountSASResourceTypes.parse(accountSASSignatureValues.resourceTypes).toString(); let stringToSign; if (version >= "2020-12-06") { stringToSign = [ sharedKeyCredential.accountName, parsedPermissions, parsedServices, parsedResourceTypes, accountSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(accountSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", truncatedISO8061Date(accountSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false), accountSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(accountSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", accountSASSignatureValues.protocol ? accountSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", version, accountSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope ? accountSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope : "", "", // Account SAS requires an additional newline character ].join("\n"); } else { stringToSign = [ sharedKeyCredential.accountName, parsedPermissions, parsedServices, parsedResourceTypes, accountSASSignatureValues.startsOn ? truncatedISO8061Date(accountSASSignatureValues.startsOn, false) : "", truncatedISO8061Date(accountSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, false), accountSASSignatureValues.ipRange ? ipRangeToString(accountSASSignatureValues.ipRange) : "", accountSASSignatureValues.protocol ? accountSASSignatureValues.protocol : "", version, "", // Account SAS requires an additional newline character ].join("\n"); } const signature = sharedKeyCredential.computeHMACSHA256(stringToSign); return new SASQueryParameters(version, signature, parsedPermissions.toString(), parsedServices, parsedResourceTypes, accountSASSignatureValues.protocol, accountSASSignatureValues.startsOn, accountSASSignatureValues.expiresOn, accountSASSignatureValues.ipRange, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, accountSASSignatureValues.encryptionScope); } /** * A BlobServiceClient represents a Client to the Azure Storage Blob service allowing you * to manipulate blob containers. */ class BlobServiceClient extends StorageClient { constructor(url, credentialOrPipeline, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { let pipeline; if (isPipelineLike(credentialOrPipeline)) { pipeline = credentialOrPipeline; } else if ((coreHttp.isNode && credentialOrPipeline instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential) || credentialOrPipeline instanceof AnonymousCredential || coreHttp.isTokenCredential(credentialOrPipeline)) { pipeline = newPipeline(credentialOrPipeline, options); } else { // The second parameter is undefined. Use anonymous credential pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); } super(url, pipeline); this.serviceContext = new Service(this.storageClientContext); } /** * * Creates an instance of BlobServiceClient from connection string. * * @param connectionString - Account connection string or a SAS connection string of an Azure storage account. * [ Note - Account connection string can only be used in NODE.JS runtime. ] * Account connection string example - * `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccount;AccountKey=accountKey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net` * SAS connection string example - * `BlobEndpoint=https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/;QueueEndpoint=https://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/;FileEndpoint=https://myaccount.file.core.windows.net/;TableEndpoint=https://myaccount.table.core.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=sasString` * @param options - Optional. Options to configure the HTTP pipeline. */ static fromConnectionString(connectionString, // Legacy, no fix for eslint error without breaking. Disable it for this interface. /* eslint-disable-next-line @azure/azure-sdk/ts-naming-options*/ options) { options = options || {}; const extractedCreds = extractConnectionStringParts(connectionString); if (extractedCreds.kind === "AccountConnString") { if (coreHttp.isNode) { const sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(extractedCreds.accountName, extractedCreds.accountKey); if (!options.proxyOptions) { options.proxyOptions = coreHttp.getDefaultProxySettings(extractedCreds.proxyUri); } const pipeline = newPipeline(sharedKeyCredential, options); return new BlobServiceClient(extractedCreds.url, pipeline); } else { throw new Error("Account connection string is only supported in Node.js environment"); } } else if (extractedCreds.kind === "SASConnString") { const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), options); return new BlobServiceClient(extractedCreds.url + "?" + extractedCreds.accountSas, pipeline); } else { throw new Error("Connection string must be either an Account connection string or a SAS connection string"); } } /** * Creates a {@link ContainerClient} object * * @param containerName - A container name * @returns A new ContainerClient object for the given container name. * * Example usage: * * ```js * const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(""); * ``` */ getContainerClient(containerName) { return new ContainerClient(appendToURLPath(this.url, encodeURIComponent(containerName)), this.pipeline); } /** * Create a Blob container. * * @param containerName - Name of the container to create. * @param options - Options to configure Container Create operation. * @returns Container creation response and the corresponding container client. */ async