/* * Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ export * from './baggage/types'; export { baggageEntryMetadataFromString } from './baggage/utils'; export * from './common/Exception'; export * from './common/Time'; export * from './common/Attributes'; export * from './diag'; export * from './propagation/TextMapPropagator'; export * from './trace/attributes'; export * from './trace/link'; export * from './trace/ProxyTracer'; export * from './trace/ProxyTracerProvider'; export * from './trace/Sampler'; export * from './trace/SamplingResult'; export * from './trace/span_context'; export * from './trace/span_kind'; export * from './trace/span'; export * from './trace/SpanOptions'; export * from './trace/status'; export * from './trace/trace_flags'; export * from './trace/trace_state'; export { createTraceState } from './trace/internal/utils'; export * from './trace/tracer_provider'; export * from './trace/tracer'; export * from './trace/tracer_options'; export { isSpanContextValid, isValidTraceId, isValidSpanId, } from './trace/spancontext-utils'; export { INVALID_SPANID, INVALID_TRACEID, INVALID_SPAN_CONTEXT, } from './trace/invalid-span-constants'; export * from './context/context'; export * from './context/types'; import { ContextAPI } from './api/context'; /** Entrypoint for context API */ export var context = ContextAPI.getInstance(); import { TraceAPI } from './api/trace'; /** Entrypoint for trace API */ export var trace = TraceAPI.getInstance(); import { PropagationAPI } from './api/propagation'; /** Entrypoint for propagation API */ export var propagation = PropagationAPI.getInstance(); import { DiagAPI } from './api/diag'; /** * Entrypoint for Diag API. * Defines Diagnostic handler used for internal diagnostic logging operations. * The default provides a Noop DiagLogger implementation which may be changed via the * diag.setLogger(logger: DiagLogger) function. */ export var diag = DiagAPI.instance(); export default { trace: trace, context: context, propagation: propagation, diag: diag, }; //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map