name: Setup Bun description: Download, install, and setup Bun to your path. author: robobun branding: icon: play-circle color: white inputs: bun-version: description: 'The version of Bun to install. (e.g. "latest", "canary", "0.5.6", )' default: latest required: false registry-url: required: false description: "Optional registry to set up for auth. Will set the registry in a project level build.toml file, and set up auth to read in from env.BUN_AUTH_TOKEN." scope: required: false description: "Optional scope for authenticating against scoped registries." outputs: bun-version: description: The version of Bun that was installed. cache-hit: description: If the version of Bun was cached. runs: using: node20 main: dist/action.js