import { afterEach, describe, expect, it } from "bun:test"; import { unlinkSync } from "node:fs"; import { writeBunfig } from "../src/bunfig"; import { EOL } from "os"; describe("writeBunfig", () => { const filePath = "bunfig.toml"; async function getFileAndContents() { const file = Bun.file(filePath); const contents = (await file.text()).split(EOL); return { file, contents }; } afterEach(() => { unlinkSync(filePath); console.log(`${filePath} was deleted`); }); describe("when no bunfig.toml file exists", () => { it("should create a new file with scopes content", async () => { writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "foo-bar", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install.scopes]", '\'@foo-bar\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); it("should create a new file with global registry", async () => { writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install]", 'registry = ""', "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); }); describe("when local bunfig.toml file exists", () => { it("and no [install.scopes] exists, should concatenate file correctly", async () => { const bunfig = `[install]${EOL}optional = true${EOL}${EOL}[install.cache]${EOL}disable = true`; await Bun.write(filePath, bunfig); writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "foo-bar", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install]", "optional = true", "", "[install.cache]", "disable = true", "[install.scopes]", '\'@foo-bar\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); it("and [install.scopes] exists and it's not the same registry, should concatenate file correctly", async () => { const bunfig = `[install]${EOL}optional = true${EOL}${EOL}[install.scopes]${EOL}'@bla-ble' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }${EOL}${EOL}[install.cache]${EOL}disable = true`; await Bun.write(filePath, bunfig); writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "foo-bar", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install]", "optional = true", "", "[install.scopes]", '\'@foo-bar\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', '\'@bla-ble\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', "", "[install.cache]", "disable = true", "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); it("and [install.scopes] exists and it's the same registry, should concatenate file correctly", async () => { const bunfig = `[install]${EOL}optional = true${EOL}${EOL}[install.scopes]${EOL}'@foo-bar' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }${EOL}'@bla-ble' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }${EOL}${EOL}[install.cache]${EOL}disable = true`; await Bun.write(filePath, bunfig); writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "foo-bar", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install]", "optional = true", "", "[install.scopes]", '\'@foo-bar\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', '\'@bla-ble\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', "", "[install.cache]", "disable = true", "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); it("and [install.scopes] and [install] exists, should concantenate file correctly", async () => { const bunfig = `[install]${EOL}optional = true${EOL}${EOL}[install.scopes]${EOL}'@foo-bar' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }${EOL}'@bla-ble' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }${EOL}${EOL}[install.cache]${EOL}disable = true`; await Bun.write(filePath, bunfig); writeBunfig(filePath, [ { url: "", scope: "foo-bar", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, { url: "", scope: "", token: "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", }, // global registry ]); const { file, contents } = await getFileAndContents(); expect(file.exists()).resolves.toBeTrue(); const expectedContents = [ "[install]", 'registry = ""', "optional = true", "", "[install.scopes]", '\'@foo-bar\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', '\'@bla-ble\' = { token = "$BUN_AUTH_TOKEN", url = "" }', "", "[install.cache]", "disable = true", "", ]; contents.forEach((content, index) => expect(content).toBe(expectedContents[index]) ); expect(contents.length).toBe(expectedContents.length); }); }); });