createContainer(containerName, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-createContainer", options); try { const containerClient = this.getContainerClient(containerName); const containerCreateResponse = await containerClient.create(updatedOptions); return { containerClient, containerCreateResponse, }; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Deletes a Blob container. * * @param containerName - Name of the container to delete. * @param options - Options to configure Container Delete operation. * @returns Container deletion response. */ async deleteContainer(containerName, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-deleteContainer", options); try { const containerClient = this.getContainerClient(containerName); return await containerClient.delete(updatedOptions); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Restore a previously deleted Blob container. * This API is only functional if Container Soft Delete is enabled for the storage account associated with the container. * * @param deletedContainerName - Name of the previously deleted container. * @param deletedContainerVersion - Version of the previously deleted container, used to uniquely identify the deleted container. * @param options - Options to configure Container Restore operation. * @returns Container deletion response. */ async undeleteContainer(deletedContainerName, deletedContainerVersion, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-undeleteContainer", options); try { const containerClient = this.getContainerClient(options.destinationContainerName || deletedContainerName); // Hack to access a protected member. const containerContext = new Container(containerClient["storageClientContext"]); const containerUndeleteResponse = await containerContext.restore(Object.assign({ deletedContainerName, deletedContainerVersion }, updatedOptions)); return { containerClient, containerUndeleteResponse }; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Rename an existing Blob Container. * * @param sourceContainerName - The name of the source container. * @param destinationContainerName - The new name of the container. * @param options - Options to configure Container Rename operation. */ /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */ // @ts-ignore Need to hide this interface for now. Make it public and turn on the live tests for it when the service is ready. async renameContainer(sourceContainerName, destinationContainerName, options = {}) { var _a; const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-renameContainer", options); try { const containerClient = this.getContainerClient(destinationContainerName); // Hack to access a protected member. const containerContext = new Container(containerClient["storageClientContext"]); const containerRenameResponse = await containerContext.rename(sourceContainerName, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, updatedOptions), { sourceLeaseId: (_a = options.sourceCondition) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.leaseId })); return { containerClient, containerRenameResponse }; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Gets the properties of a storage account’s Blob service, including properties * for Storage Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-service-properties * * @param options - Options to the Service Get Properties operation. * @returns Response data for the Service Get Properties operation. */ async getProperties(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-getProperties", options); try { return await this.serviceContext.getProperties(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Sets properties for a storage account’s Blob service endpoint, including properties * for Storage Analytics, CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules and soft delete settings. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/set-blob-service-properties * * @param properties - * @param options - Options to the Service Set Properties operation. * @returns Response data for the Service Set Properties operation. */ async setProperties(properties, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-setProperties", options); try { return await this.serviceContext.setProperties(properties, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Retrieves statistics related to replication for the Blob service. It is only * available on the secondary location endpoint when read-access geo-redundant * replication is enabled for the storage account. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-service-stats * * @param options - Options to the Service Get Statistics operation. * @returns Response data for the Service Get Statistics operation. */ async getStatistics(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-getStatistics", options); try { return await this.serviceContext.getStatistics(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The Get Account Information operation returns the sku name and account kind * for the specified account. * The Get Account Information operation is available on service versions beginning * with version 2018-03-28. