import { homedir } from "node:os"; import { join } from "node:path"; import { readdir } from "node:fs/promises"; import * as action from "@actions/core"; import { downloadTool, extractZip } from "@actions/tool-cache"; import * as cache from "@actions/cache"; import { restoreCache, saveCache } from "@actions/cache"; import { mv } from "@actions/io"; import { getExecOutput } from "@actions/exec"; export default async (options) => { const { url, cacheKey } = getDownloadUrl(options); const cacheEnabled = cacheKey && cache.isFeatureAvailable(); const dir = join(homedir(), ".bun", "bin"); action.addPath(dir); const path = join(dir, "bun"); let version; let cacheHit = false; if (cacheEnabled) { const cacheRestored = await restoreCache([path], cacheKey); if (cacheRestored) { version = await verifyBun(path); if (version) { cacheHit = true;"Using a cached version of Bun."); } else { action.warning("Found a cached version of Bun, but it appears to be corrupted? Attempting to download a new version."); } } } if (!cacheHit) {`Downloading a new version of Bun: ${url}`); const zipPath = await downloadTool(url); const extractedPath = await extractZip(zipPath); const exePath = await extractBun(extractedPath); await mv(exePath, path); version = await verifyBun(path); } if (!version) { throw new Error("Downloaded a new version of Bun, but failed to check its version? Try again in debug mode."); } if (cacheEnabled) { try { await saveCache([path], cacheKey); } catch (error) { action.warning("Failed to save Bun to cache."); } } return { version, cacheHit, }; }; function getDownloadUrl(options) { if (options?.customUrl) { return { url: options.customUrl, cacheKey: null, }; } const release = options?.version ?? "latest"; const os = options?.os ?? process.platform; const arch = options?.arch ?? process.arch; const avx2 = options?.avx2 ?? true; const profile = options?.profile ?? false; const { href } = new URL(`${release}/${os}/${arch}?avx2=${avx2}&profile=${profile}`, ""); return { url: href, cacheKey: /^canary|latest$/i.test(release) ? null : `bun-${release}-${os}-${arch}-${avx2}-${profile}`, }; } async function extractBun(path) { for (const entry of await readdir(path, { withFileTypes: true })) { const entryPath = join(path,; action.debug(`Looking: ${entryPath}`); if ( === "bun" && entry.isFile()) { action.debug(`Found: ${entryPath}`); return entryPath; } if ("bun") && entry.isDirectory()) { action.debug(`Continue looking: ${entryPath}`); return extractBun(entryPath); } } throw new Error("Could not find executable: bun"); } async function verifyBun(path) { const { exitCode, stdout } = await getExecOutput(path, ["--version"], { ignoreReturnCode: true, }); return exitCode === 0 ? stdout.trim() : undefined; }