name: "Setup Bun" description: "Setup Bun by installing, downloading, and adding it to the path" author: "xHyroM" branding: icon: "play-circle" color: "white" inputs: bun-version: description: "The Bun version to install." default: "latest" required: false github-token: description: "The github token secret can be passed in using {{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" default: ${{ github.token }} required: false misc-test-builds: description: "Deprecated, use repository input instead. Install builds from (not recommended!)" required: false repository: description: "Repository from which the bun is downloaded. Defaults to" default: "" required: false custom-download-url: description: "Full url to download bun, for example if you want to download an artifact." required: false outputs: bun-version: description: "The Bun version that was installed." runs: using: "node12" main: "dist/index.js"