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-account-information * * @param options - Options to the Service Get Account Info operation. * @returns Response data for the Service Get Account Info operation. */ async getAccountInfo(options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-getAccountInfo", options); try { return await this.serviceContext.getAccountInfo(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns a list of the containers under the specified account. * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/list-containers2 * * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to the Service List Container Segment operation. * @returns Response data for the Service List Container Segment operation. */ async listContainersSegment(marker, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-listContainersSegment", options); try { return await this.serviceContext.listContainersSegment(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, marker }, options), { include: typeof options.include === "string" ? [options.include] : options.include }), convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * The Filter Blobs operation enables callers to list blobs across all containers whose tags * match a given search expression. Filter blobs searches across all containers within a * storage account but can be scoped within the expression to a single container. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ async findBlobsByTagsSegment(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-findBlobsByTagsSegment", options); try { const response = await this.serviceContext.filterBlobs(Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal, where: tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, maxPageSize: options.maxPageSize }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const wrappedResponse = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response), { _response: response._response, blobs: response.blobs.map((blob) => { var _a; let tagValue = ""; if (((_a = blob.tags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.blobTagSet.length) === 1) { tagValue = blob.tags.blobTagSet[0].value; } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, blob), { tags: toTags(blob.tags), tagValue }); }) }); return wrappedResponse; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for ServiceFindBlobsByTagsSegmentResponse. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of blobs to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all blobs remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* findBlobsByTagsSegments_1() { let response; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { response = yield tslib.__await(this.findBlobsByTagsSegment(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options)); response.blobs = response.blobs || []; marker = response.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(response); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for blobs. * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param options - Options to findBlobsByTagsItems. */ findBlobsByTagsItems(tagFilterSqlExpression, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* findBlobsByTagsItems_1() { var e_1, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const segment = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(segment.blobs))); } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to find all blobs with specified tag * under the specified account. * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list the blobs in pages. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-service-properties * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * let i = 1; * for await (const blob of blobServiceClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'")) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${container.name}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * const iter = blobServiceClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'"); * let blobItem = await iter.next(); * while (!blobItem.done) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blobItem.value.name}`); * blobItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of blobServiceClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'").byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = blobServiceClient.findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'").byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 blob names * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * iterator = blobServiceClient * .findBlobsByTags("tagkey='tagvalue'") * .byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints blob names * if (response.blobs) { * for (const blob of response.blobs) { * console.log(`Blob ${i++}: ${blob.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * @param tagFilterSqlExpression - The where parameter enables the caller to query blobs whose tags match a given expression. * The given expression must evaluate to true for a blob to be returned in the results. * The[OData - ABNF] filter syntax rule defines the formal grammar for the value of the where query parameter; * however, only a subset of the OData filter syntax is supported in the Blob service. * @param options - Options to find blobs by tags. */ findBlobsByTags(tagFilterSqlExpression, options = {}) { // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over blobs const listSegmentOptions = Object.assign({}, options); const iter = this.findBlobsByTagsItems(tagFilterSqlExpression, listSegmentOptions); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.findBlobsByTagsSegments(tagFilterSqlExpression, settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, listSegmentOptions)); }, }; } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for