2021-10-25 20:18:17 +08:00

36 lines
938 B

# electron-vue-vite
`Electron` + `Vue3` + `Vite2` integration
## How and Why
- `Vite` is the scaffold of the future
## Feature
- `Main process` hot restart
- `Preload script` hot reload
- `Renderer process` hot module replacement -- power by Vite
## Command
- npm run dev
- npm run build
## Communication
- All NodeJs、Electron API invoke passed `Preload script`
## Branchs
- [ant-design-vue](https://github.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vue-vite/tree/ant-design-vue)
* [x] Use tsx
* [x] Integration ant-design-vue
- [element-plus](https://github.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vue-vite/tree/element-plus) `登录窗口、element-ui 这个可能很适合你` 🚀
* [x] With multiple BrowserWindow
* [x] Integration element-plus
## 微信讨论
<img width="244px" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caoxiemeihao/electron-vue-vite/main/blog/wx/qrcode.jpg" />
## License
[MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)