ServiceListContainersSegmentResponses * * @param marker - A string value that identifies the portion of * the list of containers to be returned with the next listing operation. The * operation returns the continuationToken value within the response body if the * listing operation did not return all containers remaining to be listed * with the current page. The continuationToken value can be used as the value for * the marker parameter in a subsequent call to request the next page of list * items. The marker value is opaque to the client. * @param options - Options to list containers operation. */ listSegments(marker, options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listSegments_1() { let listContainersSegmentResponse; if (!!marker || marker === undefined) { do { listContainersSegmentResponse = yield tslib.__await(this.listContainersSegment(marker, options)); listContainersSegmentResponse.containerItems = listContainersSegmentResponse.containerItems || []; marker = listContainersSegmentResponse.continuationToken; yield yield tslib.__await(yield tslib.__await(listContainersSegmentResponse)); } while (marker); } }); } /** * Returns an AsyncIterableIterator for Container Items * * @param options - Options to list containers operation. */ listItems(options = {}) { return tslib.__asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function* listItems_1() { var e_2, _a; let marker; try { for (var _b = tslib.__asyncValues(this.listSegments(marker, options)), _c; _c = yield tslib.__await(_b.next()), !_c.done;) { const segment = _c.value; yield tslib.__await(yield* tslib.__asyncDelegator(tslib.__asyncValues(segment.containerItems))); } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) yield tslib.__await(_a.call(_b)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } }); } /** * Returns an async iterable iterator to list all the containers * under the specified account. * * .byPage() returns an async iterable iterator to list the containers in pages. * * Example using `for await` syntax: * * ```js * let i = 1; * for await (const container of blobServiceClient.listContainers()) { * console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${container.name}`); * } * ``` * * Example using `iter.next()`: * * ```js * let i = 1; * const iter = blobServiceClient.listContainers(); * let containerItem = await iter.next(); * while (!containerItem.done) { * console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${containerItem.value.name}`); * containerItem = await iter.next(); * } * ``` * * Example using `byPage()`: * * ```js * // passing optional maxPageSize in the page settings * let i = 1; * for await (const response of blobServiceClient.listContainers().byPage({ maxPageSize: 20 })) { * if (response.containerItems) { * for (const container of response.containerItems) { * console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${container.name}`); * } * } * } * ``` * * Example using paging with a marker: * * ```js * let i = 1; * let iterator = blobServiceClient.listContainers().byPage({ maxPageSize: 2 }); * let response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 2 container names * if (response.containerItems) { * for (const container of response.containerItems) { * console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${container.name}`); * } * } * * // Gets next marker * let marker = response.continuationToken; * // Passing next marker as continuationToken * iterator = blobServiceClient * .listContainers() * .byPage({ continuationToken: marker, maxPageSize: 10 }); * response = (await iterator.next()).value; * * // Prints 10 container names * if (response.containerItems) { * for (const container of response.containerItems) { * console.log(`Container ${i++}: ${container.name}`); * } * } * ``` * * @param options - Options to list containers. * @returns An asyncIterableIterator that supports paging. */ listContainers(options = {}) { if (options.prefix === "") { options.prefix = undefined; } const include = []; if (options.includeDeleted) { include.push("deleted"); } if (options.includeMetadata) { include.push("metadata"); } if (options.includeSystem) { include.push("system"); } // AsyncIterableIterator to iterate over containers const listSegmentOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), (include.length > 0 ? { include } : {})); const iter = this.listItems(listSegmentOptions); return { /** * The next method, part of the iteration protocol */ next() { return iter.next(); }, /** * The connection to the async iterator, part of the iteration protocol */ [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; }, /** * Return an AsyncIterableIterator that works a page at a time */ byPage: (settings = {}) => { return this.listSegments(settings.continuationToken, Object.assign({ maxPageSize: settings.maxPageSize }, listSegmentOptions)); }, }; } /** * ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN USING BEARER TOKEN AUTHENTICATION (TokenCredential). * * Retrieves a user delegation key for the Blob service. This is only a valid operation when using * bearer token authentication. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/get-user-delegation-key * * @param startsOn - The start time for the user delegation SAS. Must be within 7 days of the current time * @param expiresOn - The end time for the user delegation SAS. Must be within 7 days of the current time */ async getUserDelegationKey(startsOn, expiresOn, options = {}) { const { span, updatedOptions } = createSpan("BlobServiceClient-getUserDelegationKey", options); try { const response = await this.serviceContext.getUserDelegationKey({ startsOn: truncatedISO8061Date(startsOn, false), expiresOn: truncatedISO8061Date(expiresOn, false), }, Object.assign({ abortSignal: options.abortSignal }, convertTracingToRequestOptionsBase(updatedOptions))); const userDelegationKey = { signedObjectId: response.signedObjectId, signedTenantId: response.signedTenantId, signedStartsOn: new Date(response.signedStartsOn), signedExpiresOn: new Date(response.signedExpiresOn), signedService: response.signedService, signedVersion: response.signedVersion, value: response.value, }; const res = Object.assign({ _response: response._response, requestId: response.requestId, clientRequestId: response.clientRequestId, version: response.version, date: response.date, errorCode: response.errorCode }, userDelegationKey); return res; } catch (e) { span.setStatus({ code: coreTracing.SpanStatusCode.ERROR, message: e.message, }); throw e; } finally { span.end(); } } /** * Creates a BlobBatchClient object to conduct batch operations. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/blob-batch * * @returns A new BlobBatchClient object for this service. */ getBlobBatchClient() { return new BlobBatchClient(this.url, this.pipeline); } /** * Only available for BlobServiceClient constructed with a shared key credential. * * Generates a Blob account Shared Access Signature (SAS) URI based on the client properties * and parameters passed in. The SAS is signed by the shared key credential of the client. * * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/create-account-sas * * @param expiresOn - Optional. The time at which the shared access signature becomes invalid. Default to an hour later if not provided. * @param permissions - Specifies the list of permissions to be associated with the SAS. * @param resourceTypes - Specifies the resource types associated with the shared access signature. * @param options - Optional parameters. * @returns An account SAS URI consisting of the URI to the resource represented by this client, followed by the generated SAS token. */ generateAccountSasUrl(expiresOn, permissions = AccountSASPermissions.parse("r"), resourceTypes = "sco", options = {}) { if (!(this.credential instanceof StorageSharedKeyCredential)) { throw RangeError("Can only generate the account SAS when the client is initialized with a shared key credential"); } if (expiresOn === undefined) { const now = new Date(); expiresOn = new Date(now.getTime() + 3600 * 1000); } const sas = generateAccountSASQueryParameters(Object.assign({ permissions, expiresOn, resourceTypes, services: AccountSASServices.parse("b").toString() }, options), this.credential).toString(); return appendToURLQuery(this.url, sas); } } Object.defineProperty(exports, 'BaseRequestPolicy', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.BaseRequestPolicy; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'HttpHeaders', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.HttpHeaders; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'RequestPolicyOptions', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.RequestPolicyOptions; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'RestError', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.RestError; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'WebResource', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.WebResource; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'deserializationPolicy', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return coreHttp.deserializationPolicy; } }); exports.AccountSASPermissions = AccountSASPermissions; exports.AccountSASResourceTypes = AccountSASResourceTypes; exports.AccountSASServices = AccountSASServices; exports.AnonymousCredential = AnonymousCredential; exports.AnonymousCredentialPolicy = AnonymousCredentialPolicy; exports.AppendBlobClient = AppendBlobClient; exports.BlobBatch = BlobBatch; exports.BlobBatchClient = BlobBatchClient; exports.BlobClient = BlobClient; exports.BlobLeaseClient = BlobLeaseClient; exports.BlobSASPermissions = BlobSASPermissions; exports.BlobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient; exports.BlockBlobClient = BlockBlobClient; exports.ContainerClient = ContainerClient; exports.ContainerSASPermissions = ContainerSASPermissions; exports.Credential = Credential; exports.CredentialPolicy = CredentialPolicy; exports.PageBlobClient = PageBlobClient; exports.Pipeline = Pipeline; exports.SASQueryParameters = SASQueryParameters; exports.StorageBrowserPolicy = StorageBrowserPolicy; exports.StorageBrowserPolicyFactory = StorageBrowserPolicyFactory; exports.StorageOAuthScopes = StorageOAuthScopes; exports.StorageRetryPolicy = StorageRetryPolicy; exports.StorageRetryPolicyFactory = StorageRetryPolicyFactory; exports.StorageSharedKeyCredential = StorageSharedKeyCredential; exports.StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy = StorageSharedKeyCredentialPolicy; exports.generateAccountSASQueryParameters = generateAccountSASQueryParameters; exports.generateBlobSASQueryParameters = generateBlobSASQueryParameters; exports.isPipelineLike = isPipelineLike; exports.logger = logger; exports.newPipeline = newPipeline; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map